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Tea and American Revolution

"The Destruction of Tea at Boston Harbor"

Task 9. Watch this subpart and answer the following questions:

1. What is understood by the “Boston Tea Party”*?

2. How did the Boston Tea Party start? (to object to being governed from across the ocean, heavy taxes, no taxation without representation, 45 tons of tea were dumped into the harbor in protest)

3. Why did the British loose the battle?

4. What did the American Revolution* mean for Britain? (to be a second class power, to liberate from a huge financial burden, a lucrative American market)

Task 10. Fill in the gaps while viewing:

What started as a small-scale rebellion against 1)….. in Boston slowly became a militant opposition to 2)….. ….. When in 1775 a British Commander-in-Chief in North America Thomas Gage seized 3)….. and….. near Boston, someone fired a 4)…... It was called the 5)….. that was heard around the world because it marked the beginning of the 6)…… ….. ……. The colonists helped by the 7)…. fought the British, and the 8)….. and 9)….. joined the war. For the next five years a ferocious international war was fought. At first the American colonists struggled against the British forces, but when the British commander Lord Cornwallis set up camp at York town on the Atlantic coast, the 10)…. began to turn. The French navy, supporting the colonists, 11)…… supplies and reinforcements from England. It began 12)…… from the sea. British troops were heavily 13)…., handing another constant attack. It was really a matter of time before they had to 14)…… …….. Cornwallis sent his deputy to 15)…… to George Washington. And with that the war was effectively at an end.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 277 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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