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Vocabulary Study. Nouns and noun phrases 1) web 2) network 3) link 4) access 5) set of rules 6) software 7) screen 8) hierarchy паутина

Word List

Nouns and noun phrases

1) web 2) network 3) link 4) access 5) set of rules 6) software 7) screen 8) hierarchy   паутина, сеть сеть ссылка доступ свод правил программное обеспечение экран иерархия


9) valuable 10) defining   ценный, значимый характерный

Verbs and verbal phrases

11) spread 12) be referred to 13) store   распространяться называться хранить, запоминать

I. Read and translate the following words. Arrange them into the groups: a) with one stress or stress on the first syllable; b) with the stress on the second syllable; c) with two or more stresses.

Computer, network, information, resource, link, refer, document, multimedia, company, access (n), communication, worldwide, government, data, display, introduction, hierarchy.

Match the words on the left with the definitions on the right.

Network data communication resource software screen programmes, not forming parts of a computer but used for its operation known facts, information from which conclusions can be drawn surface on which an image is seen on a cathode ray tube a system of interlinked channels of communication supplies of goods, information, materials, which a person has or can use passing on of news, information, feelings, etc.


a noun

1. a) useless; b) user; c) usefully; d) to use.

2. а) imaginary; b) imagine; c) imaginative; d) image.

3. a) productive; b) to produce; c) product; d) productively.

4. a) valuable; b) value; c) to value; d) valueless.

a verb

a) reference; b) referable; c) refer; d) referee.

a) connective; b) connection; c) connect; d) connected.

a) explore; b) exploration; c) exploratory; d) explorer.

an adjective

a) specify; b) specifically; c) specific; d) specification.

a) publicity; b) publicly; c) publicize; d) public.

an adverb

a) interactive; b) interact; c) interactively; d) interaction.

Define the meaning of the “x” words.

contain: container = содержать:x

explore: explorer = исследовать: x

store: storage = хранить: x

introduce: introduction = вводить: x

interaction: interactive = взаимодействие: x

define: defining = определять: x

. Underline the suffixes and translate the following adjectives into Russian.

Institutional, accessible, productive, governmental, featureless.

Arrange the words with similar meaning of the two groups in pairs.

web, information, image, products, institution, company, valuable, research, web page, connect, display, feature, allow.

link, web site, show, network, enable, data, characteristics, useful, picture, goods, investigation, firm, organization.

Match the words with their opposites, like the example: hard – easy.

a) worldwide b) valuable c) client d) store e) public f) coded g) wide h) virtual i) include private exclude worthless narrow decoded real local server delete  

Match the verbs from “a” with the nouns from “b”.

Verbs a) use move carry access display connect post communicate store introduce contain Nouns b) information display container user resources data pages computer

Complete the sentences with the words given below.

WWW is a computer-based network of information.

Millions of users around the world rely on the Internet for information and entertainment as well as for business and personal.

At first only carried text but pictures, video, high-quality sound and other soon followed.

The Internet is a world wide of millions of which can communicate with each other.

The computers store the information resources that make up the web.

The browser on the client’s computer displays the page on the.

a) network, b) websites, c) resources, d) screen, e) features, f) communication, g) server, h) computers.

X. Translate into English.

1. Всемирная паутина – это компьютерная сеть, по которой пользователь может передвигаться с помощью ссылок.

2. Сеть стала очень популярным информационным ресурсом в 1993 г.

3. Информация в сети содержится в разных форматах.

4. С помощью стандартного набора правил сеть объединяет компьютеры двух типов – серверы и персональные компьютеры пользователей.

5. Почти каждая веб-страница содержит гиперссылки на другие веб-сайты.

6. Изобретение браузера позволяет пользователям загружать веб-страницы с мультимедийной информацией.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 491 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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