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Fifth Disease

Another common childhood illness that causes a rash is erythema infectiosum, or “fifth” disease. The main symptom is a red rash on the face that looks like slapped cheeks, and a lacy pink rash on the backs of the arms and legs, torso and buttocks. There may be a low fever. The rash may come and go for several weeks in response to changes in temperature and sunlight. This illness is most contagious the week before the rash appears. Once the rash has developed, the child is no longer contagious.

Home treatment for fifth disease is simply to keep the child comfortable and watch for signs that a more serious ill illness is present (fever over 102º; child seems very sick).

Fifth disease is harmless in children, but it poses a slight risk to developing fetuses. Pregnant women should avoid exposure if possible. If you are pregnant and are exposed to a child with fifth disease, or if you develop a fifth disease – like rash, contact your obstetrician.

18. Read and translate the dialogue:

-Good morning. What troubles you?

-Good morning, doctor. My son does not feel well.

-How old is he?

-He is eleven.

-How long have been things in a bad way?

-He has been ill for a week or so, since we returned from a tourist trip. His head is aching nearly all day long and night.

-(addressing to a boy) So you have trouble with your night sleep, haven’t you?

-I didn’t get a wink of sleep last night, doctor.

-Have you appetite for food? Do you enjoy your meals?

-Not at all. I feel aversion for food.

-Do you have any trouble with your bowels?

-I usually had a bowel movement every day, but these two days there has been something wrong with my belly. You see, I had no bowel movement for two days: yesterday and before yesterday but today I’ve had twice loose movements.

-Have you nauseated?

-No, never.

Let me feel your pulse… But you are shivering… You have chills! (to the nurse) Nurse, take the boy’s temperature, please…

-(to the mother) His temperature is very high. He’ll be hospitalized at once. Your boy must be kept of the complete bed rest. I’m afraid it’s enteric and may be infectious…

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 1132 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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