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Task 14. Fill in the gaps while viewing

Booze=alcoholic drink

Britain and 1)….. have been in an unholy alliance for centuries. But never more so than in the 18th century when gin 2)….. Britain. In 1740 average gin consumption in London was a 3) ….. ….. ….. a week for every man, woman and child. Gin was a drink of the 4)….. ….., who drank to escape the misery of their lives. It was cheap, strong and 5) ….. …... It was the crack cocaine of the 18th century.

Beefeater Gin W. Hogarth's Gin Lane

Gin was invented by the 6)……, who sold it in pharmacies to cure medical problems. When Dutch Protestant William of Orange became king of England in 1689 he promoted laws which damaged the French Catholics, imposed heavy taxes on the imports of French wine and brandy. In turn the English government encouraged the distilling of 7)…… ……. Gin was easy to 8)….. and used up relatively 9)….. …... And this is how the famous gin craze started. It was less of a fashion and much more of a crippling social 10)…..*

Дата публикования: 2015-02-17; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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