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E.x. 3.2.30. Переведите предложенный абзац текста на русский язык

The American research company Pew Global Attitudes Project has published its findings on the condition of large information technology markets. A considerable amount of its account is devoted to Russia, which is in second place in the world after Great Britain for growth in the number of PC users (more than 5 percent per year), and overtaken several countries in the development of its IT infrastructure. The company's analysts attribute this development to the rapid growth of the Russian-language Internet, the high level of education in the country and growing personal incomes.
Pew Global studied the attitudes of people in 50 countries to information technology and estimated the number of PC and Internet users along with their ages and sex, comparing their findings with data from 2002. Russia has become one of the world leaders in growth of PC use, with 16 percent growth in those years. Personal computers are habitually used by 35 percent of Russians, that is, almost 50 million people. Great Britain's indicator grew by 17 percent, and Russia shares second place with Turkey. Other developed countries had very low indicators. For instance, Canada showed 4 percent, the United States 2 percent and France 1 percent. India, which has a rapidly growing IT infrastructure showed 15 percent.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 449 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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