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The International transport workers Federation

The International Transport Workers Federation -ITF was established in July 1896 as a reply to labour conflict in Rotterdam. Rotterdam dockers arranged a strike protesting against an attempt to decrease their wages. This strike had been supported by sailors who refused to unload ships instead of dockers. Having heard about this British sailor' trade unions went to Rotterdam and arranged support to striking dockers.

Unification of sailors and dockers trade unions from several countries has led to the establishment of the ITF which consolidates transport workers of the marine, river, railway, automobile and civil aviation. Headquarters of the ITF is situated in London. Its regional bureau are situated in Nairoby for Africa, in Lima for Latin America, in Kuala Lumpur for Asia.

The main body of the ITF is the congress. It defines the politics of the ITF. It is held once in four years. Now there are about 5 mln members from more than 100 countries. Aims of the ITF are given in the Constitution adopted at the 36th Congress in August 1990, in Florence. They are as follows:

• to promote growth of the respect to trade union rights and human rights all over the world;

• to render assistance to transport workers in a predicament;

• to assist trade union members and to protect their interests;

• to work for the sake of peace based on social justice and economic progress;

• to provide members of the Organisation with services in the field of research and information;

The ITF strives to ensure all crews with such conditions of labour and payment which would correspond to generally accepted international standards and minimum quota.

It is noteworthy that in the course of the campaign against "the flags of convenience" every day dockers all over the world support sailors in their just struggle. Joint agreement of the ITF contains points in accordance with which sailors have right to refuse to fulfil dockers' work. Although dockers have no analogous point they constantly support sailors' requirements. At the same time they get nothing for their own benefit. They do so in solidarity with the trade unions.


The International Transport Workers Federation - Профсоюз транспортных рабочих
to decrease wages - понизить заработную плату

to refuse - отказываться

to arrange - организовывать

unification - объединение

define - определять

to promote - способствовать

"the flag of convenience" - удобный флаг

predicament - затруднительное положение

to strive - стремиться

benefit - выгода


1. When was the ITF established?

2. What has led to the establishment of the ITF?

3. What is the main body of the ITF?

4. Where are the ITF aims given and what are they?

5. What campaign is conducted by the ITF?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 260 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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