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Урок 13



— I'm awfully hungry. Where shall we have lunch?

— Let's go to this restaurant.

— Oh, no! I'm afraid there'll be a long line at lunch time
there. We'll never find seats.

— There is a nice cafe round the corner. Let's go there.


— Waiter! Waiter!

— Here I am! Order, gentlemen. What will you start

— Wait a minute! Can we have the menu?

— Here you are.

— There's not much on the menu here. What do you

— You can have mixed salad for an appetizer.

— That's good. And what kind of soup do you have?

— Chicken soup. Vegetable soup. Onion soup.

— Chicken soup, please. What meat dish will you

— We have beef steak, roast beef, fried chicken, roast
turkey and pork chops.

— I'd like to have the roast beef. And the roast turkey for
my friend.

— What's for dessert?

— We'll order dessert later. May we call you, say, in
half an hour?

— Sure, you may.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1136 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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