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red красный
yellow желтый
green зеленый
blue синий
brown коричневый
grey серый
black черный
white белый
pink розовый
Description of a person - Описание внешности
What color is …? Какого цвета …?
How tall is he\she? Какого он (она) роста?
How did this person look? Как выглядел этот человек?
Describe his\her: height, build, hair, distinctive marks (tattoo, scars, clothing). Опишите его\ее: рост, телосло-жение, волосы, особые приметы (татуировки, шрамы, одежду).
What was he (she) dressed in? Во что он/она был(а) одет(а)?  

Ex. 1. Подберите русские соответствия следующим английским словам и выражениям:

1. scar on the right cheek;

2. moustache and a beard;

3. freckles on the nose;

4. jacket;

5. pale complexion and blue eyes;

6. white teeth;

7. dark eyes;

8. straight brown hair;

9. comfortable shoes;

10. distinctive marks;

11. person’s body;

12. a set of lenses;

13. upper lip;

14. skin of the face.

Ex. 2. Подберите английские соответствия следующим рус-ским выражениям:

1. шрам на щеке;

2. коричневая куртка;

3. синие джинсы;

4. особые приметы;

5. цвет лица;

6. быть гладковыбритым;

7. темные волосы, усы и борода;

8. прямые волосы;

9. красная футболка;

10. желтый свитер.

Ex. 3. Прочитайте и переведите описания и их объяснения:



Pale – if a person is pale, that person has light skin.

Complexion – is the way the skin on someone’s face look.

Blond – is hair that is pale yellow color.

Build – is the size and shape of a person’s body.

Distinctive mark – is something on a person’s body that makes them easier to recognize.

Facial hair – is the hair that grows on a person’s face.

Freckle – is a small brown spot on a person’s skin.

Glasses – is a set of lenses that help people to see better.

Height – is how high something is or how tall a person is.

Moustache – is hair that grows above someone’s upper lip.


Scar – is a mark left on the skin after a wound has healed.

Tattoo – is a design made on a person’s skin.

Minor – is a person who is not legally old enough to be an adult.

Thin – someone who has very little body fat.

Thick – someone who has very much body fat.

Witness – is a person who saw what happened.

Victim – is a person against whom a crime was committed.

Suspect – is a person who the police think committed a crime


Dress – is a type of clothing a person wears.

Sneaker – is a comfortable shoe for sports and everyday activities.

Jeans – are pants made of denim fabric.

T-shirt – is a sport shirt made of cotton.

Ex. 4. Вставьте в скобках необходимые английские слова и выражения, близкие по смыслу приведенным описаниям:

1. Jackie has small, brown sports on skin on his face. (_r_ _ k _ _ _).

2. The girl is wearing a collarless, short sleeved shirt. (_-_h_ _t).

3. The man had marks left on his skin after wounds healed on his arms.

(_c_ _ s).

4. The man is wearing blue pants made of denim fabric. (j_ _n_).

Ex. 5. Прочитайте и переведите текст «Wanted» на русский язык, используя словарь:


George Collins is wanted for armed robbery. Collins robbed a bank in Washington and ran away with $500 000.


Age: 35

Height: about 170 cm

Weight: about 80 kg

Build: Large/overweight

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Blue

Complexion: Pale

Sex: Male

Distinctive Marks: Spider tattoo on right hand.

Remarks: Collins’ dress at the time of robbery was blue jeans, a red t-shirt and a blue baseball cap. At the time of robbery, Collins did not have facial hair. He may have grown a moustache since then to hide his identity.

Contact the Washington Police Department if you have any information regarding George Collins’ whereabouts.

Ex. 6. Заполните протокол, основываясь на содержании текста:

Дата публикования: 2015-10-09; Прочитано: 643 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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