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Practice 2. Choose the main idea of the article from the following

1. Lightning is a dangewrous natural phenomenon killing a lot of people.

2. Galembeck’s idea that water in the atmosphere can accumulate electrical charges and transfer them to other materials it comes into contact with turned out to be true.

3. Modern scientists are trying to find ways of harnessing hydroelectricity for the benefit of people.

4. Scientists found new evidence that water in the atmosphere picks up an electrical charge.

Practice 3. Re-arrange the sentences in logical order.

1. Developing the idea of hydroelectricity collector might help prevent lightning from forming and striking;

2. Thinks it may be possible to develop collectors to capture hygroelectricity and route it to homes and businesses.

3. Gamelbeck thinks that it’s not so easy and quick to solve the problem of harnessing hydroelectricity but he is sure it will benefit people.

4. Galembeck and colleagues confirmed the idea that water droplets in the atmosphere weren’t electrically neutral using laboratory experiments.

5. Scientists have been trying to find the way of harnessing electricity for centuries.

6. Fernando Galembeck is trying to understand how electricity is produced and discharged in the air.

Practice 4. Give your own ideas of a device which would be able to accumulate electricity from the air and how it would work.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 699 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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