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Watch keeping of the radio operator

Prior to sailing, a radio operator designated as having primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents should ensure that:

• all distress and safety radio equipment and the reserve source of energy are in an efficient working condition, and that this is recorded in the radio log;

• all documents required by international agreement, notice to ship radio stations and additional documents required by the Administration are available and are corrected in accordance with the latest supplements, and that any discrepancy is
reported to the master;

• the radio clock is correctly set against standard time signals;

• antennae are correctly positioned, undamaged and properly connected; and

• to the extent practicable, routine weather and navigational warning messages for the area in which the ship will be navigating are updated together with those for other areas requested by the master, and that such messages are passed to the master.

On sailing and opening the station, a radio operator on watch should:

• listen on the appropriate distress frequencies for any possible existing distress situation; and

• send a traffic report (name, position and destination, etc.) to the local coast station and any other appropriate coast station from which general communications may be expected.

While the station is open, a radio operator on watch should:

• check the radio clock against standard time signals at least once a day;

• send a traffic report when entering and on leaving the service area of a coast station from which general communication might be expected, and

• transmit reports to ship reporting systems in accordance with the instructions of the master.

While at sea, a radio operator designated as having primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents should ensure the proper functioning of:

• the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) distress and safety radio equipment by means of a test call at least once each week; and

• the distress and safety radio equipment by means of at least once each day but without radiating any signal.

The results of these tests should be recorded in the radio log.

A radio operator designated to handle general communications should ensure that an effective watch is maintained on those frequencies on which communications are likely to be exchanged, having regard to the position of the ship in relation to those coast stations and coast earth stations from which traffic may be expected. When exchanging traffic, radio operators should follow the relevant ITU-R recommendations.

When closing the station on arrival at a port, a radio operator on watch should advice the local coast station and other coast stations with which contact has been maintained of the ship's arrival and of the closing of the station.

When closing the radio station a radio designated as having primary responsibility for radio communications during distress incidents should:

• ensure that transmitting antennae earthed; and

• check that the reserve sources of energy are sufficiently charged.


discrepancy — расхождение

proper functioning — надлежащая работа

be updated — в соответствии

the latest supplements — последние добавления

connect — соединять

primary —ответственность

responsibility —первостепенная

sufficiently charged — достаточно заряжены


1. What must radio operator ensure?

2. Why is it important to set the radio clock?

3. What must radio operator transmit?

4. What frequencies is it necessary to listen?

5. When is the radio station closed?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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