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Practice 1. Find in the text names of all devices that make our lives easier and say which of them are electrically operated and which are manual

Practice 2. Which device:

- transforms electrical energy into mechanical energy?

a) iron b) telephone c) motor

- lifts objects weighing hundreds of tons?

a) electric crane b) electric furnace c) vacuum cleaner

- lights your room?

a) blender b) lift c) lamp

- is based on electromagnetism?

a) TV-set b) washing machine c) dish washer

- helps people to pull things?

a) photocopying machine b) electric shaver c) electrocarrier

Practice 3. Re-read the text and choose a suitable heading for each paragraph from the list below. One heading is too many.

1. Due to many devices our life has become easier.

2. Modern civilization needs more and more electricity.

3. Modern people can’t do without electricity.

4. Electricity is widely used in the industrial world.

5. Electricity is the main source of energy.

Practice 4. Find the wrong statements and correct them.

1. We use few electrical devices in our life.

2. Appearance of electrical motor contributed to the replacement of manual devices by the power cable.

3. Electrostatics and electromagnetism are the specific properties of electricity.

4. Electricity is the worst source of energy because of bad service and high cost.

5. Electricity has no great advantages.

Practice 5. Make a short summary of the text using the headings of the paragraphs from Practice 3 as a plan.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 1160 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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