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Английский язык с М. Муркоком 31 страница

`I was told that an Ice Wilderness lay towards the North,' Corum said. `Though how it does not melt being so near to the Flamelands, I do not know.'

`Another quirk of the Lords of Chaos, doubtless.'


They began to make their way over the slippery rock that burned their feet with every step, leaving the wall of flame behind them, leaping over rivulets of lava, moving so slowly and so circuitously that they were soon exhausted and paused to rest, look back at the distant flame wall, mop their brows, exchange daunted looks. Thirst now plagued them and their voices were hoarse.

`I think we are doomed, Prince Corum.'

Corum nodded wearily (Корум кивнул устало). He looked up (он посмотрел вверх). Red clouds boiled above, like a dome of fire (красные облака кипели вверху, словно купол огня). It seemed that all the world burned (казалось, что весь мир пылает).

`Have you no spells for bringing on rain, Sir Hanafax (разве у тебя нет заклинаний для вызывания дождя, сэр Ганафакс)?'

`I regret not (к сожалению, нет). We priests scorn such primitive tricks (мы, жрецы, презираем подобные примитивные фокусы).'

`Useful tricks (полезные фокусы). Sorcerers seem to enjoy only the spectacular (похоже, колдунам нравится только эффектные /зрелища/).'

`I am afraid it is so (боюсь, что так).' Hanafax sighed (вздохнул). `What about your own powers (как насчет твоего собственного могущества)? Can you not (не можешь ли ты),' he shuddered (он содрогнулся), `summon some kind of aid from whatever netherworld it is your horrid allies came (призвать = попросить о какой-нибудь помощи из царства мертвых, откуда твои ужасные союзники/помощники приходили)?'

spectacular [spek`txkjulq] allies [`xlaIz]

Corum nodded wearily. He looked up. Red clouds boiled above, like a dome of fire. It seemed that all the world burned.

`Have you no spells for bringing on rain, Sir Hanafax?'

`I regret not. We priests scorn such primitive tricks.'

`Useful tricks. Sorcerers seem to enjoy only the spectacular.'

`I am afraid it is so.' Hanafax sighed. `What about your own powers? Can you not,' he shuddered, `summon some kind of aid from whatever netherworld it is your horrid allies came?'

`I fear those allies are only useful in battle (боюсь, эти помощники полезны только в битве). I have no true conception of what they are or why they come (у меня нет точного понимания = я плохо представляю, кто они и почему приходят). I have come to believe that the sorcerer who fitted me with this hand and eye had no clearer idea himself (я стал думать, что колдун, который снабдил меня этой рукой и глазом, сам толком не знал). His work was something of an experiment, it seems (кажется, /этот/ его поступок был вроде опыта).'

`You have noticed, I take it, that the sun does not appear to set in the Flamelands (ты заметил, полагаю, что солнце, похоже, /никогда/ не заходит в Огненных землях). We can expect no night to come to relieve us (мы не можем ждать, что = вряд ли наступит ночь и облегчит наши /страдания/; to relieve — помогать; ослаблять, облегчать).'

Corum was about to reply when he saw something move a rise of black obsidian a short distance away (Корум собирался ответить, когда увидел, как что-то двинулось на холме из черного обсидиана недалеко).

`Hush, Sir Hanafax (тихо, сэр Ганафакс)…'

conception [kqn`sepS(q)n] experiment [Ik`sperImqnt]

`I fear those allies are only useful in battle. I have no true conception of what they are or why they come. I have come to believe that the sorcerer who fitted me with this hand and eye had no clearer idea himself. His work was something of an experiment, it seems.'

`You have noticed, I take it, that the sun does not appear to set in the Flamelands. We can expect no night to come to relieve us.'

Corum was about to reply when he saw something move a rise of black obsidian a short distance away.

`Hush, Sir Hanafax…'

Hanafax peered through the smoky heat (Ганафакс всмотрелся в дымную жару = даль).

`What is it (что это)?'

And then they revealed themselves (и тут показались они).

There were about a score of them, mounted on beasts whose bodies were covered in thick, scaly skin resembling plate armour (около двадцати их = воинов, сидевших на животных, чьи тела были покрыты толстой, чешуйчатой кожей, напоминавшей пластинчатые доспехи). They had four short legs and cloven feet (у них были четыре короткие лапы и раздвоенные копыта; foot — ступня; лапа), a crest of horns jutted on heads and snouts and small, red eyes gleamed at them (рога на голове и носу и маленькие красные глаза, /смотревшие/ на них, сверкая; crest — гребень, гребешок; snout — рыло, морда; выступ; to jut — выдаваться, выступать). The riders were covered from head to foot in red garments of some shining material which hid even their faces and hands (наездники были закутаны с головы до ног в красные одеяния из какого-то сверкающего материала, которые скрывали даже их лица и руки). They had long, barbed lances for weapons (у них были длинные, зазубренные копья в качестве оружия).

snout [snaut] barbed [bRbd] lance [lRns] weapon [`wepqn]

Hanafax peered through the smoky heat.

`What is it?'

And then they revealed themselves.

There were about a score of them, mounted on beasts whose bodies were covered in thick, scaly skin resembling plate armour. They had four short legs and cloven feet, a crest of horns jutted on heads and snouts and small, red eyes gleamed at them. The riders were covered from head to foot in red garments of some shining material which hid even their faces and hands. They had long, barbed lances for weapons.

Silently, they surrounded Corum and Hanafax (они молча окружили Корума и Ганафакса).

For a few moments there was silence, and then one of the riders spoke (несколько мгновений = некоторое время стояла тишина, потом один из наездников заговорил).

`What do you in our Flamelands, strangers (что делаете вы в наших Огненных землях, чужестранцы)?'

`We are not here from choice (мы здесь не по своему выбору),' replied Corum (ответил Корум). `An accident brought us to your country (случайность привела нас в вашу страну; accident — несчастный случай, авария; случай, случайность; to bring). We are peaceful (мы мирные).'

`You are not peaceful. You bear swords (у вас мечи).'

`We did not know there were any inhabitants to these lands (мы не знали, что в этих землях кто-то живет; inhabitant — житель, обитатель),' Hanafax said. `We seek help (мы ищем = нам нужна помощь). We wish to leave (мы желаем уйти /отсюда/).'

accident [`xksId(q)nt] country [`kAntrI]

Silently, they surrounded Corum and Hanafax.

For a few moments there was silence, and then one of the riders spoke.

`What do you in our Flamelands, strangers?'

`We are not here from choice,' replied Corum. `An accident brought us to your country. We are peaceful.'

`You are not peaceful. You bear swords.'

`We did not know there were any inhabitants to these lands,' Hanafax said. `We seek help. We wish to leave.'

`None may leave the Flamelands save to suffer a mighty doom (никто не может покинуть Огненные земли, кроме как пройдя страшное испытание; to suffer — страдать, испытывать, переживать; mighty — могучий, сильный).' The voice was sonorous, even sad (голос был звонкий, даже печальный). `There is only one gateway and that is through the Lion's Mouth (есть только один выход — через Пасть Льва; gateway — ворота; вход, выход).'

`Can we not (а не можем ли мы)…?'

The riders began to close in (наездники начали окружать их; to close in — приближаться; окружать). Corum and Hanafax drew their swords (Корум и Ганафакс вытащили мечи).

`Well, Prince Corum, it seems we are to die (что ж, принц Корум, похоже, мы умрем).'

Corum's face was grim (лицо Корума было мрачным/грозным). He pushed up his eye patch (он сдвинул наверх глазную повязку). For a moment his vision clouded and then he saw into the netherworld once again (на мгновение его зрение затуманилось, затем он снова увидел преисподнюю; to see into — всматриваться; проникать взором о что-либо). He wondered for a moment if it would not be better to die at the hands of the Flameland dwellers (на миг он усомнился, не лучше ли умереть от рук обитателей Огненных земель) but now he was looking at a cavern in which tall figures stood as if frozen (но вот он /уже/ смотрел на пещеру, в которой высокие фигуры стояли, словно замороженные). With a shock Corum recognised them as the dead warriors of the Ragha-da-Kheta (с потрясением Корум узнал в них мертвых воинов рага-да-кета), their wounds now bloodless, their eyes glazed (их раны теперь были бескровны, их глаза остекленели), their clothes and armour torn, their weapons still in their hands (одежда была порвана, доспехи пробиты, а их оружие по-прежнему в руках; to tear — рвать/ся/, разрывать/ся/; пробивать, ломать). They began to move towards him as his hand stretched out to summon them (они начали двигаться к нему, когда его рука протянулась, чтобы призвать их).

cavern [`kxvqn] recognised [`rekqgnaIzd]

`None may leave the Flamelands save to suffer a mighty doom.' The voice was sonorous, even sad. `There is only one gateway and that is through the Lion's Mouth.'

`Can we not…?'

The riders began to close in. Corum and Hanafax drew their swords.

`Well, Prince Corum, it seems we are to die.'

Corum's face was grim. He pushed up his eye patch. For a moment his vision clouded and then he saw into the netherworld once again. He wondered for a moment if it would not be better to die at the hands of the Flameland dwellers but now he was looking at a cavern in which tall figures stood as if frozen. With a shock Corum recognised them as the dead warriors of the Ragha-da-Kheta, their wounds now bloodless, their eyes glazed, their clothes and armour torn, their weapons still in their hands. They began to move towards him as his hand stretched out to summon them.

`NO! These, too, are my enemies (это тоже мои враги)!' Corum shouted (закричал Корум).

Hanafax, unable to see what Corum saw, turned his head in astonishment (Ганафакс, не способный видеть /то/, что Корум видел, обернулся: «повернул голову» в изумлении).

The dead warriors came on (мертвые воины продолжали идти). The scene behind them faded (вид позади них исчез). They materialised on the obsidian rock of the Flamelands (они материализовались на обсидиановой скале Огненных земель).

Corum backed away, gesticulating wildly (Корум попятился, дико размахивая руками). The Flameland warriors drew their mounts to a stop in surprise (воины Огненных земель удивленно осадили своих животных). Hanafax's face was a mask of fear (лицо Ганафакса было маской страха = исказилось от ужаса).

`No! I…'

shouted [`SautId] gesticulating [Ge`stIkjuleItIN]

`NO! These, too, are my enemies!' Corum shouted.

Hanafax, unable to see what Corum saw, turned his head in astonishment.

The dead warriors came on. The scene behind them faded. They materialised on the obsidian rock of the Flamelands.

Corum backed away, gesticulating wildly. The Flameland warriors drew their mounts to a stop in surprise. Hanafax's face was a mask of fear.

`No! I…'

From the lips of the dead King Temgol-Lep came a whispering voice (с губ мертвого короля Темгол-Лепа слетел шепот).

`We serve you, master (мы служим тебе, повелитель). Will you give us our prizes (дашь ли ты нам нашу награду)?'

Corum controlled himself (Корум взял себя в руки). Slowly, he nodded (медленно он кивнул).

`Aye (да). You may take your prizes (можете взять свою награду).'

The long-limbed warriors turned to face the mounted warriors of the Flamelands (длинноногие и длиннорукие воины повернулись лицом к конным воинам Огненных земель; to face — стоять лицом к; сталкиваться лицом к лицу). The beasts snorted and tried to move back but were forced to stand their ground by their riders (животные зафыркали и пытались пятиться, но их наездники заставили их оставаться на месте). There were about fifty of the Ragha-da-Kheta (было около пятидесяти /воинов/ рага-да-кета). Dividing into groups of two or three, their clawed clubs raised (разделяясь на группы по двое и по трое, подняв свои когтевидные дубинки), they flung themselves at the mounted beings (они бросились на всадников).

From the lips of the dead King Temgol-Lep came a whispering voice.

`We serve you, master. Will you give us our prizes?'

Corum controlled himself. Slowly, he nodded.

`Aye. You may take your prizes.'

The long-limbed warriors turned to face the mounted warriors of the Flamelands. The beasts snorted and tried to move back but were forced to stand their ground by their riders. There were about fifty of the Ragha-da-Kheta. Dividing into groups of two or three, their clawed clubs raised, they flung themselves at the mounted beings.

Barbed lances came up and stabbed down at the Ragha-da-Kheta (зазубренные копья взметнулись и пронзили /воинов/ рага-да-кета; to come up — подниматься, повышаться; to stab — наносить удар /острым оружием/). Many were struck, but it did not deter them (многих поразили /эти копья/, но это их не остановило; to deter — удерживать; отпугивать; останавливать). They began to drag the struggling riders from their saddles (они принялись стаскивать отбивавшихся всадников с седел).

Pale-faced, Corum watched (бледный: «бледнолицый», Корум наблюдал). He knew now that he was consigning the Flamelands warriors to the same nether world from which he had summoned the Ragha-da-Kheta (он понимал теперь, что отправляет воинов Огненных земель в ту же преисподнюю, из которой он вызвал рага-да-кета). And his actions had sent the Ragha-da-Kheta to that netherworld in the first place (его действия отправили рага-да-кета в тот мир изначально = раньше).

On the gleaming rock, around which ran rivers of red rock, the ghastly battle continued (на блестящей скале, вокруг которой текли реки красного камня = лавы, продолжалась ужасная битва). The clawed clubs ripped the cloaks from the riders, revealing a people whose faces were familiar (когтевидные дубинки срывали плащи с всадников, открывая людей, чьи лица были знакомы).

`Stop!' Corum cried. `Stop! That is enough (довольно). Kill no more (больше не убивайте)!'

ghastly [`gRstlI] familiar [fq`mIlIq]

Barbed lances came up and stabbed down at the Ragha-da-Kheta. Many were struck, but it did not deter them. They began to drag the struggling riders from their saddles.

Pale-faced, Corum watched. He knew now that he was consigning the Flamelands warriors to the same nether world from which he had summoned the Ragha-da-Kheta. And his actions had sent the Ragha-da-Kheta to that netherworld in the first place.

On the gleaming rock, around which ran rivers of red rock, the ghastly battle continued. The clawed clubs ripped the cloaks from the riders, revealing a people whose faces were familiar.

`Stop!' Corum cried. `Stop! That is enough. Kill no more!'

Temgol-Lep turned his glazed eyes on Corum (Темгол-Леп обратил свое остекленевшие глаза на Корума). The dead king had a barbed spear sticking completely through his body (тело мертвого короля пробило насквозь зазубренное копье), but he seemed unaware of it (но, казалось, он и не подозревал об этом). His dead lips moved (его мертвые губы шевельнулись).

`These are our prizes, master. We cannot stop (мы не можем остановиться).'

`But they are Vadhagh! They are like me (они такие же, как я)! They are my own people (это мой народ)!'

Hanafax put an arm on Corum's shoulder (Ганафакс положил Коруму руку на плечо).

`They are all dead now, Prince Corum (теперь они все мертвы, принц Корум).'

Sobbing, Corum ran towards the corpses, inspecting the faces (рыдая, Корум побежал к трупам, заглядывая в их лица). They had the same long skulls, the same huge, almond eyes, the same tapering ears (у них были такие же удлиненные черепа, такие же огромные миндалевидные глаза, такие же сужающиеся уши).

Temgol-Lep turned his glazed eyes on Corum. The dead king had a barbed spear sticking completely through his body, but he seemed unaware of it. His dead lips moved.

`These are our prizes, master. We cannot stop.'

`But they are Vadhagh! They are like me! They are my own people!'

Hanafax put an arm on Corum's shoulder.

`They are all dead now, Prince Corum.'

Sobbing, Corum ran towards the corpses, inspecting the faces. They had the same long skulls, the same huge, almond eyes, the same tapering ears.

`How came Vadhagh here (как вадаги попали сюда)?' Hanafax murmured (прошептал Ганафакс).

Now Temgol-Lep was dragging one of the corpses away, aided by two of his minions (Темгол-Леп утаскивал один из трупов, ему помогали двое /из/ его слуг; minion — любимец, фаворит; ставленник). The scaled beasts scattered, some of them splashing through the lava uncaringly (покрытые чешуей животные бросились врассыпную, некоторые бежали по лаве небрежно; to splash — брызгать/ся/, плескать/ся/; шлепать /по лужам, воде и т.д./).

Through the Eye of Rhynn, Corum saw the Ragha-da-Kheta pull the corpses into their cave (Глазом Ринна Корум видел, как рага-да-кета втаскивают трупы в свою пещеру). With a shudder, he replaced the eye patch (содрогнувшись, он вернул на место глазную повязку). Save for a few weapons and tatters of armour and clothing (за исключением оружия, кусков доспехов и клочьев одежды; tatter — клочья, лохмотья; развалины), save for the disappearing mounts, nothing remained of the Vadhagh of the Flamelands (кроме исчезающих = разбегающихся ездовых животных, ничего не осталось от вадагов Огненных земель).

`I have destroyed my own folk (я уничтожил собственный народ)!' Corum screamed (вскричал Корум). `I have consigned them to a frightful doom in that nether world (я отправил = обрек их на ужасную судьбу в том мире мертвых)!'

minion [`mInIqn] disappearing [,dIsq`pIqrIN]

`How came Vadhagh here?' Hanafax murmured.

Now Temgol-Lep was dragging one of the corpses away, aided by two of his minions. The scaled beasts scattered, some of them splashing through the lava uncaringly.

Through the Eye of Rhynn, Corum saw the Ragha-da-Kheta pull the corpses into their cave. With a shudder, he replaced the eye patch. Save for a few weapons and tatters of armour and clothing, save for the disappearing mounts, nothing remained of the Vadhagh of the Flamelands.

`I have destroyed my own folk!' Corum screamed. `I have consigned them to a frightful doom in that nether world!'

`Sorcery has a way of recoiling suddenly upon its user (колдовство имеет особенность обращаться внезапно против того, кто его использует; to recoil — отскакивать, отлетать; возвращаться рикошетом /о злых поступках/),' Hanafax said quietly. `It is an arbitrary power, as I said (это непостоянная/капризная сила, как я говорил).'

Corum wheeled on Hanafax (Корум повернулся к Ганафаксу).

`Stop your prattling, Mabden (хватит болтать, мабден; to prattle — лепетать; болтать)! Do you not realise what I have done (неужели ты не осознаешь, что я наделал)?'

Hanafax nodded soberly (Ганафакс кивнул серьезно; sober — трезвый, рассудительный).

`Aye. But it is done, is it not (но это сделано, не так ли)? Our lives are saved (наши жизни спасены).'

`Now I add fratricide to my crimes (теперь я добавил братоубийство к своим преступлениям).' Corum fell to his knees, dropping his sword on the rock (Корум упул на колени, роняя меч на скалу). And he wept (и заплакал; to weep).

fratricide [`frxtrIsaId] knee [nJ]

`Sorcery has a way of recoiling suddenly upon its user,' Hanafax said quietly. `It is an arbitrary power, as I said.'

Corum wheeled on Hanafax.

`Stop your prattling, Mabden! Do you not realise what I have done?'

Hanafax nodded soberly.

`Aye. But it is done, is it not? Our lives are saved.'

`Now I add fratricide to my crimes.' Corum fell to his knees, dropping his sword on the rock. And he wept.

`Who weeps (кто плачет)?'

It was a woman's voice (это был женский голос). A sad voice (печальный голос).

`Who weeps for Cira-an-Venl, the Lands That Are Now Flame (кто оплакивает Кира-ан-Венл, Земли, которые теперь огонь = стали огнем)? Who remembers her sweet meadows and her fair hills (кто вспоминает ее душистые луга и прекрасные холмы)?'

Corum raised his head and got to his feet (Корум поднял голову и встал на ноги). Hanafax was already staring at the apparition on the rock above them (Ганафакс уже пристально смотрел на это видение, /возникшее/ на скале над ними; apparition — видение; прив идение).

`Who weeps, there?'

meadow [`medqu] apparition [,xpq`rIS(q)n]

`Who weeps?'

It was a woman's voice. A sad voice.

`Who weeps for Cira-an-Venl, the Lands That Are Now Flame? Who remembers her sweet meadows and her fair hills?'

Corum raised his head and got to his feet. Hanafax was already staring at the apparition on the rock above them.

`Who weeps, there?'

The woman was old (женщина была старой). Her face was handsome and grim and white and lined (ее лицо было привлекательным и суровым, бледным и морщинистым). Her grey hair swirled about her and she was dressed in a red cloak such as the warriors had worn, mounted on a similar horned beast (седые волосы завивались; она была одета в красный плащ, такой, что носили воины, и сидела верхом на таком же рогатом животном). She was a Vadhagh woman and very frail (она была вадагской женщиной, /к тому же/ очень хрупкой). Where her eyes had been were white, filmy pools of pain (/там/, где были /раньше/ ее глаза, /теперь находились/ белые, подернутые дымкой озера боли; filmy — покрытый пленкой; подернутый дымкой; pool — лужа; прудок, омут; бассейн).

`I am Corum Jhaelen Irsei, lady. Why are you blind (почему ты слепа)?'

`I am blind through choice (я слепа по /своему собственному/ выбору). Rather than witness what had become of my land, I plucked my eyes from my head (вместо того, чтобы видеть, что стало с моей страной, я вырвала свои глаза). I am Oorese, Queen of Cira-an-Venl, and my people number twenty (я Оорес, королева Кира-ан-Венла, а моих подданных /лишь/ двадцать; to number — нумеровать; насчитывать).'

Corum's lips were dry (губы Корума были сухими = пересохли).

The woman was old. Her face was handsome and grim and white and lined. Her grey hair swirled about her and she was dressed in a red cloak such as the warriors had worn, mounted on a similar horned beast. She was a Vadhagh woman and very frail. Where her eyes had been were white, filmy pools of pain.

`I am Corum Jhaelen Irsei, lady. Why are you blind?'

`I am blind through choice. Rather than witness what had become of my land, I plucked my eyes from my head. I am Oorese, Queen of Cira-an-Venl, and my people number twenty.'

Corum's lips were dry.

`I have slain your people, lady (я убил твоих подданных, госпожа). That is why I weep (поэтому я плачу).'

Her face did not alter (/выражение/ ее лица не изменилось).

`They were doomed (они были обречены),' she said, `to die (на смерть). It is better that they are dead (лучше, что они погибли). I thank you, stranger, for releasing them (благодарю тебя, чужестранец, /за то/, что освободил их). Perhaps you would care to release me also (может быть, ты захочешь освободить и меня тоже; to care — заботиться, беспокоиться; иметь желание). I only live so that the memory of Cira-an-Venl may live (я живу лишь для того, чтобы могла = продолжала жить память о Кира-ан-Венле).' She paused.

`Why do you use a Vedragh name (почему ты используешь ведрагское имя)?'

`I am of the Vadhagh — the Vedragh, as you call them (я из /племени/ вадагов — ведрагов, как ты их называешь) — I am from the lands far to the South (я из земель, /лежащих/ далеко к югу).'

alter [`Lltq] release [rI`lJs] South [sauT]

`I have slain your people, lady. That is why I weep.'

Her face did not alter.

`They were doomed,' she said, `to die. It is better that they are dead. I thank you, stranger, for releasing them. Perhaps you would care to release me also. I only live so that the memory of Cira-an-Venl may live.' She paused.

`Why do you use a Vedragh name?'

`I am of the Vadhagh — the Vedragh, as you call them — I am from the lands far to the South.'

`So Vedragh did go South (значит, ведраги действительно пошли на юг). And is their land sweet (красива ли их страна; sweet — сладкий, приятный; миловидный)?'

`It is very sweet.'

`And are you folk happy, Prince Corum in the Scarlet Robe (а счастлив ли твой народ, принц Корум а Алом Плаще)?'

`They are dead, Queen Oorese (они мертвы, королева Оорес). They are dead.'

`All dead, then, now? Save you (кроме тебя)?'

`And save yourself, my queen (и кроме тебя, моя королева).'

A smile touched her lips (улыбка тронула ее губы).

`So Vedragh did go South. And is their land sweet?'

`It is very sweet.'

`And are you folk happy, Prince Corum in the Scarlet Robe?'

`They are dead, Queen Oorese. They are dead.'

`All dead, then, now? Save you?'

`And save yourself, my queen.'

A smile touched her lips.

`He said we should all die, wherever we were, on whichever plane we existed (он сказал, мы все должны умереть, где бы мы ни были, в какой бы плоскости ни существовали). But there was another prophecy — that when we died, so did he (но было и другое пророчество — когда мы умрем, умрет и он). He chose to ignore it, as I remember (он решил не заметить его, насколько я помню).'

`Who said that, lady (кто сказал это, госпожа)?'

`The Knight of the Swords. Duke Arioch of Chaos (Герцог Ариох Хаоса). He who inherited these five planes for his part in that long-ago battle between Order and Chaos (тот, кто унаследовал эти пять плоскостей в качестве своей доли после той давней битвы между Порядком и Хаосом). Who came here and willed that smooth rock cover our pretty hills (/тот/, кто пришел сюда и пожелал, чтобы эта гладкая скала = камни покрыли наши прекрасные холмы), that boiling lava run in our gentle streams (чтобы кипящая лава текла в наших тихих ручьях; stream — поток; река, ручей), that flame spring where green forests had been (чтобы пламя возникло /там/, где были зеленые леса). Duke Arioch, prince, made that prediction (Герцог Ариох, принц, сделал то предсказание). But, before he departed to the place of his banishment, Lord Arkyn made another (но, прежде чем отправиться в место своего изгнания/ссылки, лорд Аркин сделал другое /предсказание/).'

prophecy [`prOfIsI] prediction [prI`dIkS(q)n]

`He said we should all die, wherever we were, on whichever plane we existed. But there was another prophecy — that when we died, so did he. He chose to ignore it, as I remember.'

`Who said that, lady?'

`The Knight of the Swords. Duke Arioch of Chaos. He who inherited these five planes for his part in that long-ago battle between Order and Chaos. Who came here and willed that smooth rock cover our pretty hills, that boiling lava run in our gentle streams, that flame spring where green forests had been. Duke Arioch, prince, made that prediction. But, before he departed to the place of his banishment, Lord Arkyn made another.'

`Lord Arkyn?'

`Lord of Law, who ruled here before Arioch ousted him (Владыка Закона, который правил здесь до того, как Ариох изгнал его; to oust — выгонять, занимать чье-либо место; свергать). He said that by destroying the old races, he would destroy his own power over the five planes (он сказал, что, уничтожая древние расы, он уничтожит свою власть над пятью плоскостями).'

`A pleasant wish (славное желание = неплохо сказано),' murmured Hanafax, `but I doubt if that is true (но сомневаюсь, что это правда).'

`Perhaps we do deceive ourselves with happy lies, you who speak with the accent of a Mabden (возможно, мы обманываем себя радостной ложью, ты, говорящий с акцентом мабденов). But then you do not know what we know, for you are Arioch's children (но ведь ты не знаешь /того/, что знаем мы, ибо вы — дети Ариоха).'

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