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The Art of Feng Shui

Ho Da-ming’s new restaurant was failing. His customers rarely came back. Why? Mr Ho contacted a feng shui consultant to find out. Feng shui (meaning ‘wind and water’) is the ancient Chinese art of placing things in your surroundings. According to this art, the arrangement of furniture, doors and windows affects our health, wealth and happiness. Mr Ho was concerned about his business but he didn’t give up. Following the consultant’s advice, he remodelled and redecorated his restaurant. His actions paid off. Soon business picked up and Mr Ho became rich. ‘It was the best decision I ever made,’ he says happily. And he isn’t alone in his enthusiasm. Feng shui has caught on with modern architects and homeowners everywhere.

Exercise 25 Complete this student’s diary entry with the correct particles.

I’ve just finished reading an article about feng shui. At the end, the author suggests sitting (down, up) in your home and thinking about how your surroundings make you feel.

So, today when I got (up, back) from university, I tried it. I noticed that my flat is really quite dark and it makes me feel down. I think with the addition of some lights, I’d cheer (away, up) a lot. I’ve come (out, up) with other ideas, too.

My flat is small but I think it will look more spacious if I just tidy (out, up) more often. Putting up some more shelves for my books might work (down, out) well. With just a few small changes, I could end (out, up) feeling happier in my own home.

It’s certainly worth trying (on, out)!

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 633 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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