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Английский язык с М. Муркоком 30 страница

He looked down nervously. The city was running past below them.

Hanafax dragged him into the box of yellow and green silk. Corum was sure he would fall, but the kite held.

The ragged, unkempt figure beside him was grinning.

`So the will of Arioch can be denied,' Corum said.

`Unless we are his instruments in this,' said Hanafax, his grin fading.

CHAPTER FOUR (глава четвертая)

In the Flamelands (в Огненных землях)

Corum got used to the flight, though he still felt uncomfortable (Корум привык к полету, хотя по-прежнему чувствовал себя неуютно). Hanafax hummed to himself while he chopped at his hair and whiskers (Ганафакс что-то напевал про себя, подрезая свои волосы и бакенбарды; to hum — мурлыкать, напевать про себя; to chop — отрезать, отрубать) until a handsome, youngish face was revealed (пока не появилось привлекательное, довольно молодое лицо). Apparently without concern, he discarded his rags and drew on a clean doublet and pair of breeks he had brought with him in his bundle (явно без сожаления, он выбросил свои лохмотья и надел чистый камзол и штаны, /которые/ взял с собой в узле; to discard — избавляться от чего-либо; отказываться; bundle — узел, сверток, связка).

`I feel a thousand times improved (я чувствую себя в тысячу раз лучше; to improve — улучшать/ся/, поправлять/ся/, налаживать/ся/). I thank you, Prince Corum, for visiting the City of Arke before I had entirely rotted away (спасибо тебе, принц Корум, что посетил город Арк прежде, чем я совсем сгнил /в темнице/; to rot away — гнить, портиться; погибать)!'

Corum had discovered that Hanafax could not sustain his moods of introspection but was naturally of a cheerful disposition (Корум обнаружил, что Ганафакс не может переносить свои настроения самонаблюдения = долго не печалится, а от природы — /человек/ веселого характера).

discarded [dIs`kRdId] doublet [`dAblIt] sustain [sq`steIn]

Corum got used to the flight, though he still felt uncomfortable. Hanafax hummed to himself while he chopped at his hair and whiskers until a handsome, youngish face was revealed. Apparently without concern, he discarded his rags and drew on a clean doublet and pair of breeks he had brought with him in his bundle.

`I feel a thousand times improved. I thank you, Prince Corum, for visiting the City of Arke before I had entirely rotted away!'

Corum had discovered that Hanafax could not sustain his moods of introspection but was naturally of a cheerful disposition.

`Where is this flying thing taking us, Sir Hanafax (куда эта летающая штуковина несет нас, сэр Ганафакс)?'

`Ah, there's the problem (ах, в этом и проблема),' Hanafax said. `It is why I have found myself in more trouble than I sought (вот почему я оказывался в больших бедах, чем искал; to seek). I cannot — um — guide the kite (я не могу управлять змеем). It flies where it will (он летит, куда захочет).'

They were over the sea now (они были над морем теперь).

Corum clung to the struts and fixed his eyes ahead of him (Корум вцепился в распорки и пристально посмотрел вперед) while Hanafax began a song which was not complimentary either to Arioch or the Dog God of the Eastern Mabden folk (а Ганафакс начал /петь/ песню, которая не была почтительной ни по отношению к Ариоху, ни к богу Псу восточного мабденского племени; complimentary — поздравительная, лестная, хвалебная).

Then Corum saw something below and he said drily (затем Корум увидел что-то внизу и сказал сухо):

complimentary [,kOmplI`ment(q)rI] either [`aIDq]

`Where is this flying thing taking us, Sir Hanafax?'

`Ah, there's the problem,' Hanafax said. `It is why I have found myself in more trouble than I sought. I cannot — um — guide the kite. It flies where it will.'

They were over the sea now.

Corum clung to the struts and fixed his eyes ahead of him while Hanafax began a song which was not complimentary either to Arioch or the Dog God of the Eastern Mabden folk.

Then Corum saw something below and he said drily:

`I would advise you to forget the insults to Arioch (я бы посоветовал тебе забыть оскорбления в адрес Ариоха). We appear to be flying over the Thousand League Reef (мы, по-видимому, пролетаем над Тысячемильным Рифом). As I understand it, his domain lies somewhere beyond that (как я понимаю, его владения лежат где-то за ним).'

`A fair distance, though (на порядочном расстоянии, однако). I hope the kite brings us down soon (надеюсь, змей вскоре опустит нас на землю).'

They reached the coast (они достигли побережья). Corum screwed up his eyes as he tried to make it out (Корум щурил глаза, пытаясь разглядеть его). Some of the time it seemed to consist of water alone — a kind of huge inland sea (некоторое время = то оно, казалось, состояло из одной воды — что-то вроде огромного внутреннего моря) — and some of the time the water vanished completely and only land could be seen (то вода исчезала совсем, и можно было видеть лишь землю). It was shifting all the time (оно перемещалось все время).

`Is that Urde, Sir Hanafax (это Урд, сэр Ганафакс)?'

`I would advise you to forget the insults to Arioch. We appear to be flying over the Thousand League Reef. As I understand it, his domain lies somewhere beyond that.'

`A fair distance, though. I hope the kite brings us down soon.'

They reached the coast. Corum screwed up his eyes as he tried to make it out. Some of the time it seemed to consist of water alone — a kind of huge inland sea — and some of the time the water vanished completely and only land could be seen. It was shifting all the time.

`Is that Urde, Sir Hanafax?'

`I think it must be the place "Urde" by its position and appearance (думаю, это должно быть «Урдом», согласно = судя по местоположению и внешнему виду). Unstable matter, Prince Corum, created by the Chaos Lords (изменчивое вещество, принц Корум, созданное Владыками Хаоса).'

`The Chaos Lords? I have not heard that term used before (я не слышал, чтобы это выражение употребляли раньше).'

`Have you not (разве)? Well, it is their will that rules you (ну, именно их воля управляет тобой = твоей судьбой). Arioch is one of them (Ариох — один из них). Long since there was a war between the forces of Order and the forces of Chaos (давным-давно шла война между силами Порядка и силами Хаоса). The forces of Chaos won and came to dominate the Fifteen Planes (силы Хаоса победили и стали господствовать в Пятнадцати Плоскостях; to win) and, as I understand it, much that lies beyond them (и, как я понимаю, многим, что лежит за их пределами). Some say that Order was defeated completely and all her Gods vanished (некоторые говорят, что Порядок потерпел полное поражение и все его боги исчезли). They say the Cosmic Balance tipped too far in one direction (/еще/ говорят, что Космическое Равновесие склонилось слишком далеко в одну сторону) and that is why there are so many arbitrary events taking place in the world (и поэтому так много случайных событий происходит в мире). They say that once the world was round instead of dish-shaped (говорят, что некогда мир был круглым, а не тарелочный = не плоский, как тарелка; dish-shaped — тарелочный, чашеобразный). It is hard to accept, I agree (согласен, это трудно принять; to accept — принимать, допускать, соглашаться).'

appearance [q`pI(q)rqns] Chaos [`keIOs] arbitrary [`RbItrqrI] accept [qk`sept]

`I think it must be the place "Urde" by its position and appearance. Unstable matter, Prince Corum, created by the Chaos Lords.'

`The Chaos Lords? I have not heard that term used before.'

`Have you not? Well, it is their will that rules you. Arioch is one of them. Long since there was a war between the forces of Order and the forces of Chaos. The forces of Chaos won and came to dominate the Fifteen Planes and, as I understand it, much that lies beyond them. Some say that Order was defeated completely and all her Gods vanished. They say the Cosmic Balance tipped too far in one direction and that is why there are so many arbitrary events taking place in the world. They say that once the world was round instead of dish-shaped. It is hard to accept, I agree.'

`Some Vadhagh legends say it was once round (некоторые вадагские легенды /тоже/ говорят, он был однажды круглым).'

`Aye. Well, the Vadhagh began their rise just before Order was banished (что же, вадаги начали свой подъем = расцвет как раз до того, как Порядок изгнали). That is why the Sword Rulers hate the old races so much (вот почему Повелители Мечей так ненавидят древние расы). They are not their creation at all (они вообще не являются их творением). But the Great Gods are not allowed to interfere too directly in mortal affairs (но Великим Богам не дозволено вмешиваться /слишком/ прямо в дела смертных), so they have worked through the Mabden, chiefly (поэтому они действуют через мабденов, в основном)…'

`Is this the truth (это правда)?'

`It is a truth (это относительная правда = возможно),' Hanafax shrugged (Ганафакс пожал плечами). `I know other versions of the same tale (я знаю и другие варианты этой истории). But I am inclined to believe this one (но я склонен верить этому).'

`These Great Gods — you speak of the Sword Rulers (эти Великие Боги — ты говоришь о Повелителях Мечей)?'

interfere [,Intq`fIq] inclined [In`klaInd]

`Some Vadhagh legends say it was once round.'

`Aye. Well, the Vadhagh began their rise just before Order was banished. That is why the Sword Rulers hate the old races so much. They are not their creation at all. But the Great Gods are not allowed to interfere too directly in mortal affairs, so they have worked through the Mabden, chiefly…'

`Is this the truth?'

`It is a truth,' Hanafax shrugged. `I know other versions of the same tale. But I am inclined to believe this one.'

`These Great Gods — you speak of the Sword Rulers?'

`Aye, the Sword Rulers and others (да, о Повелителях Мечей и других). Then there are the Great Old Gods, to whom all the myriad planes of Earth are merely a tiny fragment in a greater mosaic (к тому же, существуют Великие Древние Боги, для которых все бесчисленные плоскости Земли — всего лишь ничтожные кусочки в большой мозаике).' Hanafax shrugged. `This is the cosmology I was taught when I was a priest (такой космологии меня обучали, когда я был жрецом). I cannot vouch for its truth (не могу ручаться за ее истинность).'

Corum frowned. He looked below and now they were crossing a bleak yellow and brown desert (он посмотрел вниз, теперь они пересекали унылую желто-коричневую пустыню; bleak — незащищенный от ветра; гнетущий, безрадостный). It was the desert called Dhroonhazat and it seemed entirely waterless (это была пустыня под названием Друнхазат, и она казалась совершенно безводной). By an accident of fate he was being borne towards the Knight of the Swords faster than he had expected (по случайности судьбы = благодаря случайности его несло к Рыцарю Мечей быстрее, чем он ожидал).

Or was it an accident of fate (/хотя/, было ли это случайностью)?

myriad [`mIrIqd] cosmology [kOz`mOlqGI] vouch [vauC] desert [`dezqt]

`Aye, the Sword Rulers and others. Then there are the Great Old Gods, to whom all the myriad planes of Earth are merely a tiny fragment in a greater mosaic.' Hanafax shrugged. `This is the cosmology I was taught when I was a priest. I cannot vouch for its truth.'

Corum frowned. He looked below and now they were crossing a bleak yellow and brown desert. It was the desert called Dhroonhazat and it seemed entirely waterless. By an accident of fate he was being borne towards the Knight of the Swords faster than he had expected.

Or was it an accident of fate?

Now the heat was increasing and the sand below shimmered and danced (теперь жара усиливалась, и песок внизу переливался и прыгал; to dance — танцевать; прыгать, скакать). Hanafax licked his lips (Ганафакс облизал губы).

`We're getting dangerously close to the Flamelands, Prince Corum (мы приближаемся опасно близко к Огненным землям, принц Корум). Look (смотри).'

On the horizon Corum saw a thin, flickering line of red light (на горизонте Корум увидел тонкую, дрожащую линию красного света). The sky above it was also tinged red (небо над ней тоже было слегка красным).

The kite sped nearer and the heat increased (воздушный змей подлетал ближе /к огню/, и жара усиливалась; to speed — мчаться, торопиться). To his astonishment, Corum saw that they were approaching a wall of flame (к своему изумлению = с удивлением Корум увидел, что они приближаются к стене огня) that stretched as far as he could see in both directions (которая растянулась на сколько он мог видеть в оба направления = от края до края).

`Hanafax, we shall be burned alive (Ганафакс, мы сгорим заживо),' he said softly.

`Aye, it seems likely (да, похоже на то).'

`Is there no means of turning this kite of yours (неужели нет средств = нельзя повернуть этого твоего змея)?'

danced [dRnst] increased [In`krJst] astonishment [q`stOnISmqnt]

Now the heat was increasing and the sand below shimmered and danced. Hanafax licked his lips. `We're getting dangerously close to the Flamelands, Prince Corum. Look.'

On the horizon Corum saw a thin, flickering line of red light. The sky above it was also tinged red.

The kite sped nearer and the heat increased. To his astonishment, Corum saw that they were approaching a wall of flame that stretched as far as he could see in both directions.

`Hanafax, we shall be burned alive,' he said softly.

`Aye, it seems likely.'

`Is there no means of turning this kite of yours?'

`I have tried, in the past (я пытался, в прошлом = раньше). It is not the first time it has taken me away from one danger and into a worse one (это не первый раз, когда он уносит меня от одной опасности к /другой/, худшей)…'

The wall of fire was now so close that Corum could feel its direct heat burning his face (огненная стена теперь была так близко, что Корум ощущал, как ее прямой = исходящий от нее жар обжигает его лицо). He heard it rumble and crackle and it seemed to feed on nothing but the air itself (он услышал, как она гремела и потрескивала и, казалось, пожирала лишь один воздух; to feed on — питать; жить за чей-либо счет).

`Such a thing defies nature (подобная вещь нарушает /законы/ природы = это неестественно)!' he gasped (проговорил он, задыхаясь).

`Is that not a fair definition of all sorcery (разве это не ясное определение всего колдовства = таковым является все колдовство)?' Hanafax said. `This is Chaos work (это работа Хаоса). The disruption of the natural harmony is, after all, their pleasure (нарушение естественной гармонии — это, в конце концов, их развлечение).'

`Ah, this sorcery (ох уж это колдовство). It wearies my mind (оно утомляем мой разум = как я от него устал). I cannot grasp its logic (не могу понять его логику; to grasp — схватывать; понимать, усваивать).'

definition [,defI`nIS(q)n] harmony [`hRmqnI] grasp [grRsp]

`I have tried, in the past. It is not the first time it has taken me away from one danger and into a worse one…'

The wall of fire was now so close that Corum could feel its direct heat burning his face. He heard it rumble and crackle and it seemed to feed on nothing but the air itself.

`Such a thing defies nature!' he gasped.

`Is that not a fair definition of all sorcery?' Hanafax said. `This is Chaos work. The disruption of the natural harmony is, after all, their pleasure.'

`Ah, this sorcery. It wearies my mind. I cannot grasp its logic.'

`That is because it has none (это потому, что в нем ее нет). It is arbitrary (оно непостоянно). The Lords of Chaos are the enemies of Logic (Владыки Хаоса — враги Логики), the jugglers of Truth, the moulders of Beauty (искажатели Истины, разрушители Красоты; juggler — фокусник; жонглер; обманщик; to moulder — разрушать/ся/, разлагать/ся/). I should be surprised if they had not created these Flamelands out of some aesthetic impulse (я бы удивился, если бы они не создали эти Огненные земли из некоего эстетического побуждения). Beauty — an ever-changing beauty — is all they live for (красота — вечно меняющаяся красота — все, ради чего они живут).'

`An evil beauty (зловещая красота).'

`I believe that such notions of "good" and "evil" do not exist for the Chaos Lords (полагаю, что такие понятия, как «добро» и «зло» не существуют для Владык Хаоса).'

`I should like to make it exist for them (хотелось бы мне сделать это существующим для них = лучше бы было иначе).' Corum mopped his sweating head with his coat sleeve (Корум вытер /пот/ со своей потеющей голову рукавом плаща; to mop — мыть; вытирать /пот, слезы и т.д./).'

`And destroy all their beauty (и уничтожить всю их красоту)?'

Corum darted an odd look at Hanafax (Корум бросил странный взгляд на Ганафакса). Was the Mabden on the side of the Knight (неужели этот мабден был на стороне Рыцаря)? Had he, in fact, trapped Corum into accompanying him (неужели он действительно обманом заставил Корума сопровождать себя); to trap into — вовлекать обманом)?

aesthetic [Js`TetIk] beauty [`bjHtI]

`That is because it has none. It is arbitrary. The Lords of Chaos are the enemies of Logic, the jugglers of Truth, the moulders of Beauty. I should be surprised if they had not created these Flamelands out of some aesthetic impulse. Beauty — an ever-changing beauty — is all they live for.'

`An evil beauty.'

`I believe that such notions of "good" and "evil" do not exist for the Chaos Lords.'

`I should like to make it exist for them.' Corum mopped his sweating head with his coat sleeve.'

`And destroy all their beauty?'

Corum darted an odd look at Hanafax. Was the Mabden on the side of the Knight? Had he, in fact, trapped Corum into accompanying him?

`There are other, quieter kinds of beauty, Sir Hanafax (существуют другие, более спокойные виды красоты, сэр Ганафакс).'

`True (верно).'

Everywhere below them now the flame yelled and leapt (повсюду под ними пламя кричало и прыгало = ревело и поднималось ввысь). The kite began to increase its height as its silk started to smoulder (змей стал набирать высоту, а его шелк начал тлеть). Corum was certain it would soon be destroyed by the fire (Корум был уверен, что его скоро уничтожит огонь) and they would be plunged into the depths of the flame wall (и они упадут в глубины огненной стены = в огненный океан; to plunge into — ввергать/ся/, погружать/ся/).

But now they were above it and, in spite of the silk suddenly springing alive with little fires (но теперь они были над ним, и, несмотря на то, что на шелке вдруг вспыхнули маленькие огоньки; to spring — появляться, выступать, возникать /внезапно/) and Corum feeling he was being roasted in his armour like a turtle in its shell (а Корум чувствовал себя поджареваемым в своих доспехах, словно черепаха в панцире), they now saw the other side of the wall (теперь они видели другую сторону стены).

A piece of the kite fell blazing away (кусок змея отвалился, пылая).

height [haIt] piece [pJs]

`There are other, quieter kinds of beauty, Sir Hanafax.'


Everywhere below them now the flame yelled and leapt. The kite began to increase its height as its silk started to smoulder. Corum was certain it would soon be destroyed by the fire and they would be plunged into the depths of the flame wall.

But now they were above it and, in spite of the silk suddenly springing alive with little fires and Corum feeling he was being roasted in his armour like a turtle in its shell, they now saw the other side of the wall.

A piece of the kite fell blazing away.

Hanafax, his face a bright red, his body running with sweat, clung to a strut and gasped (Ганафакс с ярко-красным лицом и мокрым от пота телом вцепился в распорку и сказал, задыхаясь; to run with sweat — взмокнуть):

`Grasp a beam, Prince Corum (хватайся за перекладину, принц Корум; beam — балка, брус, перекладина)! Grasp a beam!'

Corum took hold of one of the beams beneath his body as the burning silk was ripped from the frame and fluttered into the fires below (Корум ухватился за одну из перекладин под своим телом, когда горящий шелк оторвался от каркаса и полетел в огонь внизу; to rip — разрезать, лопать, распарывать/ся/; to flutter — махать крыльями; трепетать, развеваться /на ветру/). The kite dipped and threatened to follow the silk (воздушный змей наклонился и, казалось, вот-вот последует за шелком; to dip — окунать/ся/; наклоняться, опускаться; to threaten — грозить, угрожать). It was losing height rapidly (он стремительно терял высоту). Corum coughed as the burning air entered his lungs (Корум закашлялся, когда обжигающий воздух проник в его легкие). Blisters appeared on his right hand, though his left hand seemed immune (волдыри появились на его правой руке, хотя левая рука казалась неуязвимой; immune — неуязвимый; невосприимчивый, защищенный).

The kite lurched and began to fall (змей накренился и стал падать).

Corum was flung back and forth during the crazy descent (Корума швыряло назад и вперед = из стороны в сторону во время этого сумасшедшего падения; descent — спуск, снижение; падение), but he managed to keep his hold on the strut (но он сумел не выпустить перекладину из рук; to keep hold on — не выпускать из рук, не отдавать).

threatened [Tretnd] coughed [kOft] immune [I`mjHn] descent [dI`sent]

Hanafax, his face a bright red, his body running with sweat, clung to a strut and gasped:

`Grasp a beam, Prince Corum! Grasp a beam!'

Corum took hold of one of the beams beneath his body as the burning silk was ripped from the frame and fluttered into the fires below. The kite dipped and threatened to follow the silk. It was losing height rapidly. Corum coughed as the burning air entered his lungs. Blisters appeared on his right hand, though his left hand seemed immune.

The kite lurched and began to fall.

Corum was flung back and forth during the crazy descent, but he managed to keep his hold on the strut.

Then there was a cracking sound, a mighty thump (затем раздался трещащий звук = треск, /последовал/ сильный удар; thump — тяжелый удар; глухой звук /удара/), and he lay amidst the wreckage on a surface of flat obsidian, the wall of flame behind him (и он /обнаружил/, что лежит среди обломков /змея/ на поверхности плоского обсидиана = на ровной поверхности обсидиана, а позади него стена огня).

He raised his bruised body upright (он поднял свое ушибленное тело прямо = весь в синяках, он встал на ноги). It was still unbearably hot and the flames sang close to his back, rising a hundred feet or more into the air (по-прежнему было невыносимо жарко, и пламя гудело за его спиной: «близко к спине», поднимаясь в воздух на сотню или более футов; to sing — петь; гудеть, свис теть). The fused rock on which he stood was green and glistened and reflected the flame, seeming to writhe beneath his feet (оплавленная скала, на которой он стоял, была зеленой; она блестела и отражала пламя, и, казалось, корчилась под его ногами; rock — скала, горная порода; большой камень). A little distance to his left was a sluggish river of molten lava, a few flames fluttering on its surface (недалеко, слева от него, спокойно текла река расплавленной лавы; sluggish river — река со спокойным течением). Everywhere Corum looked was the same shining rock, the same red rivers of fire (повсюду, куда бы ни посмотрел Корум, была такая же блестящая порода и такие же красные реки огня). He inspected the kite (он осмотрел змея). It was completely useless (тот был совершенно бесполезен). Hanafax was lying among its struts cursing it (Ганафакс лежал среди распорок змея, проклиная их). He got up (он поднялся).

wreckage [`rekIG] obsidian [qb`sIdIqn] fused [fjHzd]

Then there was a cracking sound, a mighty thump, and he lay amidst the wreckage on a surface of flat obsidian, the wall of flame behind him.

He raised his bruised body upright. It was still unbearably hot and the flames sang close to his back, rising a hundred feet or more into the air. The fused rock on which he stood was green and glistened and reflected the flame, seeming to writhe beneath his feet. A little distance to his left was a sluggish river of molten lava, a few flames fluttering on its surface. Everywhere Corum looked was the same shining rock, the same red rivers of fire. He inspected the kite. It was completely useless. Hanafax was lying among its struts cursing it. He got up.

`Well (что ж),' he kicked at the blackened, broken frame (он пнул почерневший сломанный каркас), `you'll never fly me into any more dangers (ты никогда больше не занесешь меня ни в какие опасности)!'

`I think this danger is all we need (думаю, эта опасность — все, что нам нужно = нам хватит и этой передряги),' Corum said. `It could be the last one we'll ever face (эта, возможно, последняя, с которой мы столкнемся = в нашей жизни).'

Hanafax picked up his sword-belt from the wreckage and tied it round his shoulders (Ганафакс поднял свою портупею из обломков и обвязал/закрепил ее вокруг плеч).

`Aye, I think you could speak truth, Prince Corum (да, думаю, ты говоришь правду = ты прав, принц Корум). A poor place to meet one's end, eh (скверное место, чтобы встретить смерть/погибнуть, да)?'

`According to some Mabden legends (согласно некоторым мабденским легендам),' Corum said, `We might already have met our ends and been consigned here (мы, возможно, уже погибли и отправлены сюда; to consign — передавать; отправлять, посылать). Are not certain Mabden netherworlds said to be made of eternally burning flame (разве не правда, /что/ мабденское царство мертвых, говорят, состоит из вечно пылающего огня; netherworld — ад, преисподняя, царство мертвых; certain — точный, определенный; известный)?'

Hanafax snorted (Ганафакс фыркнул).

`In the East, perhaps (на востоке, возможно, /и говорят/). Well, we cannot go back, so I suppose we must go forward (итак, мы не можем вернуться, поэтому, полагаю, мы должны идти вперед).'

netherworld [`neDqwq:ld] eternally [I`tq:n(q)lI]

`Well,' he kicked at the blackened, broken frame, `you'll never fly me into any more dangers!'

`I think this danger is all we need,' Corum said. `It could be the last one we'll ever face.'

Hanafax picked up his sword-belt from the wreckage and tied it round his shoulders.

`Aye, I think you could speak truth, Prince Corum. A poor place to meet one's end, eh?'

`According to some Mabden legends,' Corum said, `We might already have met our ends and been consigned here. Are not certain Mabden netherworlds said to be made of eternally burning flame?'

Hanafax snorted.

`In the East, perhaps. Well, we cannot go back, so I suppose we must go forward.'

`I was told that an Ice Wilderness lay towards the North (мне сказали, что Ледяная пустыня лежит к северу),' Corum said. `Though how it does not melt being so near to the Flamelands, I do not know (хотя как она не растаяла, находясь так близко к Огненным землям, я не знаю).'

`Another quirk of the Lords of Chaos, doubtless (еще одна шутка Владык Хаоса, несомненно; quirk — причуда, каприз; выходка, случайность).'


They began to make their way over the slippery rock that burned their feet with every step (они начали делать свой путь = пошли по скользкой скале, которая обжигала их ноги с каждым шагом), leaving the wall of flame behind them, leaping over rivulets of lava (оставляя позади стену огня, перепрыгивая через ручейки лавы), moving so slowly and so circuitously that they were soon exhausted and paused to rest (двигаясь так медленно и окольными /путями/, что вскоре утомились и остановились отдохнуть), look back at the distant flame wall, mop their brows, exchange daunted looks (оглянулись на далекую огненную стену, вытерли пот со лба и обменялись обескураженными взглядами). Thirst now plagued them and their voices were hoarse (жажда мучила их, и их голоса были хриплыми; to plague — зачумлять; беспокоить, мучить).

`I think we are doomed, Prince Corum (думаю, мы обречены, принц Корум).'

quirk [kwq:k] rivulet [`rIvjulIt] circuitously [sq:`kjHItqslI] daunted [`dLntId] plagued [pleIgd]

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