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The Milton Keynes Walk-in Centre

My name’s Linda Dawson. I’m the lead nurse at the walk-in centre in Milton Keynes. A walk-in centre is a centre open for everybody. It provides ____ ____ for people in the community. We provide an NHS service ____ ____ minor ailments and minor injuries. This particular walk-in centre is run by an independent company; they’re called Chilvers McCrea Healthcare. It provides easy access for everyone, really, not just people in the local area; we get a lot of overseas visitors here. You don’t need to ______ __ ______, you just turn up. As the name suggest, it’s a walk-in service.

The reason why someone would use a walk-in centre may be they are out of area, they are visiting a relative, they haven’t got easy access to ____ ____ and they know they can walk in here and we will see them. They don’t need to be registered to come to the walk-in centre.

We provide quite __ _____ _____ of NHS services. We are particularly a nurse-led service, so we have _______ nurses to deal with all manner of things, minor______, minor ______. We get lots of children coming in with ______, colds, fevers, rashes. We do wound care, we do suturing, we do minor injuries, anybody with a sprain or a cut, even a possible fracture we can see and, if necessary, refer on.

Patients would prefer to come to us rather than going to their GP for convenience, really. We’re open much longer hours, to ten o’clock at night, and so we can ______ people before and after work. If someone was to arrive at the walk-in centre, they would expect to find _______ atmosphere.

It’s a nurse-led service, as I’ve said. Nurses here can take time to talk to the patients and discuss mattersthey may not necessarily speak to the GP about. We have nurse _______ here, nurses that are qualified and trained to prescribe certain ________ for patients. We provide lots of other _______. We do phlebotomy, we will do ______ checks, we will offer emergency contraception and ear syringing.

People can find out where their nearest walk-in centre is by either contacting NHS ______ or going online and doing a search. Their GP services will be able to point them in the right direction as well.

14. Give the Russian equivalents:

1. a range of services; 2. prescriptions for medicines; 3. an appointment; 4. a waiting room; 5. to assess and treat patients; 6. breathing difficulties; 7. to offer access; 8. within four hours of arrival; 9. to deal with minor injuries; 11. infection and rashes; 12. stomach upsets; 13. specially trained nurse practitioners; 14. a successful complementary service; 15. to do wound care; 16. to offer ear syringing; 17. to do phlebotomy.

15. Give the English equivalents:

1. направление к другому врачу; 2. в течение пяти рабочих дней; 3. заработанные деньги (заработок); 4. серьёзная травма; 5. порезы и ожоги; 6. вне рабочего времени; 7. оценить состояние больного; 8. позвонить 999; 9. предлагать удобный доступ к чему-либо; 10. состояние, угрожающее жизни; 11. управлять; 12. навещать родственников; 13. обсудит вопросы (дела); 14. медсестра, выписывающая рецепты.

16. Find the synonyms for the following words in the monologue or the texts:

1. pre-book (v); 6. doctor’s office (n)
2. partnership (n); 7. suggest (v)
3. suitable (adj) 8. society (n)
4. breathlessness (n) 9. estimate (v)
5. disease (n) 10. accessible (adj)

17. From the list below choose the necessary word to fit each blank:

1. If you condition is not …, you can expect to see a doctor within two working hours. 2. At NHS walk-in centres you can see an experienced nurse or doctor without an …. 3. They … advice, assessment and treatment for minor … and injuries such as cuts, …, minor infections, … and skin complaints..4. Over 150 GP-led health centres are opening across England to make it more … for patients to visit their GP. 5. Any patient will be able to … an appointment or simply walk in and see a GP. 6. … dental treatment is also provided. Only dental work considered … that cannot wait until the next working day will be provided. 7. If a person's mental or emotional state gets worse quickly, this can be called a mental health … or mental health crisis.

Ailments; convenient; strains; urgent; out of hours; offer; emergency; pre-book; bruises; appointment; vital.

18. Agree or disagree. Use the given expressions:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-17; Прочитано: 523 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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