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Answer the following questions. 1. Do you have your meals at regular hours?

1. Do you have your meals at regular hours?

2. How many meals do you have daily?

3. When do you have your breakfast?

4. What does it usually consist of?

5. Do you have tea or coffee in the morning?

6. Do you prefer it strong or weak?

7. Where do you have your dinner?

8. Do you often eat out?

9. Is it convenient to have dinner at a students’ canteen?

10.Are you satisfied with the service there?

11.What do they serve for the first course?

12.Are you fond of soups?

13.What appetizers do you usually take?

14. Is there a good choice of salads at our canteen?

15.What dishes do you order for the main course?

16.Are you fond of sweet dishes?

17.What do you usually have for dessert?

18.What are your favourite drinks?

19.What kind of supper do you prefer: a light or a substantial one?

20.What is your favourite dish?

21.Are you fond of cooking?

22.Who does cooking in your family?

23.What do you usually treat your guests to?

24.Is it better to have a holiday supper at home or at a restaurant?

25.Are you fond of fast food?

4. Insert the words dish, meal or course:

1. The second... was veal with mashed potatoes.

2. She put apples and oranges on the china...

3. The usual... in England are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.

4. - What is your favourite...? - Mine is roast chicken.

5. Beefsteak, chop, roast beef, rumpsteak are meat....

6. Many people like to have a hearty... in the morning.

7. What is the... time for lunch in England?

8. Who usually washes the... after dinner?

9. In the evening a light... is recommended.

10.A dish is a particular kind of....

11.What would you like for the first...?

12.There were no vegetables... on the menu.

13.The dinner consisted of three....

14.Are you in the habit of having rest after...?

15.You ought to take the pills after... three times a day.

5. Ask your group mate:

if he/she takes his/her meals at regular hours;

what time he/she has his/her meals;

what his/her usual breakfast (dinner/supper) consists of;

what his/her favourite dish is;

if she/he often eats out;

what she/he usually takes for the first course (the second course, dessert)

what appetizer (soup, meat dish) she/he prefers;

if she/he is fond of sweet dishes;

if she/he enjoys cooking;

what she/he usually treats her/his guests to when she/he has a party;

if she/he is fond of fast food;

who washes up the dishes in his/her family after meals.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 758 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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