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Английский язык с М. Муркоком 24 страница

`I am Corum. In turn, I have made a bargain to save you, Rhalina (я тоже заключил сделку, чтобы спасти тебя, Ралина; in turn — в свою очередь).'

`I had not realised it would be so foul (я не понимала, что это будет так отвратительно; foul — нечистый, мерзкий, гадкий). I did not understand the terms (я не понимала условий)... He was going to (он собирался)…'

unharmed [An`hRmd] phantom [`fxntqm] realised [`rIqlaIzd]

`You said she would be unharmed! Shool! You said she would be safe!'

`So she is — in the arms of a loving husband,' came an offended voice from nowhere.

`Release her, Shool!'

The scene dissolved. Rhalina stood panting and terrified in the chamber that had no door.


Corum ran forward and held her, but she drew away with a shudder.

`Is it Corum? Are you some phantom? I made a bargain to save Corum…'

`I am Corum. In turn, I have made a bargain to save you, Rhalina.'

`I had not realised it would be so foul. I did not understand the terms... He was going to…'

`Even the dead have their pleasures, Mistress Rhalina (даже у мертвых есть свои развлечения/забавы, госпожа Ралина).' An anthropoid creature in a green coat and breeks stood behind them (человекообразное существо в зеленой куртке и штанах стояло позади них). It noted Corum's astonishment with pleasure (оно с удовольствием заметило изумление Корума). `I have several bodies I can utilize (у меня есть несколько тел, которые я могу использовать). This was an ancestor of the Nhadragh, I think (таким был предок надрагов, думаю). One of those races (одного из тех народов).'

`Who is it, Corum (кто это, Корум)?' Rhalina asked. She drew closer to him and he held her comfortingly now (она прижалась к нему и он обнял ее утешающе; to draw closer — жаться, приникать; приближаться). Her whole body shook (все ее тело дрожало). Her skin was oddly damp (ее кожа была странно влажной).

`This is Shool-an-Jyvan. He claims to be a God (он утверждает, что он бог; to claim — требовать; заявлять, утверждать). It was he who saw that your Summoning was answered (именно он проследил, чтобы на твое заклятие ответили/откликнулись). He has suggested that I perform an errand for him (он предложил, чтобы я выполнил одно поручение для него) and in return he will allow you to live safely here until I return (в обмен он позволит тебе жить в безопасности здесь, пока я не вернусь; in return — в обмен; в свою очередь). Then we will leave together (потом мы уедем вместе /отсюда/).'

`But why did he (но почему он)...?'

anthropoid [`xnTrqpOId] utilize [`jHtIlaIz] errand [`erqnd]

`Even the dead have their pleasures, Mistress Rhalina.' An anthropoid creature in a green coat and breeks stood behind them. It noted Corum's astonishment with pleasure. `I have several bodies I can utilize. This was an ancestor of the Nhadragh, I think. One of those races.'

`Who is it, Corum?' Rhalina asked. She drew closer to him and he held her comfortingly now. Her whole body shook. Her skin was oddly damp.

`This is Shool-an-Jyvan. He claims to be a God. It was he who saw that your Summoning was answered. He has suggested that I perform an errand for him and in return he will allow you to live safely here until I return. Then we will leave together.'

`But why did he...?'

`It was not you I wanted but your lover (мне нужна была не ты, а твой любовник),' Shool said impatiently (сказал Шул нетерпеливо). `Now I have broken my promise to your husband I have lost my power over him (теперь, /когда/ я нарушил обещание, /данное/ твоему мужу, я потерял власть над ним; to break)! It is irritating (это раздражает /меня/).'

`You have lost your power over Moidel, the Margrave (ты утратил власть над Мойделом, маркграфом)?' Rhalina asked.

`Yes, yes. He is completely dead (/теперь/ он окончательно мертв). It would be far too much effort to revive him again (потребовалось бы намного больше усилий, чтобы оживить его снова).'

`I thank you for releasing him (благодарю тебя за освобождение его),' Rhalina said.

`It was no wish of mine (это не было моим желанием). Master Corum made me do it (господин Корум заставил меня сделать это).'

Prince Shool sighed (вздохнул).

`However, there are plenty more corpses in the sea (впрочем, в море полно других трупов; plenty — /из/обилие, множество, масса). I shall have to find another ship, I suppose (думаю, мне придется найти другой корабль).'

Rhalina fainted (Ралина упала в обморок). Corum supported her with his good hand (Корум поддержал ее здоровой рукой).

impatiently [Im`peIS(q)ntlI] effort [`efqt] revive [rI`vaIv]

`It was not you I wanted but your lover,' Shool said impatiently. `Now I have broken my promise to your husband I have lost my power over him! It is irritating.'

`You have lost your power over Moidel, the Margrave?' Rhalina asked.

`Yes, yes. He is completely dead. It would be far too much effort to revive him again.'

`I thank you for releasing him,' Rhalina said.

`It was no wish of mine. Master Corum made me do it.'

Prince Shool sighed.

`However, there are plenty more corpses in the sea. I shall have to find another ship, I suppose.'

Rhalina fainted. Corum supported her with his good hand.

`You see (видишь),' Shool said, with a trace of triumph (сказал Шул с оттенком торжества; trace — след, отпечаток; остаток чего-либо, незначительное количество), `the Mabden fear me excellently (мабдены боятся меня чрезвычайно; excellently — отлично, превосходно).'

`We will need food, fresh clothing, beds and the like (нам потребуется еда, новая/чистая одежда, постели и тому подобное),' Corum said, `before I will discuss anything further with you, Shool (прежде, чем я стану обсуждать что-либо дальнейшее = дальнейшие планы с тобой, Шул).'

Shool vanished (Шул исчез).

A moment later the large room was full of furniture and everything else Corum had desired (мгновение спустя большой зал наполнился мебелью и всем остальным, что Корум потребовал; to desire — сильно желать; просить, требовать).

Corum could not doubt Shool's powers, but he did doubt the being's sanity (Корум не мог сомневаться в могуществе Шула, но он действительно сомневался в здравом уме этого существа). He undressed Rhalina and washed her and put her into bed (он раздел Ралину, вымыл ее и положил в постель). She awoke then and her eyes were still full of fear, but she smiled at Corum (потом она проснулась, и ее глаза все еще были полны страха, но она улыбнулась Коруму).

triumph [`traIqmf] desired [dI`zaIqd] doubt [daut] sanity [`sxnItI]

`You see,' Shool said, with a trace of triumph, `the Mabden fear me excellently.'

`We will need food, fresh clothing, beds and the like,' Corum said, `before I will discuss anything further with you, Shool.'

Shool vanished.

A moment later the large room was full of furniture and everything else Corum had desired.

Corum could not doubt Shool's powers, but he did doubt the being's sanity. He undressed Rhalina and washed her and put her into bed. She awoke then and her eyes were still full of fear, but she smiled at Corum.

`You are safe now (ты в безопасности теперь),' he said. `Sleep (спи).'

And she slept (и она уснула).

Now Corum bathed himself and inspected the clothes that had been laid out for him (теперь Корум вымылся сам и внимательно осмотрел одежду, которая была выложена для него; to bathe — купать/ся/; мыть, обмывать). He pursed his lips as he picked up the folded garments (он поджал губы, когда поднял сложенные одежды) and looked at the armour and weapons that had also been provided (и посмотрел на доспехи и оружие, которые также были приготовлены для него; to provide — запасать; снабжать, обеспечивать). They were Vadhagh clothes (то были вадагские одежды). There was even a scarlet robe that was almost certainly his own (был даже алый плащ, который почти наверняка являлся его собственным).

He began to consider the implications of his alliance with the strange and amoral sorcerer of Svi-an-Fanla-Brool (он начал обдумывать последствия своего союза со странным и аморальным колдуном Сви-ан-Фанла-Брула).

bathed [beIDd] weapon [`wepqn] alliance [q`laIqns] amoral [,eI`mOrql]

`You are safe now,' he said. `Sleep.'

And she slept.

Now Corum bathed himself and inspected the clothes that had been laid out for him. He pursed his lips as he picked up the folded garments and looked at the armour and weapons that had also been provided. They were Vadhagh clothes. There was even a scarlet robe that was almost certainly his own.

He began to consider the implications of his alliance with the strange and amoral sorcerer of Svi-an-Fanla-Brool.

CHAPTER TWO (глава вторая)

The Eye of Rhynn and the Hand of Kwll (глаз Ринна и рука Кулла)

Corum had been asleep (Корум спал). Now, suddenly, he was standing upright (и тут внезапно он встал прямо). He opened his eyes (он открыл глаза).

`Welcome to my little shop (добро пожаловать в мою маленькую лавку; shop — лавка, магазин).' Shool's voice came from behind him (голос Шула раздался сзади него). He turned (Корум обернулся). This time he confronted a beautiful girl of about fifteen (на этот раз он встретился лицом к лицу с красивой девушкой лет пятнадцати). The chuckle that came from the young throat was obscene (хихиканье, исходившее из юного горла = уст было неприличным/отвратительным).

Corum looked around the large room (Корум оглядел большую комнату). It was dark and it was cluttered (она была темна и загромождена /разными вещами/; to clutter — создавать суматоху; приводить в беспорядок, заваливать /чем-либо/). All manner of plants and stuffed animals filled it (всевозможные растения и чучела наполняли ее; stuffed animal — чучело; to stuff — набивать, заполнять, запихивать). Books and manuscripts teetered on crazily leaning shelves (книги и рукописи качались/пошатывались на сильно наклонившихся полках; crazy — ненормальный; шаткий, разваливающийся; shelf). There were crystals of a peculiar colour and cut (там были кристаллы необычного цвета и огранки; cut — разрез, отрезок; форма, очертание), bits of armour, jewelled swords (куски доспехов, украшенные драгоценными камнями мечи), rotting sacks from which treasure, as well as other, nameless, substances, spilled (гниющие мешки, из которых сокровища, а также другие неизвестные вещества сыпались; to spill — проливать/ся/, рассыпать/ся/). There were paintings and figurines (картины и статуэтки), an assortment of instruments and gauges including balances (множество инструментов и приборов, включая весы; assortment — ассортимент, ряд, набор; gauge — мера, размер; измерительный прибор) and what appeared to be clocks with eccentric divisions marked in languages Corum did not know (и /предмет/, похожий на часы со смещенными от центра делениями, /размеченными/ на языках, которые Корум не знал; eccentric — странный, необычайный; смещенный от центра). Living creatures scuffled among the piles or chittered in corners (/какие-то/ живые существа шуршали среди груд /вещей/ и пищали в углах; to scuffle — драться; ходить шаркая ногами; to chitter — чирикать). The place stank of dust and mould and death (это место воняло тленом, плесенью и смертью; to stink; dust — пыль; прах, тлен).

beautiful [`bjHtIfql] crystal [krIstl] treasure [`treZq] gauges [`geIGIz] eccentric [Ik`sentrIk] language [`lxNgwIG] mould [mquld]

Corum had been asleep. Now, suddenly, he was standing upright. He opened his eyes.

`Welcome to my little shop.' Shool's voice came from behind him. He turned. This time he confronted a beautiful girl of about fifteen. The chuckle that came from the young throat was obscene.

Corum looked around the large room. It was dark and it was cluttered. All manner of plants and stuffed animals filled it. Books and manuscripts teetered on crazily leaning shelves. There were crystals of a peculiar colour and cut, bits of armour, jewelled swords, rotting sacks from which treasure, as well as other, nameless, substances, spilled. There were paintings and figurines, an assortment of instruments and gauges including balances and what appeared to be clocks with eccentric divisions marked in languages Corum did not know. Living creatures scuffled among the piles or chittered in corners. The place stank of dust and mould and death.

`You do not, I should think, attract many customers (ты, следует думать = видимо, не привлекаешь много покупателей),' Corum said.

Shool sniffed (Шул /презрительно/ фыркнул).

`There are not many I should desire to serve (не многих я пожелал бы обслуживать). Now…' In his young girl's form, he went to a chest (в своем обличье юной девушки он подошел к сундуку) that was partially covered by the shining skins of a beast that must have been large and fierce in life (который был частично накрыт блестящими шкурами зверя, бывшего, должно быть, большим и свирепым при жизни). He pushed away the skins and muttered something over the chest (он отодвинул шкуры и пробормотал что-то над сундуком). Of its own accord, the lid flew back (сама по себе, крышка откинулась; to fly — летать; быстро перемещаться). A cloud of black stuff rose from within and Shool staggered away a pace or two (облако черной пыли поднялось изнутри, и Шул отпрянул, покачнувшись, на шаг-два; to stagger — шататься; идти шатаясь), waving his hands and screaming in a strange speech (отмахиваясь руками и крича на странном языке). The black cloud vanished (черного облако исчезло). Cautiously, Shool approached the chest and peered in (Шул осторожно приблизился к сундуку и заглянул внутрь). He smacked his lips in satisfaction (он причмокнул губами удовлетворенно). `…here we are (а вот и мы = то, что надо)!'

partially [`pRS(q)lI] fierce [fIqs] cautiously [kLSqslI]

`You do not, I should think, attract many customers,' Corum said.

Shool sniffed.

`There are not many I should desire to serve. Now…' In his young girl's form, he went to a chest that was partially covered by the shining skins of a beast that must have been large and fierce in life. He pushed away the skins and muttered something over the chest. Of its own accord, the lid flew back. A cloud of black stuff rose from within and Shool staggered away a pace or two, waving his hands and screaming in a strange speech. The black cloud vanished. Cautiously, Shool approached the chest and peered in. He smacked his lips in satisfaction. `…here we are!'

He drew out two sacks, one smaller than the other (он вытащил два мешка, один меньше другого). He held them up, grinning at Corum (он поднял их, ухмыляясь Коруму).

`Your gifts (твои дары).'

`I thought you were going to restore my hand and my eye (я думал, ты собираешься восстановить мне руку и глаз; to restore — восстанавливать; возвращать на прежнее место).'

`Not "restore" exactly (не совсем восстановить). I am going to give you a much more useful gift than that (я собираюсь дать тебе намного более полезный дар, чем это). Have you heard of the Lost Gods (ты слышал об Исчезнувших Богах)?'

`I have not (нет).'

`The Lost Gods who were brothers (об Исчезнувших Богах, которые были братьями)? Their names were Lord Rhynn and Lord Kwll (их имена были Господин Ринн и Господин Кулл). They existed even before I came to grace the universe (они существовали даже до того, как я пришел, чтобы украсить эту вселенную /своим присутствием/; to grace — украшать; удостаивать, награждать). They became involved in a struggle of some kind, the nature of which is now obscured (они ввязались в некую борьбу, природа которой теперь неясна; to obscure — затемнять; скрывать, делать неясным /смысл, значение и т.д./). They vanished, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, I do not know (они исчезли, либо добровольно, либо вопреки своей воле, я не знаю). But they left a little of themselves behind (но они оставили немного после себя).' He held up the sacks again (он снова поднял мешки). `These (/вот/ эти).'

useful [`jHsfql] universe [`jHnIvq:s] voluntarily [`vOlqnt(q)rIlI]

He drew out two sacks, one smaller than the other. He held them up, grinning at Corum.

`Your gifts.'

`I thought you were going to restore my hand and my eye.'

`Not "restore" exactly. I am going to give you a much more useful gift than that. Have you heard of the Lost Gods?'

`I have not.'

`The Lost Gods who were brothers? Their names were Lord Rhynn and Lord Kwll. They existed even before I came to grace the universe. They became involved in a struggle of some kind, the nature of which is now obscured. They vanished, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, I do not know. But they left a little of themselves behind.' He held up the sacks again. `These.'

Corum gestured impatiently (Корум сделал нетерпеливое движение).

Shool put out his girl's tongue and licked his girl's lips (Шул высунул свой девичий язык и облизнул девичьи губы). The old eyes glittered at Corum (старые глаза блеснули, /когда он взглянул/ на Корума; to glitter — блестеть, сверкать). `The gifts I have here, they once belonged to those warring gods (подарки, которые тут у меня, когда-то принадлежали тем воюющим богам). I heard a legend that they fought to the death (я слышал легенду, что они сражались на смерть) and only these remained to mark the fact that they had existed at all (и лишь это осталось, чтобы отметить тот факт = единственное напоминание о том, что они вообще существовали).' He opened the smaller sack (он открыл меньший мешочек). A large jewelled object fell into his hand (большая, украшенная драгоценными камнями вещь упала на его ладонь). He held it out for Corum to see (он протянул его, чтобы Корум мог разглядеть). It was jewelled and faceted (предмет был украшен драгоценностями и огранен). The jewels shone with sombre colours, deep reds and blues and blacks (самоцветы сияли мрачными цветами, темно-красными, синими и черными; to shine).

`It is beautiful (это красиво),' said Corum, `but I (но я)…'

jewelled [`GHqld] faceted [`fxsItId] sombre [`sOmbq]

Corum gestured impatiently.

Shool put out his girl's tongue and licked his girl's lips. The old eyes glittered at Corum. `The gifts I have here, they once belonged to those warring gods. I heard a legend that they fought to the death and only these remained to mark the fact that they had existed at all.' He opened the smaller sack. A large jewelled object fell into his hand. He held it out for Corum to see. It was jewelled and faceted. The jewels shone with sombre colours, deep reds and blues and blacks.

`It is beautiful,' said Corum, `but I…'

`Wait (подожди).' Shool emptied the larger sack on the lid of the chest, which had closed (Шул высыпал содержимое большего мешка на крышку сундука, который закрылся /до этого/; to empty — опорожнить, опустошить). He picked up the object and displayed it (поднял предмет и показал его).

Corum gasped (у Корума перехватило дыхание; to gasp — дышать с трудом, задыхаться; открывать рот /от изумления/). It seemed to be a gauntlet with room for five slender fingers and a thumb (казалось, это была латная перчатка с местом для пяти тонких пальцев и большого пальца). It, too, was covered with strange, dark jewels (она тоже была покрыта странными, темными самоцветами).

`That gauntlet is of no use to me (эта перчатка бесполезна для меня),' Corum said. `It is for a left hand with six fingers (она для левой руки с шестью пальцами). I have five fingers and no left hand (у меня пять пальцев и нет левой руки).'

`It is not a gauntlet. It is Kwll's hand (это рука Кулла). He had four, but he left one behind (у него было четыре /руки/, но он оставил после себя = потерял одну). Struck off by his brother, I understand (отрублена его братом, /насколько/ я понимаю)…'

gauntlet [`gLntlIt] thumb [TAm]

`Wait.' Shool emptied the larger sack on the lid of the chest, which had closed. He picked up the object and displayed it.

Corum gasped. It seemed to be a gauntlet with room for five slender fingers and a thumb. It, too, was covered with strange, dark jewels.

`That gauntlet is of no use to me,' Corum said. `It is for a left hand with six fingers. I have five fingers and no left hand.'

`It is not a gauntlet. It is Kwll's hand. He had four, but he left one behind. Struck off by his brother, I understand…'

`Your jokes do not appeal to me, sorcerer (твои шутки не нравятся мне, колдун; to appeal — взывать, обращаться; привлекать, нравиться). They are too ghoulish (они слишком мерзкие). Again, you waste time (к тому же, ты тратишь время впустую).'

`You had best get used to my jokes, as you call them, Master Vadhagh (тебе бы лучше привыкнуть к моим шуткам, как ты их называешь, господин Корум).'

`I see no reason to (не вижу причин).'

`These are the gifts. To replace your missing eye — I offer you the Eye of Rhynn (чтобы заменить твой отсутствующий глаз — я предлагаю тебе глаз Ринна). To replace your missing hand — the Hand of Kwll!'

Corum's mouth curved with nausea (рот Корума искривился от отвращения; nausea — тошнота).

`I'll have nothing of them (я не возьму ничего от них)! I want no dead being's limbs (мне не нужны части мертвецов)! I thought you would give me back my own (я думал, ты вернешь мои собственные)! You have tricked me, sorcerer (ты обманул меня, колдун)!'

ghoulish [`gHlIS] nausea [`nLzIq] limb [lIm]

`Your jokes do not appeal to me, sorcerer. They are too ghoulish. Again, you waste time.'

`You had best get used to my jokes, as you call them, Master Vadhagh.'

`I see no reason to.'

`These are the gifts. To replace your missing eye — I offer you the Eye of Rhynn. To replace your missing hand — the Hand of Kwll!'

Corum's mouth curved with nausea.

`I'll have nothing of them! I want no dead being's limbs! I thought you would give me back my own! You have tricked me, sorcerer!'

`Nonsense (вздор). You do not understand the properties these things possess (ты не понимаешь свойств/качеств, которыми эти вещи обладают). They will give you greater powers than any of your race or the Mabden has ever known (они дадут тебе большие способности, чем кто-либо из твоего народа или мабденов когда-либо знал)! The eye can see into areas of time and space never observed before by a mortal (глаз может заглянуть в области времени и пространства, куда никогда раньше не заглядывал ни один смертный). And the hand — the hand can summon aid from those areas (рука способна призвать помощь из тех мест; area — участок, зона, район). You do not think I would send you into the lair of the Knight of the Swords without some supernatural aid, do you (ты же не думаешь, что я послал бы тебя в логово Рыцаря Мечей без сверхъестественной помощи)?'

`What is the extent of their powers (каковы пределы их могущества; extent — объем, пределы, величина)?'

Shool shrugged his young girl's shoulders (Шул пожал девичьими плечами).

`I have not had the opportunity to test them (у меня не было возможности испытать их).'

`So there could be danger in using them (значит, может быть опасность в использовании их = их опасно использовать)?'

`Why should there be (почему же)?'

possess [pq`zes] extent [Ik`stent] opportunity [,Opq`tjHnItI]

`Nonsense. You do not understand the properties these things possess. They will give you greater powers than any of your race or the Mabden has ever known! The eye can see into areas of time and space never observed before by a mortal. And the hand — the hand can summon aid from those areas. You do not think I would send you into the lair of the Knight of the Swords without some supernatural aid, do you?'

`What is the extent of their powers?'

Shool shrugged his young girl's shoulders.

`I have not had the opportunity to test them.'

`So there could be danger in using them?'

`Why should there be?'

Corum became thoughtful (Корум задумался: «стал задумчивым»). Should he accept Shool's disgusting gifts and risk the consequences (следует ли ему принять отвратительные дары Шула и отважиться на последствия) in order to survive, slay Glandyth and rescue Rhalina (чтобы выжить, убить Гландита и спасти Ралину)? Or should he prepare to die now and end the whole business (или приготовиться умереть сейчас и закончить все дело = со всем покончить)?

Shool said:

`Think of the knowledge these gifts will bring you (подумай о знаниях, /которые/ эти дары принесут тебе). Think of the things you will see on your travels (подумай о вещах, /которые/ ты увидишь во время своих путешествий). No mortal has ever been to the domain of the Knight of the Swords before (ни один смертный никогда прежде не бывал во владениях Рыцаря Мечей)! You can add much to your wisdom, Master Corum (ты сможешь многое добавить к своей мудрости = стать намного мудрее, господин Корум). And remember — it is the Knight who is ultimately responsible for your doom and the deaths of your folk (и запомни — именно Рыцарь в конечном счете ответственен за твою судьбу = несчастье и гибель твоего народа)…'

rescue [`reskjH] domain [dq`meIn] ultimately [`AltImItlI]

Corum became thoughtful. Should he accept Shool's disgusting gifts and risk the consequences in order to survive, slay Glandyth and rescue Rhalina? Or should he prepare to die now and end the whole business?

Shool said:

`Think of the knowledge these gifts will bring you. Think of the things you will see on your travels. No mortal has ever been to the domain of the Knight of the Swords before! You can add much to your wisdom, Master Corum. And remember — it is the Knight who is ultimately responsible for your doom and the deaths of your folk…'

Corum drew deeply of the musty air (Корум вдохнул глубоко затхлый воздух; musty — заплесневелый; прокисший, несвежий). He made up his mind (он решился).

`Very well, I will accept your gifts (хорошо, я приму твои дары).'

`I am honoured (это честь для меня; to honour — почитать; удостаивать),' Shool said sardonically (язвительно). He pointed a finger at Corum and Corum reeled backwards, fell among a pile of bones and tried to rise (он указал пальцем на Корума, и Корум покачнулся, упал среди = на груду костей и попытался подняться; to reel /backwards/ — покачнуться, пошатнуться /от удара, потрясения и т.д./). But he felt drowsy (но его клонило в сон; drowsy — засыпающий, дремлющий, вялый).

`Continue your slumbers, Master Corum (продолжай свои сны, господин Корум),' Shool said.

He was back in the room in which he had originally met Shool (он был = очнулся снова в зале, в котором сначала = впервые встретил Шула). There was a fierce pain in the socket of his blind eye (ощущалась сильная боль в глазнице его незрячего глаза). There was a terrible agony in the stump of his left hand (ужасная боль в культе левой руки; agony — агония; мука, страдание, сильная боль). He felt drained of energy (он чувствовал себя лишенным сил; to feel drained — чувствовать себя опустошенным, как выжатый лимон; to drain — осушать; истощать /силы, средства и т.д./). He tried to look about him, but his vision would not clear (он попробовал оглядеться /вокруг себя/, но его зрение было неясным).

sardonically [sR`dOnIklI] drowsy [`drauzI] agony [`xgqnI]

Corum drew deeply of the musty air. He made up his mind.

`Very well, I will accept your gifts.'

`I am honoured,' Shool said sardonically. He pointed a finger at Corum and Corum reeled backwards, fell among a pile of bones and tried to rise. But he felt drowsy.

`Continue your slumbers, Master Corum,' Shool said.

He was back in the room in which he had originally met Shool. There was a fierce pain in the socket of his blind eye. There was a terrible agony in the stump of his left hand. He felt drained of energy. He tried to look about him, but his vision would not clear.

He heard a scream (он услышал /пронзительный/ крик). It was Rhalina.

`Rhalina! Where are you (где ты)?'

`I — I am here — Corum (я здесь, Корум). What has been done to you (что с тобой сделали)? Your face — your hand…'

With his right hand he reached up to touch his blind socket (правой рукой он потянулся вверх потрогать слепую = пустую глазницу). Something warm shifted beneath his fingers (что-то теплое шевельнулось под его пальцами). It was an eye (это был глаз)! But it was an eye of an unfamiliar texture and size (но это был глаз необычного строения и размера; texture — строение, текстура). He knew then that it was Rhynn's eye (тут он понял, что это глаз Ринна). His vision began to clear then (затем его зрение начало проясняться).

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 190 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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