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Независимый причастный оборот

Независимый причастный оборот – это сочетание существительного в общем падеже (или местоимения в именительном падеже) с Participle I или Participle II, в котором существительное (или местоимение) выполняет роль подлежащего по отношению к причастию и не является подлежащим всего предложения. Такой оборот логически связан с предложением и по существу является его обстоятельством. Подобно обстоятельству, независимый причастный оборот может предшествовать подлежащему, т.е. стоять в начале предложения или следовать за группой сказуемого в конце предложения. Этот оборот всегда отделяется запятой от остальной части предложения.

В начале предложения в функции обстоятельства на русский язык этот оборот переводится, как правило, придаточным предложением причины, времени, условия с союзами так как, когда, если и др.;

The weather being fine, we went for a walk. Так как погода была хорошая, мы пошли гулять.
Weather permitting, the airplane starts. Когда погода позволит, самолет взлетит.

В конце предложения независимый причастный оборот переводится на русский язык чаще всего самостоятельным предложением или присоединяется союзами а, и, причем:

The cars at that time were very small, the engine being placed under seat. Автомобили в то время были очень маленькими, и двигатель размещался под сиденьем.

Некоторые независимые причастные обороты, начинающиеся предлогом with, переводятся так же, как и обороты без with.

With supersonic planes at a speed five to six times above the speed of sound, it will be possible to cover the distance between Tokyo and Moscow in less than 2 hours. Когда ультразвуковые самолеты будут летать со скоростью, в 5-6 раз превышающей скорость звука, можно будет пролетать расстояние между Токио и Москвой меньше, чем за 2 часа.
The article deals with microwaves, wjth particular attention being pajd to radio location. Статья посвящена микроволнам, причем особое внимание уделяется радиолокации.

I. Translate into Russian, paying attention to Participles I and II.

1. We need highly developed electronics and new materials to make supercomputers.

2. We are carried by airplanes, trains and cars with electronic devices.

3. Many countries have cable TV, a system using wires for transmitting TV programs.

4. The sixth generation of computers performing 100 billion operations a second will become available in the nearest future.

5. Computer components produced should be very clean.

6. New technologies reduce the number of workers needed.

7. A videophone is a device which allows us to see a room and the face of the person speaking.

II. Define the function of Participle Iin the following sentences:

1. The scientist working at this project is well-known.

2. Carrying out the experiment he made use of some new devices.

3. These new devices are replacing their older equivalents.

4. Speaking about the chip fabrication the engineer told us many interesting


5. Radio occupies one of the leading places among the greatest achievements of modern engineering.

6. The electric current passing through a wire will heat it.

7. Transistors contain no moving components.

8. The stuff is carrying out an experiment.

9. Developing a new method they achieved good results.

10. When making the experiment he made notes.

III. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the function of Participle II.

1. The discovery mentioned remained unknown to the world for a long time.

2. When passed through a motor, electric current can do work.

3. The students have carried out the experiments.

4. These instruments recorded the cosmic rays and the information obtained was sent back by the radar to the ground.

5. When heated, water vaporizes.

6. The results received changed with material used.

7. Unless repaired, this part cannot be used in the radio set.

8. The developed technology enables us to improve the quality of articles produced.

9. The first laser was developed in 1960.

10. If frozen, water becomes ice.

11. The investigation analyzed resulted in an interesting discovery.

/ V. Find the Absolute Participial Construction. Translate the sentences.

Numerous experiments having been carried out at the orbital stations, it became possible to use results in industrial process.

A beam of light being transmitted forwards, it is possible to measure the distance between the car and the other cars in front of it.

With the first steam engine built in the 17-th century, people began to use them in factories.

The inventor was demonstrating his new device, with the workers watching its operation attentively.

Many substances are semiconductors, germanium and silicon being the most important of them.

We defined the volume, all the measurements having been done with respect to the instruction.

Transistors are very sensitive to light, some of them reacting even to starlight.

The cell being charged, a certain quality of electricity is passed through it.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 623 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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