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New words

Instrument – инструмент

Set of instruments – набор инструментов

Forceps – зажим, пинцет

Clamp – зажим

Scissors – ножницы

Scalpel, knife – скальпель

To thread a needle – вдеть нитку в иглу

Suture needle – хирургическая игла

Catgut – кетгут

Towel – полотенце, салфетка

To withdraw – снимать, удалять

To stitch – прошить, подшить

To ligate – перевязать, связать

Drain – дренаж

Suture – шов, ушивать

To open – вскрывать

Swab - тампон

Ex.1 Read and translate:

The drain should be removed on the 4th day The sutures should be removed on the 5th day. Cover the wound with sterile towels. Insert a drain. Change gloves, get us aseptic instruments and towels. Open the gallbladder. Suture the intestinal wound. Stitch under the clamp. Ligate the vessels. Withdraw the clamp. Today I’ll need catgut and atraumatic needles. Leave the needle in the vein. Change the position of the needle. Withdraw the needle. Remove the tourniquet. Take sterile material with forceps. Where are the scissors? Put gauze swabs into the drum.

Words to the text:

Tube passengers = passengers of the Metro

To be a head taller than – быть на голову выше, чем

Senior – старший

To serve – подавать

To be on the point of starting – почти уже начаться

A bit – немного

Check up – проверить

Thirsty – испытывающий жажду

Translate the following international words from the text:

Turban, platform, metal piano stool, invisible, be focused, indifferently, jam-spreader, Christmas present, syringeful of strychnine, for some reason


1. The operating table was in the center of the room, directly under the wide lamp. It was completely invisible, as about twenty figures in white gowns were packed round it like tube passengers in the rush hours (часы пик). They were mostly students. The operating team was made up of Sir Lancelot himself, who was a head taller than anyone else in the room, his Theatre Sister with a sterile white turban, standing on a little platform beside him; his senior surgeon, Mr.Stubbins, and his anaesthetist sitting on a small metal piano stool beside the apparatus at the head of the table, reading the Daily Telegraph. At the far end of the Theatre two nurses in sterile clothes were taking hot sterilized instruments out of small metal bowls (кастрюльки) like waiters (официанты) serving spaghetti.

2. The operation was on the point of starting. The patient was still invisible, as the body was covered with sterile towels except (за исключением) for an area of lower abdomen, on the right side of which the operating light was focused.

Sir Lancelot was putting rubber gloves on his hands. Stubbins was waiting with gauze swabs, and the Theatre Sister was threading needles with catgut as indifferently as if she was going to darn her stockings (как будто собиралась чинить свои чулки).

3. “I’ve got a damn (чертовски) funny story to tell you, boys,” said Sir Lancelot making a three-inch incision (надрез) over the appendix. “Make you all laugh. Happened to me last week. An old lady came to my office in Harley street…Sister!” he exclaimed (воскликнул) in a tone of sudden annoyance (недовольство). “Do you expect me to operate with a jam-spreader?” He threw it on the floor. Without looking at him she handed him another.

4. “That’s better. Where was I? Oh, yes, the old lady. She said she was sure she had gallstones. Now, look here, Stubbins, can’t you use this gauze swab sensibly (разумно), not wave it around like a Salvation Army banner (не размахивая им как знаменем Армии спасения). How the devil do you think I can operate if everything is wallowing (залито)in blood? And I want a clamp, Sister. Hurry up, I can’t wait all night.”

Sir Lancelot had cut through the abdominal wall while he was talking, like a child impatient to see (которому не терпится заглянуть) inside a Christmas present.

5. “Come on, Stubbins, wake up! You are as useless as an udder on a bull (от вас толка как от козла молока).

He produced an appendix from the wound and laid it and the attached (присоединяющийся) intestine on a little square of gauze.

“Then the old lady said to me…Sister! What are you threading your needles with? This isn’t catgut, it’s a rope (веревка)! Swab, Stubbins, swab.”

He dropped the appendix into a small vessel held to him by Stubbins.

6. “Looks a bit blue, George,” he said in the direction of the anaesthetist. The anaesthetist was at that time in the corner of the theatre talking to one of the nurses who had been serving instruments. He jumped back to his apparatus and began to turn the knobs (ручки) on it. Sister, who was already in wild temper (в бешенстве), injected the nurse with a glance (взгляд) like a syringeful of strychnine.

7. “Forceps, Sister!” shouted Sir Lancelot. She handed him a pair which for some reason displeased (не устроили) him, so he threw them over the heads of the crowd at the opposite wall. This caused no surprise to anyone, and seemed to be one of his usual habits. She calmly handed him another pair.

“Check up swabs, Sister, before I close the wound. Good. Terribly important that, gentlemen. Leave a swab inside a patient and you are finished for life. May cut their throats when they are under the anaesthetic, all right, but leave anything inside – you are in the “News of the World” in no time (тотчас же). Put in the skin stitches, Stubbins. What’s the next case? Tea? Excellent. Operating always makes me thirsty.”

From Doctor in the House by R.Gordon.

Answer: Is it a serious story? Can operating be as funny as this?

What names of surgical instruments and equipment are there in the story?

Could you tell the story in short (without trying to make it funny)?

Theme 19. Dressings

Lesson 1.

New words

Bandage, dressing – повязка

Roller dressing – бинтовая повязка

Adhesive plaster bandage – лейкопластырная повязка

Colloid bandage – коллодийная повязка

To do a dressing, to apply a dressing, to put on a bandage, to dress a wound –наложить повязку

Loose – свободный, болтающийся

Tight, firm – тугой

Scarf bandage – косыночная повязка

By means of – с помощью

Knitted net dressing – трикотажная сетчатая повязка

Pressure bandage – давящая повязка

Cotton wool – вата

Layer – слой

Four-tailed bandage – пращевидная повязка

Head bandage – повязка-чепец

Spica - колосовидная повязка

Turtle bandage – черепашья повязка

To soak – пропитываться

To adhere – прилипнуть

To moisten – смачивать

Saline – солевой, физиологический раствор

Bandages are designed for fixing dressing material, for applying pressure on some part of the body or for immobilizing an extremity or another part of the body. There are adhesive plaster bandages, colloid and roller bandages. Roller dressings are the most common ones. There are certain rules of applying dressings. A bandage must cover the wound well, it must not hurt the patient, be too loose or too tight. Sometimes scarf bandages are used when dressing material is held by means of the scarf. Knitted net dressings are more elastic than roller dressings and may be applied for any part of the body.

Pressure bandage is done in case of bleeding from a vein. Several layers of gauze and cotton wool are put on the wound and are bandaged firmly.

Four-tailed or head bandage is put on when there is a wound of the head. If there is an injury of the chest Desault’s or spiral bandage is done. There are spica and figure-of-eight bandages for the upper extremity, and turtle bandage for the lower extremity.

Dressings are changed if they are soaked with blood or pus. When the dressing is firmly adhered to the wound it should be moistened with hydrogen peroxide (перекись водорода).

Ex.1 Translate the words with the same stem:

To dress, to be dressed, a dressing, a dresser; an injury, to injure; to moisten, a moist dressing, moisture; firm, firmly; to bandage, to be bandaged, a bandage; to apply, applying; to immobilize, immobilizing; to adhere, adhesive; to change, a change; to press, pressure, pressing.

Ex.2 Finish the sentences:

Dressing should be changed when they are soaked with …. Hydrogen peroxide is used for moistening the dressing when it is …. In case of the bleeding from the vein … bandaged is done. The dressing should not be very …. There are roller, … and … bandages.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 1286 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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