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Ex.22. Read the following description of one morning in the life of Gregory and the way he is getting to work. Choose the correct tense form to complete the sentences

1. It is 8 o’clock in the morning. Gregory drives/is driving to the furniture factory.

2. His trip usually takes/is taking 25 minutes. This morning it takes/is taking much longer, because workers repair/are repairing the highway.

3. So Gregory has to use Larson Road. He usually does not use/is not using Larson Road.

4. Normally, he takes/is taking M 25.

5. Traffic always moves/is moving faster on this road.

6. Today, the weather slows down/is slowing down the traffic.

7. It rains/is raining heavily, and the roads are slippery.

8. Gregory doesn’t like/is not liking to drive in the rain.

9. He is a careful driver, and he always drives/is driving slowly when the roads are wet.

10. The radio in his car is on, and Gregory listens/is listening to the traffic report.

11. He always listens/is listening to the radio on his way to work.

12. The announcer describes/is describing an accident on Larson Road.

13. Gregory doesn’t want/is not wanting to be late for work, but there is nothing he can do about the traffic conditions.

14. Cars actually don’t move/are not moving, and he gets/is getting more and more nervous.

15. He understands/is understanding that it isn’t the best idea to drive to work while the main road is under repair.

Ex.23. Match two parts of the sentences in the box to make up logical sentences describing people’s criticism, annoyance or surprise.

1. You are always interrupting me 2. Boys at school are always bullying Sherry because of 3. My wife is always nagging me 4. Alan’s mom is always criticizing 5. It’s so strange. I’m always meeting 6. Mary says she wants to lose weight, but she is always eating 7. I don’t want to invite Helen. She is always flirting 8. Why are you always finding 9. You’re always asking me   a) fault with whatever I do? b) to buy her a red Ferrari. c) her red curly hair. She refuses to go to school. d) Alice Marshal in the supermarket. e) when I’m talking. f) with my brother. His wife doesn’t like it. g) silly questions. h) something between having meals. i) me and the way we live.  

Ex.24. In these dialogues, finish the replies using the construction ‘be always + –ing’.

Model: - I’m afraid I’ve lost my glasses again.

- Oh no, not again! You re always losing your glasses, Granny.

1. - Phil, have you paid the phone bill?

- Sorry, Sue, I’ve completely forgotten.

- You ________________________________________________.

2. - Look, Nick! You’ve made the same mistake again.

- My god! I ____________________________________________.

3. - Lucy, we can’t go to Bristol today. Our car has broken down again.

- This car is absolutely useless! It ___________________________.

4. - Why are you laughing at our new manager?

- Because he ______________________________ (forget my name).

5. - I’ve no patience with Betty.

- Why?

- Because she __________________________ (talk only about herself).

6. - And I have no patience with Nick.

- You? Why?

- Because he ______________ (boast of his great sporting achievements).

7. - Pete, the teacher is angry with you.

- Is she really? Why?

- Because you _____________________ (cheat in tests).

8. - Lucy, stop nagging!

- It’s so annoying! You ______________(grumble at me).

9.- I’m going to sell my laptop.

- Are you really? Why?

- Because something _______________ (go wrong with it).

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