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Cultural Commentary. * The battlefield today

* The battlefield today

Some portions of the terrain on the battlefield have been altered from their 1815 appearance. Tourism began the day after the battle, with Captain Mercer noting that on 19 June "a carriage drove on the ground from Brussels, the inmates of which, alighting, proceeded to examine the field".In 1820, the Netherlands' King William I ordered the construction of a monument on the spot where it was believed his son, the Prince of Orange, had been wounded. The Lion's Hillock, a giant mound, was constructed here.

Lion's Mound at Waterloo

Apart from the Lion Mound, there are several more conventional but noteworthy monuments throughout the battlefield. A cluster of monuments at the Brussels-Charleroi and Braine L'Alleud-Ohain crossroads marks the mass graves of British, Dutch, Hanoverian and King's German Legion troops. A monument to the French dead, entitled L'aigle Blessé ("The Wounded Eagle"), marks the location where it is believed one of the Imperial Guard units formed a square during the closing moments of the battle.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle of Waterloo

8)The Red House and ‘my house is my castle’

Task 18. What do you know about the following places or things:

Foundling house, one-stop shop, Mecca, Earls Court, DIY*, terraced house?

Task 19. Who are the following people: William Morris*, guru?

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 288 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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