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Preliminary Exercises. Exercise 1.Guess the meaning of the following international words:

Exercise 1.Guess the meaning of the following international words:

technology, mechanic, material, theory, biological, evolution, characteristic, modern, machine, progress, natural, plastic, erosion, mineral, energy, engineer, electric, motor, industrial, operation, process, specialization, productivity, factor, transport, mechanization, cellulose.

Exercise 2.Translate the following pairs of words into Russian:

work – to work

use – to use

look – to look

catch – to catch

hand – to hand

machine – to machine

man – to man

crop – to crop

pattern – to pattern

plant – to plant

step – to step

power – to power

Exercise 3.Practice the stress in the following groups of words. Mind that a large group of words, used eitheras nouns or verbs, have differences in stress.

Nouns Verbs
´increase ´decrease ´progress ´produce ´process ´present ´transport ´record in - ´crease de – ´crease pro - ´gress pro - ´duce pro - ´cess pre - ´sent trans - ´port re – ´cord

Exercise 4. Read and translate, mind the stress.

The average increase in prices is about 5%.

Prices have increased by 5%.

Anne received a large number of birthday presents. Her father presented her a car.

There will be a sale of home produce on Saturday. How much does it cost to produce this product?

You are making a good progress in your study of English. You are progressing well in your study of English.

This program was recorded. It was not a ‘live’ broadcast. We have records of several of Beatles’ concerts.

He has no car so he always uses public transport.

Airlines transport goods as well as passengers.

Exercise 5. Fill in the missing words in the table.

Verb Person noun General noun Adjective

Exercise 6. Read the title of text A and state which of the following points may be discussed in it:

Centres of learning

Evolution of scientific thinking

The Industrial Revolution

Development of transport


New sources of power

Global trade

Major importance of rivers.

Growth of towns and cities.

Progress in the use of natural resources.

Words to be remembered:

goods (n) – товар, товары

to discover (v) – обнаружить, делать открытие

discovery (n) – открытие

manufacture (v) – производить

manufacture (n) – производство

major (adj.) – главный

majority (n) – большинство

variety (n) – разнообразие; сорт; вид

resistant (adj.) – стойкий, прочный

heat-resistant (adj.) – теплостойкий, жаропрочный

yield (n) – урожай; выход продукции

yield (v) – производить; приносить, давать (плоды, урожай, доход, убытки)

machinery (n) – машинное оборудование

technics (n) – техника; технические науки

technique (n) – прием, метод, способ

maintain (n) – сохранять; обслуживать, содержать в исправности,


develop (v) – развивать; разрабатывать; проявлять

mine (n) – добывать руду

mine (n) – шахта, рудник, прииск

mining (adj.) – горный

prevent (v) – предотвращать

source (n) – источник

improve (v) – улучшать, совершенствовать

perform (v) – выполнять

tool (n) – инструмент; станок

consumer (n) – потребитель

vehicle (n) – перевозочное средство

precision (n) – точность, аккуратность

raw materials – сырьё

to propose a theory – создавать теорию

bushel – бушель (мера ёмкости ~ 36,3 л)

Read and translate text A.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 300 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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