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Read the dialogues and practice your communicating skills


A: What do you take in the morning, tea or coffee?

B: I always take tea. And you, do you also drink tea?

A: No, in the morning I prefer a cup of coffee.

B: How many lumps of sugar do you take in your coffee?

A: I usually take two lumps of sugar and have my coffee with milk or cream. Do you take milk with your tea?

В: In the morning I do, but in the afternoon I prefer a glass of strong tea with a slice of lemon.

A: What do you eat with your tea?

B: Well, I have some bread and butter or some buttered toast.

A: Do you eat anything substantial in the morning?

B: Oh, yes, I do. You see, I don't like to take a substantial lunch at my office and therefore I usually have either some ham and eggs or some cereal in the morning. Some­times for a change I can have one or two boiled eggs, or a slice of cold meat. I am not very particular about what I eat as long as it is eatable.


A: At what time do you usually have your supper?

B: Well, I usually have my supper at nine o'clock,

A: What do you have for supper?

B: I eat either a slice of meat with some vegetables, or some meat salad, or a sausage sandwich, or some pudding and then I have a glass of tea with a piece of pie.

A: Do you like your tea strong or weak?

B: I don't take strong tea in the evening. And you, what do you have for supper?

A: As to me, I eat almost nothing in the evening as I dine rather late.

B: What does your supper consist of then?

A: Oh, nothing substantial. It consists only of two cups of tea with milk and some toast or bread and butter. Sometimes I take either a cheese or a ham sandwich with my tea.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 490 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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