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Exercise 2 Read the following word combinations

U N I T 9

Grammar: Complex Object and Complex Subject

Modal Verbs: Certainty and Possibility in Present and Past

Phrasal Verbs

Text: Railway Transport Economics

Supplementary text A: Logistics on the Move

Supplementary text B: Advertising Then and Now

Supplementary text C: Revolution in Ticketing

Word building: compound words, -ed, self+Present (Past) Participle


th [ð] у сполученні th на початку службових слів та між голосними the, then, mother
[θ] у сполученні th на початку та наприкінці самостійних слів thin, thick, seventh

Exercise 1 Read the following words.

[θ] Theme, thick, three, thin, depth, tenth, fifth, sixth, width, teeth, theft, thong, thought, Thursday, third, thousand, theatre, health, tenth, path, lath, cloth, earth, south, birth, mirth, method, sympathy, anything.

[ð] These, they, then, with, within, them, breath, those, thus, thy, there, smooth, lathe, fathom, gather, rhythm, father, mother, brother, rather, either, neither, leather, feather, southern, together, further.

Exercise 2 Read the following word combinations.

1. Through thick and thin. 2. Matthew’s thirty-third birthday. 3. These thousand thoughts. 4. With these three thieves. 5. The thoughtful Ruth. 6. The fourth and the fifth themes. 7. The enthusiastic brothers. 8. Neither Father nor Mother.
9. The length of this parenthesis. 10. This sympathetic author. 11. The thick cloth. 12. Thinner than this scythe. 13. Thanks to Matthew, Ethel and Bertha.
14. Catherine and Edith are thick together.

Дата публикования: 2015-04-10; Прочитано: 493 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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