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E.x. 3.2.24. Вставьте пропущенные слова в предложения

1. In the early 1960s, when … were hulking mainframes that took up entire rooms, engineers were already toying with the then - extravagant

notion of building a computer intended for the sole use of one person.

2. In the early 1970s, … at Xerox's Polo Alto Research Center(Xerox PARC) had realized that the pace of improvement in the technology ofsemiconductors - the chips of silicon that are the building blocks ofpresent-day electronics - meant that sooner or later the PC would be

extravagant no longer.

3. They … that computing power would someday beso cheap that engineers would be able to afford to devote a great deal ofit simply to making non-technical people more comfortable with these newinformation - handling tools. in their labs, they developed or refined muchof what constitutes PCs today, from "mouse" pointing devices to software"windows". 4. To this day, researchers at … and elsewhere pooh-pooh the Altair as too primitive to have made use of the technology they felt was needed to bringPCs to the masses. In a sense, they are right. 5. The Altair … one of the first single-chip microprocessor - a semiconductor chip, that contained all the basic circuits needed to do calculations - called the Intel 8080. 6. Although the 8080 was … for its time, it was far tooslow to support the mouse, windows, and elaborate software Xerox haddeveloped. Indeed, it wasn't until 1984, when Apple Computer's Macintoshburst onto the scene, that PCs were powerful enough to fulfill the originalvision of researchers. 7. The kind of computing that people are trying to do today is just what we made at PARC in the early 1970s," says Alan Kay, a former Xerox … who jumped to Apple in the early 1980s. E.x. 3.2.25. Переведите второй абзац текста на русский язык. E.x. 3.2.26. Закончите предложения. 1. Researchers today are proceeding in the same spirit that motivated Kay and his Xerox PARC colleagues in the 1970s: … 2. But a look into today's research labs reveals very little that resembles …. 3. For one thing, researchers seem eager to abandon the keyboard and …. 4. Instead they are trying to devise PCs with interpretive powers that are more humanlike - PCs that … Comparison of Computerization Process in the USA and Russia

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 661 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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