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Unit 3. Respiratory Disorders

1. Read and learn the words by heart:

pneumonia пневмония
respiration; respiratory дыхание; дыхательный, респираторный
râle хрип
chronic хронический
cough кашель
space пространство, промежуток
inflammation, inflammatory воспаление, воспалительный
affect, affection поражать, поражение
purulent sputum гнойная мокрота
dullness тупость, приглушение
shadow тень, затемнять
severe резкий, сильный, тяжелый, серьезный (о болезни)

2. Translate the word combinations with the given key-words:

pneumonia: croupous pneumonia; lobar pneumonia; specific pneumonia; bronchopneumonia; lobular pneumonia; catarrhal pneumonia

respiration: shallow respiration; accelerated respiration; bronchial respiration; deep respiration; respiratory disease; respiratory failure

râles: moist râles; bubbling râles; fine bubbling râles; crepitant râles; dry râles

cough: continuous cough; productive cough; dry cough; intermittent cough; deep cough; painful cough

chronic: chronic lung disease; chronic bronchitis; chronic cough

space: axillary space; interscapular space; intercostals space; paravertebral space

3. Match Russian and English equivalents:

1) disorders of the respiratory system a) соотношение пульса и дыхания
2) the sudden onset of lobar pneumonia b) оценить состояние ребенка
3) pulse-respiration ratio c) колебания температуры в течение ня
4) digestive diet d) отхаркивать мокроту
5) to promote resolution e) расстройства дыхательной системы
6) the site of infection f) вызывать (стимулировать) дых ание
7) daily fluctuations of temperature g) незрелость дыхательных органов у детей;
8) to induce respiration h) легкоусваиваемая диета
9) to assess the child’s condition i) обилие свежего воздуха
10) to swallow the secretions j) локализация инфекции
11) to produce expectorations k) внезапное начало
12) abundance of fresh air l) занимать важное место в списке
13) to figure largely in the list m) способствовать рассасыванию
14) immaturity of the respiratory organs in children n) заглатывать мокроту

4. Translate into Russian the following word-combinations:

1) respiration is shallow and accelerated; 2) a severe form of pneumonia; 3) at the height of the disease; 4) moist bubbling râles and crepitation; 5) to respond well to treatment; 6) digestive diet; 7) bronchopneumonia may be caused by pneumococci; 8) onset is usually insidious; 9) cough is continuous but often intermittent; 10) the temperature shows daily fluctuation.

5. Translate into English the following word-combinations:

1) крупозная или долевая пневмония; 2) бронхопневмония; 3) начало долевой пневмонии внезапное; 4) самые распространенные типы воспаления легких; 5) легкий кашель; 6) выявить бронхиальное дыхание; 7) на стадии выздоровления; 8) обилие свежего воздуха; 9) незрелость дыхательных органов у детей; 10) особенности дыхательной системы у детей.

6. Read and translate the given words:

1) bronchus – bronchitis, bronchi, bronchial, bronchiectasis [,broŋki'ektasis];

2) to irritate – irritation, irritative;

3) to infect – infected, infection, infectious;

4) to breath – breathless, breathlessness, to breath in, to breath out.

7. Translate the following sentences:

1. The incidence of lobular pneumonia is high in early childhood. 2. Most râles of various force are auscultated in bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, and pulmonary edema. 3. In early age of child’s life staphylococcus is often the cause of severe pneumonia. 4. Moist cough is symptomatic of bronchitis. 5. In pneumonia the cough is short and painful. 6. Oxygen and abundance of fresh air are indicated for infants at the height of pneumonia. 7. If the bronchi are chiefly affected and no signs of pneumonia are evident this disorder is diagnosed as bronchitis. 8. The most common site of infection in lobar pneumonia is the middle and lower lobes of the lungs. 9. The disorders of the respiratory system predominate in early childhood. 10. Pneumonia may have an insidious onset in newborn infants.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 484 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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