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New words. To observe, to supervise - наблюдать

To observe, to supervise - наблюдать

Observation of the patient, supervision over the patient – наблюдение за больным

To support treatment – подкреплять лечение

To administer a drug – вводить лекарство

To rub down skin (with a disinfecting solution) – протирать кожу (дезраствором)

To feed a patient (from a spoon) – кормить пациента (с ложечки)

Heater, hot water bag (bottle) – грелка

Mustard plasters – горчичники

Enema – клизма

Cups – банки, to apply cups – ставить банки

To give a stomach wash out – промывать желудок

To insert a thermometer under the arm-pit – ставить термометр под мышку

To look through the temperature chart – просматривать температурный лист

To take / to register temperature - измерять температуру

To bring the fever down – сбить температуру

Ward facilities – оснащение палаты

To air a ward – проветривать палату

To clean a ward – убирать палату

Bed-slipper – судно

To change bedclothes – сменить постельное белье

Due care – надлежащий уход

To attend a patient; to give care to a patient – ухаживать за больным

Sponge – губка

Blanket – одеяло

Pillow – подушка

Sheet - простыня

Ex.1 Выберите слова, в которых буква u произносится как [ju:], [ ], [ ]:

Rub, produce, drug, due, cups, mustard, return, duty, turn, tube, surgery, use, further

Ex.2 Добавьте недостающие слова в выражениях:

To give a stomach wash …, to insert a thermometer … the arm-pit, to give care … a patient, to feed a patient … a spoon, to look … the temperature chart, to bring the fever.., supervision … the patient, observation … the patient

Ex.3 Recollect the synonyms:

Good care, to attend the patient, equipment of the ward, to register temperature, to open the window and let fresh air in, to give food to the patient, it is used to register temperature, it may be used for washing or rubbing down the skin of a person, it is placed under the head

Ex.4 Complete the sentences:

Bedclothes include …. Due care includes …. To keep a ward in order means …. Items (предметы) of care include ….

Ex.5 Прочитайте следующие предложения и переведите:

It’s stuffy in the ward. Have the ward aired not less than three times every 24 hours. Wards need cleaning twice a day. Airing of wards may be done along with (наряду, вместе, параллельно) ward cleaning. Wash the floor adding disinfectant.

Put a hot water bag on the patient’s feet on top of the blanket. Cover the patient with the blanket properly. Turn the patient in bed. Raise the head end of the bed.

Feed the patient from a spoon. Every morning you must wash the patient’s face and hands with water of room temperature and soap using a sponge.

Ex.6 Answer the questions:

- What do usually nurses do in the morning?

- How often do they air the wards?

- What solution is used for rubbing down the skin of the patients?

- How often is the temperature of the patient taken?

- Where is the temperature written down?

- Who looks through the temperature chart?

- Is supervision over the patient a duty of the nurse or the doctor?

Ex.7 Составьте рассказ о работе медсестры, опираясь на новые слова, используйте выражение it is up to her to…; she is to …; she has to…; it is her duty to…; requirements; responsibility

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 667 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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