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Exercise 10 Translate the sentences

1. She seems to know English and French. 2. The weather appears to be improving. 3. Lake Baikal is said to be the deepest in the world. 4. The doctor happened to be there at the time of the accident. 5. He proved to be a good teacher. 6. The English delegation is believed to come at the end of the month. 7. This school is considered to be the best in the town. 8. He is known to have a large collection of pictures. 9. The problem is unlikely to be solved in time. 10. This church appears to be made of wood.

Exercise 11 Paraphrase the following sentences using the Complex Subject with the Infinitive.

Model: It is very likely that the prices for these goods will go up again in England. – The prices for these goods are likely to go up again in England.

1. It is certain that they will be here on Monday. 2. It is unlikely that the meeting will be postponed. 3. It is sure that they will come here. 4. It is believed that John has arrived in London. 5. It is known that Jack is good at painting. 6. It is reported that the spaceship has landed successfully. 7. It happened that I saw them at the theatre. 8. It seemed that her dinner party went on too long to her, as it did to you. 9. It is supposed that the students have already submitted their term papers. 10. It was said that the performance had been a success.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 434 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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