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Computer Makers

Computer making industry is developing rapidly and new or improved and modified types of computers (hardware) as well as new programmes (software) come into wide usage. The end users make this industry move forward all the time. The competition is very strong on the world market. Here is a newspaper article speaking about the computer market in European countries which are on the way to United Europe with headquarters in Brussels:

European Computer Makers Seek Support from Brussels

At the conference which started in Venice yesterday leaders of Europe's ailing computer manufacturing companies called for action from Brussels. The companies wanted Brussels to ensure the survival of a significant European information technology industry. The chief executives of Groupe Bull de France, Olivetti of Italy and Siemens-Nixford of Germany complained they were at a disadvantage compared with their U.S. and Japanese competitors.

These U.S. and Japanese companies, they said, enjoyed the benefits of a strong home market and cooperation between the public sector and the computer industry. In these countries, they added, more than 90 per cent of public contracts went to domestic companies. In Europe European-owned companies had only a 30 per cent share of the market for public sector computer projects. The other 70 per cent of contracts went to foreign countries and foreign-owned companies of Europe. The European computer companies stressed that a more sympathetic relationship with the public authorities should be built in Europe. Mr. Francis Lawrentz, chairman of Groupe Bull, said he was not seeking protection or fortifications around Europe, but a coherent policy from Brussels leaving no doubt as to the importance of the industry. Among other measures, they asked for involvement at an early stage in the planning of Europe-wide information technology projects. It would give them a good chance of securing final contracts.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 809 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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