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Ex.12. Match the questions with the answers

1. Do you work or study, or both? 2. Where do you study? 3. You are interested in economics, aren’t you? 4. What is your job? 5. Do you work every day? 6. Is it far from your home? 7. Do you live with your parents? 8. What do you do in the evening? 9. How often do you go to the cinema? 10. What films do you prefer: comedies, romantic films, thrillers or horror films? a. I am a student, and I also work part time. b. Actually, it doesn’t matter. I just like good films, though I hardly ever watch horror films. c. I usually go out. d. No, only three days a week. e. No, I live in a hostel. My parents live in another city. f. KNEU. I want to be a specialist in marketing. g. I’m an advertising agent. h. About twice a month. i. Yes, I am. j. No, I usually walk to work.

Ex.13. Alice is at a job interview at the moment.

A) Make up questions the interviewer may ask her. Here are some prompts to help you.

Model:why/ want this job → Why do you want this job?

1. have any experience in this kind of work

2. what/ foreign languages/ speak

3. know/ how to send a fax

4. have any computer skills

5. what/ your strengths and weaknesses

6. make decisions quickly and independently

7. feel comfortable meeting new people

8. can/ work under pressure

9. why/ you think/ you are the right person for this job

10. have any questions you’d like to ask us

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 1050 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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