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Parliamentary electoral system

For electoral purposes the United Kingdom is divided into 635 constituen­cies and each constituency elects one member of the House of Commons. A candidate is elected if he has a majority of votes over the next candidate and the votes cast for the other candidates are not taken into account. The size of the constituencies vary, the average being about 60,000 electors. Elections are by secret ballot. Although there is "no limit to the number of political parties, in Britain most people vote either Conservative or Labour.

On Election Day each elector must go to his particular voting station, which is open from early morning to late at night to cast his vote. On entering the polling station, an official hands him his ballot paper, and his name is recorded as having voted. On the ballot paper the names of all candidates are printed without any indication of their party allegiance. The elector takes his paper to one of the compartments or "booths", where he puts a cross against the name of the candidate for whom he wishes to vote. He then folds the paper and drops it through the slot of the ballot box. Electors who for some reason cannot attend the polling station may vote by proxy6.

In recent years the national election campaign, fought between the party leaders has become more and more important and less importance is attached to the local campaign. One of the best known of the local activities still in existence is "canvassing", that is, supporters of a candidate go from door to door, arguing and persuading the residents to cast their votes for the candidate they represent. Expenditure by individual candidates and their agents is limited by law, but long-term expenditure is unlimited.

The maximum legal life for a Parliament is five years. General Elections are held either when the limit for the duration of Parliament has been reached, or when the Queen, on the advice of the Prime Minister dissolves Parliament. The Prime Minister is bound to do this if his Ministry is defeated on an important issue by the vote of the House of Commons.

When it has been decided to hold a General Election, the old Parliament is dissolved and 20 clear days must elapse before the new Parliament meets. A notice, or writ, has to be sent to each constituency, where the Returning Officer makes provisions for the holding of the election. In addition, to a General Election, elections for one seat can be held in a constituency at any time should its "sitting" member resign, die, or for other reasons a vacancy should occur. This is known as a by-election.

Any British subject can be nominated as a candidate for any seat. The candidate must deposit Ј 150, which is forfeited if his or her votes do not exceed 12.5 per cent of those validly cast.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 479 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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