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Conversational theme № 10

I. Read, translate and learn the text


Ships differ by many signs. According to assignment they are divided into: men of war, transport vessels, fishing fleet, special and sport ships. According to the type of the engine we may distinguish by capital letters which are written on board the ship before its name, for example, D-steamer with the piston machine, MS-motor vessel, TS-turbine, ES-electro. There are ships of limited and unlimited region of navigation. They are built from different materials: steel, wood, plastics, light alloys. Trans­port ships first of all are subdivided into cargo and passenger ships.

International maritime law identifies any merchant vessel as a passenger when she is capable to carry more than 12 passen­gers and should be equipped with correspondent life saving means.

In dependence from the type of the cargo we differ container ships, reefers, timber carriers, roll on roll off vessels, train ferries.

Tankers are intended for carrying liquid cargoes and bulkers for dry cargoes. Passenger ships perform regular voyages on pas­senger lines and cruiser liners travel on their usual routes. There is a group of fishing vessels which includes in itself: trawlers, scows, whale catchers, fish-factories etc.

Auxiliary fleet consists of tugs, ice breakers, floating cranes, dredgers, pilot tenders, waste disposal vessels, fire boats, working barges, salvage vessels, patrol vessels.

Research vessels constitute special group. We know satellite tracking ships, training vessels, seaplanes, search and rescue vessels, survey oceanographic vessels, weather ships.


light alloys - легкие сплавы

indentify -определять, устанавливать

life saving means - спасательные средства

subdivide -подразделять

auxiliary fleet - вспомогательный флот


1. How do we differ ships?

2. What letters are written on board the ship?

3. How does international maritime law identify any merchant vessel as a passenger?

4.What fishing vessels do you know?

5.How does the choice of the building materials influence on the ship's design?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 282 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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