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Quality system

Today quality is part of our life. Quality means control of performance and achievement to meet the standards defined by a system. IMO has adopted the ISM Code, which is compulsory and aims to secure safety and pollution prevention. This code has put much emphasis on the structure and the standards of the shipping company ashore, not only on the vessels. European countriesand the USA have set their own rules, which are far stricter than the International Standards.

For the sake of uniformityand in order to ensure that we all talk the same language IMO has; structured Quality System, which it is necessary to follow.

ISO standards and ISMA code define the strategy. These standards are internationally recognized. ISO means International Standard Organisation and describes how an Organisation can reach the ideal product. The companies, which want to succeed, follow their guidelines.

ISMA Code means International Ship Managers' Association Code. This Code has translated the ISO standards to the shipping industry having taken into consideration the requirements of other international bodies involved in the shipping industry. Furthermore ISMA Code has adopted and complies with the IMO resolution 680.

The quality System tells us how to do things correctly, how to care about the vessel, the crew, the cargo and the environment and includes in itself:

a) reporting of Accidents;

b) paper work,

c) check lists

d) training,

e) safely committees.

Quality System has to do with permanent change of attitude of all employees and expects them to:

- to be committed in the Company's policy and system,

- be responsible;

- show initiative;

- to understand the Company's policy and system;

- be cooperative;

- accept criticism,

- show positive behavior,

- learn to work smarter;

- be a good communicator,

- measure, compare and evaluate your performance;

- be tidy,

- be honest,

- try to do the right thing from the first lime,

- respect; and be respected


compulsory – обязательный

uniformity – единообразие, однородность

guidelines – руководство

to commit – связывать себя обязательством

to accept – принимать, допускать

to evaluate – оценивать

to be tidy – быть аккуратным


1. What does the Quality system provide?

2. What does the abbreviation ISO stand for?

3. What does the ISMA code define?

4. What does the quality system include?

5. Is the ISM code compulsory?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 332 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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