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Unit 5. Infectious diseases of childhood

1. Read and learn the words by heart:

acquired infection приобретенная инфекция
direct contact прямой контакт
causative agent Возбудитель
pathogenic microorganism патогенный (болезнетворный) микроорганизм
vaccine ['væksin] Вакцина
inoculation Прививка
innate immunity врожденный иммунитет
to penetrate Проникать
communicable, contagious, infectious заразный, инфекционный
measles ['mi:zlz] Корь
whooping cough ['hupiŋ kof] Коклюш
mumps Свинка
quinsy ['kwinzi] Ангина
scarlet fever Скарлатина
chickenpox ветряная оспа (ветрянка)
smallpox Оспа
period of decline период спада (болезни)
convalescence Выздоровление
suppurative гнойный, гноеродный
resistance Сопротивляемость
exposure подвергание, выставление
to spread, to disseminate распространять(ся)

2. Translate the word combinations with the given key-words:

infection: acute infection; viral infection; gonococcus infection; childhood infection; acquired infection by direct contact; acquired infection by indirect contact; chronic infection

vaccine: live vaccine; dead vaccine; modified vaccine; virus vaccine

inoculation: prophylactic inoculation; artificial inoculation; inoculation against infectious disease; full course of inoculation

immunity: natural immunity; acquired immunity; temporary passive immunity; immunity against contagious disease; active immunity; innate immunity

injection: to give intramuscular injection; to give intravenous injection; to give subcutaneous injection; tuberculin injection; injection against communicable disease

period: incubation (latent) period; prodromal period; invasion period; active period; period of decline

3. Match Russian and English equivalents:

1) to have a harmful effect on somebody/something a) вид инфекции
2) the chief source of infection b) оказаться ценным в диагностике
3) by direct/indirect contact c) временный пассивный иммунитет
4) the mode of infection d) оказать вредное влияние на кого-либо/что-либо
5) to remove a quarantine e) проникать через ссадину или рану
6) to penetrate through an abrasion or wound f) основной источник инфекции
7) pyogenic bacteria g) способность организма сопротивляться инфекции
8) the pathologic material withdrawn from the body h) четко определенные фазы (стадии)
9) to prove of great diagnostic value i) патологический материал, взятый из организма
10) clearly defined stages j) гноеродные бактерии
11) temporary passive immunity k) посредством прямого/непрямого контакта
12) the capacity of the body to resist infection l) снять карантин

4. Translate into Russian the following word-combinations:

1) the most common sources of infection; 2) become contaminated; 3) according to specific way of invasion; 4) to be disseminated; 5) to be spread through the respiratory tract; 6) to identify the causative agent; 7) pathological material withdrawn from the body; 8) the characteristic feature; 9) a specific capacity; 10) setting up a hygienic atmosphere.

5. Translate into English the following word-combinations:

1) основной источник инфекции; 2) во время кашля; 3) проникать через ссадины и раны; 4) период спада (болезни); 5) естественный и приобретенный иммунитет; 6) профилактические меры; 7) вакцинация; 8) возбудитель; 9) осложнения; 10) снизить смертность.

6. Read and translate the given words:

1) to occur – occurrence, occurrent, occurred, occurring;

2) to infect – infecting, infected, infection, infectious, infective;

3) to suppurate – suppurated, suppurating, suppurative, suppuration;

4) to vaccinate – vaccinated, vaccinating, vaccine, vaccination;

5) to cause – cause, caused, causing, causative;

6) to immunize – immune (adj.), immunity, immunization, immunodeficiency, immunology, immunotherapy;

7) to resist – resistance, resistant, resistible, resistive, resistless.

7. Translate the following sentences:

1. The wound was infected with bacteria. 2. We must isolate the patient to prevent the spreading of the infection. 3. There are still a lot of children to be vaccinated. 4. The medicine to be prescribed is absolutely harmless. 5. We know many infectious diseases to be caused by bacteria. 6. The new vaccine against diphtheria is reported to be used successfully. 7. To prevent the spread of infection the children were isolated. 8. If no action were taken infection may enter the body through skin cuts or abrasions or the eyes, it may also be swallowed. 9. Any method which kills bacteria and fungi but allows some spores or viruses to survive cannot be called sterilization. 10. The Russian biologist I.Mechnikov concluded that the purpose of inflammation was to bring phagocytic cells to the injured area to engult invading bacteria. 11. If there has been no vaccination or prior exposure to disease, acquired immunity is not present. 12. If an infection is too virulent, or the body resistance too weak, the white cells are unable to contain the infection and it can spread throughout the body.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 746 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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