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Give the summary of text I according to your plan

12. Read and translate the dialogue:

-Good morning.

-Good morning, doctor.

-What troubles you?

-My son is ill, doctor. He complains of a generalized aches and pains in his back and legs, headache. Also he has a sore throat and nonproductive cough. You see his face is flushed. He has chills and fever up to 39ºC.

-Let me examine him thoroughly… Your son has influenza.

-What should I do?

-He should remain in bed. I administer him antipyretics and analgesics. 1 or 2 drops of 0.25% phenyleprine will relieve nasal obstruction. Gargles of warm isotonic saline and steam inhalation will be useful for sore throat.

-Thank you, doctor.

-Not at all. Good bye.

-Good bye.

13. Make up your own dialogue “The doctor and the pediatric patient with some respiratory trouble”. The following points are helpful:

Key points from the history

14. State the function of Infinitives in the following sentences. Translate the sentences:

1. Pus resulting from bacterial action is mixing with the mucus, making it opaque and white or staining it yellow; the discharge is then mucopurulent. 2. The effect produced by the drugs was too strong in many cases to be considered safe. 3. Obsrtuction of bronchioles evokes coughing that helps to clear the lungs. 4. Much remains to be said about the effect of this scientific method. 5. Any accumulation of fluid in the pleura of a young child easily causes displacement of the mediastinal organs, the first organs to be displaced are the heart and the vena cava inferior. 6. Many questions remain to be answered.

15. Give the appropriate forms of the Infinitives in brackets. Translate the sentences:

1. Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and other lung diseases (to aggravate) by small particles. 2. Type C influenza (to be) relatively uncommon and type B (to produce) endemic and small epidemics of influenza. 3. Influenza (to characterize) by a short incubation period of 1-4 days, followed by the sudden onset of fever, headaches, myalgia and a cough. 4. Each basic type of influenza virus (A, B or C) (to have0 its own distinctive ribonucleoprotein consisting of the S or soluble antigen. 5. They expect the infant (to respond) well to the treatment. 6. The mother said the child (to produce) expectoration still. 7. The doctor made the patient (to X-ray) at once. 8. The young doctor reported all peculiarities of the child’s development (to take) into consideration. 9. The pediatrician stated bed regimen, fresh air, good care to promote) resolution of consolidation. 10. The doctor believes the course of therapy (to repeat) as needed.

16. Fill in blanks with the following words – until, since, than, that, above, all:

1. The upper portion of the respiratory tract is affected more often … the lower one. 2. … the cilia can no longer clear the lungs of mucus it accumulates … the flow of air through the bronchioles is obstructed. 3. This obstruction then evokes coughing … helps to clear the lungs. 4. … chronic bronchitis should receive the treatment of a physician.

17. Point out the sentences with Complex Subject and Complex Object. Translate the sentences:

1. This man seems to have a third-degree burn. 2. He is thought to be discharged from the hospital today. 3. She was believed to have high blood pressure. 4. The doctor ordered the nurse to give intramuscular injection of penicillin to this patient. 5. I know this surgeon to operate on successfully. 6. Our data seem to support the theory. 7. This diet seems to be good for the patient and should be recommended. 8. The results lead us to believe that the technique is useful. 9. She heard the child cough at night. 10. The child was managed conservatively and then discharged when she appeared to have fully recovered. 11. Other reasons why this viral pneumonia proved to be fatal for this patient are not clear. 12. Atypical pneumonia appears to be more severe in patients with sickle cell disease, who often have a prolonged toxic course. 13. The type of onset of lobar pneumonia appears to be influenced by the pneumococci type. 14. Streptococci pneumonia is likely to occur in the course of or following epidemics of measles or “flu”. 15. By the third hospital week the infant’s condition was seen to be rapidly improving.

18. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Основной симптом хронического бронхита – кашель. 2. Восприимчивость к бактериальной пневмонии обусловлена повреждением бронхиального эпителия. 3. Грипп и другие респираторные заболевания протекают у новорожденных тяжело. 4. Анатомо-физиологические особенности организма новорожденных объясняют частоту и тяжесть респираторных заболеваний по сравнению со взрослыми. 5. Мелкие пузырчатые хрипы, сопровождаемые астматическим дыханием, часто являются первым признаком начала пневмонии, особенно у младенцев. 6. Важным фактором в профилактике пневмонии является борьба с такими инфекционными заболеваниями, как грипп, корь, коклюш, которые часто осложняются пневмонией.

19. Read text II. Give the abstract of the text. Answer the question What is necessary for a correct diagnosis of pneumonia?:

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