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Sea routes

Sea route is the route from one port to another through open parts of the ocean or sea, and also through natural and artificial narrownesses (straits, canals, rivers, lakes). Main factors, which influence on sea routes formation are аs follows: weather, climate, depth and width of canal's fairways, navigational dangers and regions which have restrictions and are prohibited for merchant ships. Sea routes are subdivided into regional, international and coastal. Regional sea routes are formed in the limits of one continent for provision of transport communications. Marine merchant navigation is arran­ged in two basic forms: tramp (irregular) and linear (regular). Tramp navigation is arranged for Cargo delivery on various sea routes from time to time when necessary. There is no strict schedule. Points of loading and unloading are established in accordance with the voyage assignments per each passage. Linear navigation foresees system Organisation of cargo and passenger lines on definite sea route directions between ports of loading and unloading on fixed schedule. In dependence of the Cargo and passenger volume there may be one or several vessels to work. Coastal sea routes lie between the ports of one and the same state and may be realized between the ports of the same sea or be separated by several oceans, for example, between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok.


artificial - искусственный

subdivide - подразделять

schedule - расписание

for provision of - для обеспечения

assignment - задание, назначение


1. What factors influence on sea route formation?

2. What types of routes do you know?

3. What is the difference between tramp and linear navigation, if there is any?

4. What Shipping Companies do you know?

5. What restrictions and prohibitions for merchant vessels do you know?

Дата публикования: 2015-09-18; Прочитано: 266 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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