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Article 9. Restriction of access to information

§ Restriction of access to information shall be established by federal acts or purposes of protection of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legal interests of other persons, provision of the defense of the country and security of the state.

§ Observance of confidentiality of information access to which is restricted by federal acts shall be obligatory.

§ Protection of information representing state secrets shall be provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the state secret.

§ Federal acts shall establish the terms of referring of information to the data representing commercial, official and other secret, obligatory character of confidentiality of this information and responsibility for disclosure thereof.

§ Information obtained by citizens (natural persons) while performing their professional duties or organizations while performing certain types of activities (professional secret) shall be protected, if these persons were entrusted with the responsibilities on observance of confidentiality of this information by federal acts.

§ Information representing a professional secret may be delivered by the third parties in accordance with the federal acts and (or) by court judgement.

§ The term of the performance of responsibilities for observance of confidentiality of information representing a professional secret may be restricted only with a consent of the citizen (natural person) which delivered information about himself.

§ It shall be banned to require from the citizen (natural person) delivery of information about his private life, including information of personal or family secrecy and obtain this information apart from the will of the citizen (natural person), unless otherwise provided by the federal acts.

§ The procedure of access to personal data of citizens (natural persons) shall be established by the federal act on the personal data.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-20; Прочитано: 280 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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