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New words. Department of surgery, surgical unit - хирургическое отделение

Department of surgery, surgical unit - хирургическое отделение

Anaesthesiologist – анестезиолог

Expert in resuscitation – реаниматолог

Traumatologist – травматолог

Orderly – санитар

Post-operative – послеоперационный

To cleanse – обрабатывать, промывать

To heal – заживать

To take out stitches – снимать швы

Operating room - операционная

Dressing room – перевязочная

To get the patient fit for the operation – подготовить пациента к операции

Cleansing enema – очистительная клизма

To give premedication – делать премедикацию

To take the patient on a trolley – отвезти пациента на каталке

Shadowless lamp – бестеневая лампа

Drum – бикс

Basin for used instruments and dressing material - таз для использованного материала и инструментов

To hand – подавать

Outcome of the operation – исход операции

To depend on – зависеть от

To have a good bedside manner – уметь подойти к больному

There are many specialists working at the department of surgery – surgeons, anaesthesiologists, experts in resuscitation, traumatologists, nurses. Orderlies keep the unit clean. The nurse has many duties at the department – she assists the doctors and takes care of the patients. In the morning she registers the patients’ temperature, pulse, blood pressure and respiration. She takes care of the post-operative patients and observes their condition. Post-operative wounds are to be cleansed with special solution and to be kept dry. If there are post-operative reactions or swelling or the patient suffers from pain the nurse administers prescribed medicines. If the wound has healed she may take out stitches in the dressing room.

If there are planned operations the nurse gets the patient fit for the operation. It is very important that she should have a good bedside manner. She is to give him a cleansing enema and give prescribed premedication. Before the operation she takes the patient on a trolley to the operating room.

There is an operating table, a shadowless lamp, a drum, an anaesthetic apparatus, a table for instruments, a basin for used instruments and dressing material. There is also special electric equipment, for example, defibrillator, electric knife, and so on. The surgical nurse places all the necessary things on the instrument table and hands the surgeon any instrument he asks. She holds the instruments in a way easy for him to take. The nurse is a member of the surgical team and outcome of the operation depends on her work.

Ex.1 Замените синонимом:

A special lamp in the operating room; a doctor who resuscitates people, a person who keeps the wards and department clean; breathing; to remove stitches; a room where dressings are made; medicines administered before the operation; a special box for sterile material; to give; result of the operation.

Ex.2 Продолжите предложения, используя сослагательное наклонение:

It is very important that the nurse should …

It is necessary that the patient should be…

Ex.3 Answer:

Who works at the department of surgery?

What are the duties of the surgical nurse?

How does the nurse take care of the post-operative wounds?

Where are stitches removed?

Who gets the patient fit for the operation?

What procedures are performed before the operation?

How is the patient taken to the operating room and to the ward after the operation?

What equipment is there in the operating room?

Where are all the necessary instruments placed?

Where are used instruments and dressing material put?

What does outcome of the operation depend on?

Ex.4 Who needs these instruments? - A scalpel, an anaesthetic apparatus

What are these things for? – An electric knife, a table for instruments, a basin, a trolley, masks and gloves

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 819 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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