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Task 13. Find answers to the following questions. Use the key words in brackets

1) What was called The Triangular Trade? (the busiest slave port in the world, to leave the port, to be loaded with manufactured goods, people who’d been captured in conflicts, to fit 454 people on the ship legally, to be crammed in, to meet massive profits, to be loaded with cheap produce of slave trade, a profitable cycle)

2) How did the slave traders treat the slaves? (to be forced to lie side by side, to die from decease and malnutrition, to throw smb. overboard)

3) How did the abolition movement start and gain strength? (the dark secrets and the inhumanity of the slave trade became the public knowledge, Olaudah Equiano*, account’s of smb’s life story, William Wilberforce, to give countless speeches in Parliament, to propose numerous bills, to build the empire on the slave trade, to use patriotism to get an anti-slavery act through Parliament, a smart move)

4) Did the sufferings of the slaves come to an end with the slavery abolition acts of 1807 and 1833?* (to enforce the act by controlling the coast of West Africa, to throw the human cargo overboard to reduce fines, to free all the slaves of the British Empire)

Cultural Commentary

* Olaudah Equiano (c. 1745 – 31 March 1797) also known as Gustavus Vassa, was a prominent African involved in the British movement for the abolition of the slave trade. He was enslaved as a child, purchased his freedom, and worked as an author, merchant, and explorer in South America, the Caribbean, the Arctic, the American colonies, and the United Kingdom, where he settled by 1792. His autobiography, The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, depicts the horrors of slavery and influenced the enactment of the Slave Trade Act of 1807. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Olaudah _ Equiano

* Britain used its international strength to put pressure on other nations to end their own slave trade.

In 1805 a British Order-in-Council had restricted the importation of slaves into colonies that had been captured from France and the Netherlands. Britain continued to press other nations to end their trade with a series of treaties: the 1810 Anglo-Portuguese treaty whereby Portugal agreed to restrict its trade into its colonies; the 1813 Anglo-Swedish treaty whereby Sweden outlawed its slave trade; the 1814 Treaty of Paris 1814 whereby France agreed with Britain that the slave trade was "repugnant to the principles of natural justice" and agreed to abolish the slave trade in five years; the 1814 Anglo-Dutch treaty whereby the Netherlands outlawed its slave trade; and the 1817 Anglo-Spanish treaty that Spain agreed to suppress its trade by 1820.

The Laws created fines for captains that continued with the trade. These fines could be up to £100 per slave found on a ship. Captains would sometimes dump slaves overboard when they saw Navy ships coming in order to avoid these fines.

The Royal Navy, which then controlled the world's seas, established the West Africa Squadron in 1808 to patrol the coast of West Africa, and between 1808 and 1860 they seized approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard. The Royal Navy declared that ships transporting slaves were the same as pirates. Action was also taken against African leaders who refused to agree to British treaties to outlaw the trade, for example against "the usurping King of Lagos", deposed in 1851. Anti-slavery treaties were signed with over 50 African rulers. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Slave _ Trade _ Act _ 1807

8) Dr Livingston and exploration of Africa*

Task 14. What do you know about the following places or things:

Lanarkshire, the Limpopo, the Zambezie, the Nile, Biblical times, the Congo, Victoria Falls, Tanzania, Westminster Abbey?

Task 15. Who are the following people: Dr Livingstone*, H.M.Stanley?

Task 16. Answer the following questions:

1. Describe the life of David Livingstone

2. What was the utmost goal of his expeditions?

3. Who and in what circumstances found Livingstone after his disappearance?

4. What is the legacy of Livingstone’s expeditions in Africa?

5. How was Africa colonised? (use cultural commentary)

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