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Reading. 2.Read the headings of the paragraphs (1-4) below

2. Read the headings of the paragraphs (1-4) below. Underline any new words and look them up in the glossary or your dictionary. What do you think each paragraph will be about?

3. Read the paragraphs (1-4) below and check.

1 Engineering is everywhere. Almost everything we use in modern life is made by engineers. For example, if a manufacturer wants a faster car, a smaller personal stereo, or a better pen, they will ask a design engineer to find a practical solution.

2. Engineering is both theoretical and practical. Engineers use theory (ideas about engineering) to produce practical answers. The design solution must be a reasonable price, safe, and reliable. A new idea that is expensive, dangerous, or doesn't always work is not a good solution.

3. Engineers use a method. Generally, engineers solve problems in a methodical way. Engineers define the problem, design the solution, test the solution, evaluate the solution. If the solution isn't right, the process is repeated. When a good solution is found, the next step is to communicate the solution.

4. Anyone can use engineering ideas. This method of problem-solving is useful in everyday life. For example, you can use the five steps next time you prepare for a test.

- Define the problem: I want to pass my test next week.

- Design a solution: I will study for three hours a day.

- Test the solution; Study for three hours a day and take the test.

- Evaluate the solution: Have I passed the test with a good mark? Yes = a good solution. No = a bad solution, so think of a better one.

- Communicate the solution: Tell your friends about your test-passing technique.

4. Read the four paragraphs again and decide if the sentences (1-4) below, are true (T) or false (F).

1. Lots of things are made by engineers. T/F
2. Engineering isn't practical. T/F
3. Engineers must think carefully. T/F
4. Only engineers can solve problems. T/F

Дата публикования: 2015-02-22; Прочитано: 1029 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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