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Idea contest declared for Sochi-2014

To mark the anniversary of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games’ closing ceremony, organizers of the Sochi Olympics decided to declare a contest for the best 2014 closing ceremony idea. The winner to be unveiled in mid December will get two tickets for the official opening of Sochi games.

The solemn XXII Olympic Games closing ceremony is still remembered even by those who failed to attend the event at the Luzhniki stadium that day. Millions of people watched a live broadcast of the ceremony that became a symbol of its time. The most frequently recollected moment was the appearance of a giant balloon featuring Misha the Bear, the 1980 Olympic mascot, in the middle of the stadium. Misha waved his paw to the audience and flew away.

That was a farewell to the Moscow Olympics, recollects Maria Chernova who has never seen anything like that again in her life:

"That was so touching, given that the games were held without a hitch and became one of the greatest events for every Muscovite. Most of us cried looking at the bear balloon that was getting higher and higher before it disappeared. I always recollect this moment during all other Olympic Games held in other cities and think that the ascending Misha the Bear balloon was the best ever idea."

The 1980 games closed on August 3rd. Organizers of the upcoming Sochi Olympics invented a contest of scenario ideas for the closing ceremony. The best one may provide the basis for the festival’s final scenario to be worked out by a team of Russian and foreign producers.

The decision to hold a contest of this kind emerged after the Organizing Committee encountered a flow of creative proposals. Some of the ideas for closing the winter games in Sochi have excited sincere admiration among professionals. Moscow, for instance, suggested making a live bird flag to fly over the stadium.

Дата публикования: 2014-11-02; Прочитано: 388 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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