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Ex.29. Match the questions and answers

1. What language do they speak? 2. What language are they speaking? 3. What does he do? 4. What is he doing? 5. Does your daughter play the piano? 6. Is your daughter playing the piano? 7. Who drinks champagne? 8. Who is drinking champagne? 9. Where do you work? 10. Where are you working this week? a. Me, on special occasions. b. Me. Only a little, please. c. Yes, she does. d. They mostly speak English. Though his wife Margo is from France, she fluently speaks English. e. Actually, that’s her CD. f. He’s a student. g. I’m at the exhibition “Tourism” this week. h. I’m not sure. It sounds like Spanish. i. I guess he wants to get the car started. j. In a big travel agency.

Ex.30. Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Be careful in choosing the tense form: the words have different meaning when used in the Present Simple or Present Continuous.

1. - Shall we go shopping?

- Oh no, Nora, I can’t. I am seeing my boyfriend tonight. (to see)

2. Can I call you later? We ___________________ lunch right now. (to have)

3. -I see you ______________ the fish, Clare. (to smell)

-It _____________ a bit strange.I’m afraidit might have gone off. (to smell)

4. I _______________ we should postpone the decision until Friday. (to think )

5. - How much _______this chicken _______? (to weigh)

- I don’t know. The shop assistant ____________it now. (to weigh)

6. - I like this suit. It ____________ you like a glove. (to fit)

- Shall we take it?

7. Thank you for the flowers. The roses are lovely and they __________ so nice. (to smell )

8. We ________________ at the photos of you in the Vatican. (to look )

9. - The meat ____________ awful.(to taste)

- I think I overcooked it.

10. I ___________ what you mean. (to see ) It’s a good idea!

11. You _____________ fabulous in this dress. (to look)

12. We _____________ a new kitchen next week. (to fit )

13. I ________________ about Richard’s comment. (to think)Maybe he is right.

14. - Why ________ you ________ the baby’s drink? (to taste)

- I ______________ it to see if it is OK.

15. Why don’t we go for our summer holiday to my relatives in Palermo? They _________ a very good villa by the sea. (to have)

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