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Scenario 2

Doctor: Your patient is eleven-year-old boy. He seems very upset. Find out why he is so upset and reassure him that his arm should be better in time for the match.

Patient: You areeleven-year-old boy. You were doing stunts on your bike and you fell off and hurt your arm. Your parents are annoyed with you because they told you not to do stunts. You are worried and upset because you might not be able to play with the school football team, where you are the highest goal scorer.

27. Look at possible phrases a doctor might use to reassure a child. In what context might these phrases be used? Practise saying the sentences aloud.

1. Don’t look so sad. We’re going to make you better very soon.

2. You’re not to blame for this in any way.

3. Don’t be scared. I promise this won’t hurt.

4. It will be very quick, you’ll hardly feel a thing.

28. What would you say in the following situations to reassure the patient? Work in pairs and take turns playing the role of the doctor and child.

1. A seven-year-old childis very frightened after having a nose bleed during a football match. He thinks he will bleed to death.

2. A ten-year-old child is about to have an injection. The child is terrified of needles.

3. An eight-year-old child has stomach cramps and is very agitated. She ate an apple, including the core, and thinks a tree is going to grow inside her. You need to examine the child.

4. A twelve-year-old girl comes in with the first-degree burn on her hand. She’s worried she’s going to be scarred for life and thinks it’s her own fault because she’d been told not to play with candles.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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