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Article 13. Information systems

§ Information systems shall include:
1) state information systems – federal information systems and regional information systems created on the basis of federal acts, acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation, legal acts of state authorities respectively;
2) municipal information systems created on the basis of decisions of local self-government bodies;
3) other information systems.

§ Unless otherwise established by federal acts, the operator of an information system shall be the owner of the technical devices used for processing of the information included in the data base, who legitimately uses these data base, or a person with whom the owner made a contract of operation of the information system.

§ The rights of the owner of information containing in the data bases of the information system shall be protected regardless of the copyright and other rights thereto.

§ The requirements to the state information systems established by the present Federal Act shall be applied to municipal information systems, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government.

§ Specifics of operation of state information systems and municipal information systems may be established in accordance with technical regulations, normative legal acts of state authorities, normative legal acts of local self-government bodies making decisions on creation of these information systems.

§ The procedure for creation and operation of information systems other than state or municipal information systems shall be determined by operations of these information systems in accordance with the requirements established by the present Federal Act or other federal acts.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 273 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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