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Therapeutic modalities effectiveness

Therapeutic modalities, when used appropriately, can be extremely useful tools in the rehabilitation of the injured athlete. Like any other tool, their effectiveness is limited by the knowledge, skill, and experience of the person using them. For the sports therapist, decisions regarding how and when a modality may best be used should be based on a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Modalities should not be used at random nor should their use be based on what has always been done before. Instead, consideration must always be given to what should work best in a specific clinical situation.

In any program of rehabilitation, modalities should be used primarily as adjuncts to therapeutic exercise and certainly not at the exclusion of range-of-motion and strengthening exercises.

There are many different approaches and ideas regarding the use of modalities in injury rehabilitation. Therefore no "cookbook" exists for modality use. Instead, sports therapists should make their own decision from the options in a given clinical situation about which modality will be most effective.

Strength-duration curves Curves represent the thresholds for depolarization of the various types of nerve fibers. Ab, Sensory nerves; Ad, motor fibers, C, pain fibers

1.1. Listen to the text “Therapeutic Modalities Effectiveness”.

1.2. Read and translate the text.

1.3. Find in the text English equivalents for the following.

форма физиотерапевтического воздействия; должным/соответствующим

образом; чрезвычайно/исключительно; травмированный; как и всякий инструмент; эффективность; ограничивать; мастерство/умения; теоретические знания; практический опыт; решение; относительно/касательно; сочетание; наобум/наугад; вместо/ напротив; рассмотрение/внимание/обсуждение; конкретная клиническая ситуация; придаток/дополнение; главным образом; за исключением; подход; следовательно; книга готовых рецептов; существовать; собственный; выбор; эффективный

1.4. Answer questions to the text.

1. Can therapeutic modalities, when used appropriately, be of any use for the

rehabilitation of the injured athlete? 2. By what is the effectiveness limited here? 3. On what are the decisions of the sports therapist based while choosing an appropriate modality? 4. Modalities should not be used at random, should they? 5. Should their use be based on what has always been done before? 6. Must consideration always be given to what should work best in a specific clinical situation? 7. Should modalities be used as adjuncts to therapeutic exercise or at the exclusion of range-of-motion and strengthening exercises? 8. Why is there no “cookbook” for modality use? 9. How should sports therapists make their decision about which modality will be most effective?

1.5. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

  the area of injury; injured extremity; swelling; by-products; three parameters; treatment  

1. Intermittent compression units are used to control or reduce … after acute injury or pitting edema, which tends to develop in the injured area several hours after injury. 2. Intermittent compression uses a nylon pneumatic inflatable sleeve applied around the … …. 3. The sleeve can be inflated to a specific pressure that forces excessive fluid accumulated in the interstitial spaces into vascular and lymphatic channels, through which it is removed from … … … …. 4. Compression facilitates the movement of lymphatic fluid, which helps to eliminate the … of the injury process. 5. Intermittent compression devices have essentially … … that may be adjusted: on-off time, inflation pressures, and treatment time. 6. Recommended … protocols have been established through clinical trial and error with little experimental data currently available to support any protocol.

1.6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions if necessary.

1. Once the signs … acute inflammation are no longer present, the injury may be considered to be chronic. 2. Inflammation may be considered chronic when the normal cellular response … the inflammatory process is altered by replacing leukocytes with macrophages and plasma cells, along with degeneration … the injured structure. 3. Based … these definitions … acute and chronic injury, the rehabilitation progression after injury may be loosely classified … four phases: initial acute injury, acute inflammatory response, fibroblastic-repair and maturation-remodeling. 4. These phases overlap, and the estimated time frame … each phase shows extreme variability between patients.

    Shortwave diathermy unit Magnatherm is an example of a shortwave diathermy unit

1.7. Insert articles if necessary.


1. Traditionally in … sports-medicine setting, injuries have been classified as being either acute injuries that result from trauma or chronic injuries that result pri­marily from overuse. 2. This operational definition is not … necessarily correct. 3. If active inflammation is present, which includes … classic symptoms of tenderness, swelling, redness, and so on, … injury should be considered acute and must be treated accordingly using rest, compression, and elevation. 4. Even if … active inflammation persists for months after initial injury, it should still be considered acute. 5. Classification of … injury should be made according to … existing signs and symptoms that indicate … various stages of … healing process and not according to time frames or mechanisms of injury.

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1.8. Read and translate a text below. Have it for a dictation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 395 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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