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Ex.8. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple

1. Angela _________ (work) in a bank

2. It _________ (take) her about an hour to get there.

3. My sister _________ (like) her job but she _________ (not like) to get up early in the morning.

4. Sometimes she _________ (oversleep) and _________ (miss) her bus.

5. So she _________ (try) to catch a taxi in order not to be late for work.

6. My mom _________ (say) it _________ (be) very unreasonable and even stupid of her to go to work by taxi.

7. Today ________ (be) my day off. I never _________ (stay) at home on Sundays.

8. But it _________ (look) like rain. You know, it often _________ (rain) here in September.

9. I _________ (not feel) like going out in such weather. Instead, I think I’ll watch a Eurovision Song Contest on TV. It _________ (start) in two hours.

10. Whatever the weather, Angela and her friends usually _________ (travel) somewhere.

Ex.9. Add suitable question tags to the following sentences. Read them with the correct intonation at the end of the tag to show that you are asking if something is true (1-7) and that you are only inviting the listener to agree with you (8-13).

Model: She doesn’t often agree with us, does she?

You are not really asking a question, you are only inviting the listener to agree with you. So your voice goes down at the end of the tag.

I am late, aren’t I?

You are asking if you’re late. So the voice goes up.

1. It’s a lovely day today, _________? – Yes, it’s absolutely wonderful.

2. I hear you speak fluent French, ________.

3. There is something wrong, __________.

4. She is our new secretary, ________.

5. You know my telephone number, _________.

6. You remember my address, __________.

7. He finishes work at 6.00, _________.

8. She is busy, _________.

9. It’s cold, _______.

10. The meeting is at three o’clock, _________.

11. These figures don’t astonish our boss, _________.

12. Jack enjoys fast driving, _________.

13. They don’t work at weekend, _________.

14. She doesn’t care about him, ________.

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