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Cardiorespiratory endurance

Although strength and flexibility are commonly regarded as essential components in any injury rehabilitation program, relatively little consideration is given toward maintaining levels of cardiorespiratory endurance. An athlete spends a considerable amount of time preparing the cardiorespiratory system to be able to handle the increased demands made upon it during a competitive season. When injury occurs and the athlete is forced to miss training time, levels of cardiorespiratory endurance may decrease rapidly. Thus the sports therapist must design or substitute alternative activities that allow the individual to maintain existing levels of fitness during the rehabilitation period.

By definition, cardiorespiratory endurance is the ability to perform whole body activities for extended periods of time. The cardiorespiratory system provides a means by which oxygen is supplied to the various tissues of the body. Without oxygen the cells within the human body cannot possibly function, and ultimately death will occur. Thus the cardiorespiratory system is the basic life-support system of the body.

3.1. Listen to the text of the oral topic “Cardiorespiratory Endurance.”

3.2. Read and translate the text.

3.3. Answer the questions to the text.

1. How much consideration is given toward maintaining levels of cardiorespiratory endurance in an injury rehabilitation programs? 2. Why does an athlete spend much time preparing the cardiorespiratory system? 3. What occurs if an athlete is forced to miss training time? 4. What must a sports therapist do to allow the individual to maintain existing levels of fitness during the rehabilitation period? 5. What is cardiorespiratory endurance by definition? 6. What kind of means does cardiorespiratory endurance provide? 7. What can happen without oxygen? 8. What is the basic life-support system of the body?

3.4. Find English equivalents for the following.

базовая жизнеобеспечивающая система, в конечном счете / в конце

концов, особенно важный, признаваться / считаться, относительно небольшое внимание, поддерживать /сохранять, выносливость, тратить /расходовать, значительное количество времени, чтобы быть способным / чтобы иметь возможность, регулировать /справляться, соревновательный сезон, повышенные требования, происходить, быть вынужденным пропускать время тренировок, уровень, быстро снижаться, таким образом, заменять /замещать, существующий /данный уровень фитнеса, по определению, длительный, предоставлять средство, поставлять, ткани, клетки, смерть,

3.5. Open the brackets and use the verbs in a right tense form.

1. The heart (be) the main pumping mechanism that (circulate) oxygenated blood throughout the body to the working tissues. 2. The heart (receive) deoxygenated blood from the venous system and then (pump) the blood through the pulmonary vessels to the lungs, where carbon dioxide (be) exchanged for oxygen. 3. The oxygenated blood then (return) to the heart, from which it (exit) through the aorta to the arterial system and (be) circulated throughout the body, supplying oxygen to the tissues.

    Plateau heart rate. For the heart rate to plateau at a given level, 2 to 3 minutes are required.   2-3 minutes Time  
      Heart rate (% maximum) Maximum heart rate is achieved at about the same time as V02, max.  

3.6. Insert the articles if necessary.

1. As … body begins to exercise, … muscles use … oxygen at … much higher rate, and … heart must pump more oxygenated blood to meet this increased demand. 2. … heart can adapt to this increased demand through several mechanisms. 3. Heart rate shows … gradual adaptation to … increased workload by increasing proportionally to … intensity of … exercise and will plateau at a given level after about 2 to 3 minutes.

  Heart rate   Stroke volume plateaus. Stroke volume plateaus at about 40% of maximal heart rate.     40%  
3.7. Supply the gaps with prepositions if necessary.   1. Monitoring heart rate is an indirect method … estimating oxygen consumption." 2. … general, heart rate and oxygen consumption have a linear relationship, although … very low intensities and… high intensities this linear relationship breaks down. 3. … higher intensity activities maximal heart rate may be achieved before maximum oxygen consumption, which will continue to rise. 4. The greater the intensity … the exercise, the higher the heart rate. 5. Because … these existing relationships it should become apparent that the rate.. oxygen consumption can be estimated … taking the heart rate."  
  Maximum     Oxygen consumption. Cardiac output limits V02 max.  

3.8. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

  beats; blood per beat; increased demand; maximal heart rate  

1. A second mechanism by which the heart is able to adapt to … … during exercise is to increase the stroke volume, the volume of blood being pumped out with each beat. 2. The heart pumps out approximately 70 milliliters of … … …. 3. Stroke volume continues to increase only to the point at which there is simply not enough time between … for the heart to fill up. 4. This point occurs at about 40% of … … …, and above this level increases in the volume of blood being pumped out per unit of time must be caused entirely by increases in heart rate.

    VO2, max required during an activity   The greater the percentage of VO2, max required during an activity, the less the time that activity can be performed.     % VO2, max required during an activity  

3.9. Put questions to the words in italic.

1. Stroke volume and heart rate together determine the volume of blood being pumped through the heart in a given unit of time. 2. Approximately 5 litres of blood are pumped through the heart during each minute at rest, referred to as the cardiac output, which indicates how much blood the heart is capable of pumping in exactly 1 minute. 3. Thus cardiac output is the primary determinant of the maximal rate of oxygen consumption possible. 4. During exercise, cardiac output increases to approximately four times that experienced during rest in the normal individual and may increase as much as six times in the elite endurance athlete.

  Use of V02max. Athlete A should be able to work longer than athlete В as a result of a lower percentage use о V02max.    

3.10. Read, translate a text below and have it as a dictation.

A training effect that occurs with regard to cardiac output of the heart is that the stroke volume increases while exercise heart rate is reduced by a given standard exercise load. The heart becomes more efficient because it is capable of pumping more blood with each stroke. Because the heart is a muscle, it will hypertrophy, or increase in size and strength to some extent, but this is in no way a negative effect of training.

3.11. Translate the following into English.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 532 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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