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Урок 17



Man: Police! Police!
Policeman: What’s up?
Man: I want to report a robbery. A man with a gun stopped me and took my wallet.
Policeman: Why didn’t you shout for help?
Man: He said he would shoot me if I did.
Policeman: Have you got an identification card?
Man: Sorry, I don’t follow you.
Policeman: I mean, have you got any papers to identify yourself? A passport, an ID?
Man: I told you that I have been robbed. The thief took both the money and the papers.
Policeman: How mucn money did you have on you?
Man: About one hundred in cash. I also had a credit card.
Policeman: VISA? American Express?
Man: VISA. Number CHQ-00764908.


Man: Police? I want to report a theft.  
Policeman: What happened?
Man: Someone broke into my apartment while I was out.
Policeman: Was your door locked?
Man: Yes, but the lock was broken.
Policeman: What did he steal?
Man: The thief took everything I had of any value. A video, a tape-recorder, a camera, some jewellry.
Policeman: Have you got any neighbours? What do they say?
Man: There is a woman who lives next to my apartment. She said she had heard some noise, but she didn’t pay any attention.
Policeman: O.K. Stay where you are. An inspector is coming to your place.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 949 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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