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Урок 18


Smith: Police?
Policeman: Yes?
Smith: I'm Michael Smith, 125 St Chapel Drive. I think I have to report a theft.
Policeman: Yes, what's the matter?
Smith: You know, a man got out of the house where my neighbours live. A stranger. I've never seen him before. He was carrying a suitcase.
Policeman: Were your neighbours out?
Smith: Yes, they told me the day before yesterday they were going abroad. That man must be a thief.
Policeman: What did he look like?
Smith: Very tall and lean. About six feet and six inches. Hair black and long. And he had a beard. Had a black coat on, and brown shoes.
Policeman: What colour were his eyes?  

Smith: I don't know for sure. Blue, I suppose, or grey.
Policeman: Was he alone?
Smith: No, there was some other man in the car outside the house. A driver, I suppose. And it was a getaway car, I'm sure.
Policeman: Can you describe the driver's appearance?
Smith: The only thing I am sure of is that the driver was fat and bald.
Policeman: You remember the licence number?
Smith: Do you mean the car number? No, I didn't pay any attention.
Policeman: O.K. If you see those men again, let us know.
Smith: Of course, I will call you when I see them.
Policeman: Great! And thanks for your cooperation

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 602 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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