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Английский язык с М. Муркоком 19 страница

`And look!' Glandyth took a small leather bag from his furs and waved it at Corum. `I have also saved your eye!'

Corum controlled his hatred and his nausea and called:

`You may have the rest, Glandyth, if you will turn back your horde and depart from Moidel's Castle in peace.'

Glandyth flung his chin towards the sky and roared with laughter (Гландит задрал подбородок к небу и расхохотался; to fling — бросать/ся/, кидать/ся/; совершать резкие движения; to roar with laughter — хохотать во все горло; покатываться со смеху).

`Oh, no, Vadhagh! They would not let me rob them of a fight — let alone their prize (они не позволят мне лишить их боя — не говоря уже об их награде/добыче). They have waited many months for this (они ждали этого много месяцев). They are going to slay all their ancient enemies (они собираются убить всех своих старых/заклятых врагов). And I am going to slay you (а я собираюсь убить тебя). I had planned to spend the winter in the comfort of Lyr-a-Brode's court (я запланировал провести зиму в уюте при дворе Лир-а-Брода). Instead I have had to camp in skin tents with our friends here (вместо этого мне пришлось встать здесь лагерем в палатках из кож со своими друзьями). I intend to slay you quickly, Vadhagh, I promise you (я намерен убить тебя быстро, вадаг, обещаю тебе). I have no more time to spend on a crippled piece of offal, such as yourself (у меня нет больше времени /чтобы тратить/ на покалеченный кусок падали = на всякую падаль, вроде тебя; offal — требуха; падаль, мертвечина).' He laughed again (он снова засмеялся). `Who is the half-thing now (ну и кто теперь получеловек)?'

ancient [`eInS(q)nt] court [kLt] promise [`prOmIs]

Glandyth flung his chin towards the sky and roared with laughter.

`Oh, no, Vadhagh! They would not let me rob them of a fight — let alone their prize. They have waited many months for this. They are going to slay all their ancient enemies. And I am going to slay you. I had planned to spend the winter in the comfort of Lyr-a-Brode's court. Instead I have had to camp in skin tents with our friends here. I intend to slay you quickly, Vadhagh, I promise you. I have no more time to spend on a crippled piece of offal, such as yourself.' He laughed again. `Who is the half-thing now?'

`Then you would not be afraid to fight me alone (тогда ты не побоишься сразиться со мной в одиночку),' Corum called. `You could do battle on this causeway with me and doubtless kill me very quickly (ты можешь сразишься на этой дамбе со мной и, безусловно, убить меня очень быстро). Then you could leave the castle to your friends and return to your own land the faster (потом ты можешь оставить замок своим друзьям и быстрее вернуться в свою землю).'

Glandyth frowned, debating this with himself (Гландит нахмурился, обдумывая это: «споря с собой»; to debate with oneself — обдумывать, убеждать самого себя).

`Why should you sacrifice your life a little earlier than you need to (зачем тебе жертвовать своей жизнью немного раньше, чем нужно)?'

`I am tired of living as a cripple (я устал жить калекой). I am tired of fearing you and your men (я устал бояться тебя и твоих людей).'

quickly [`kwIklI] frowned [fraund] sacrifice [`sxkrIfaIs]

`Then you would not be afraid to fight me alone,' Corum called. `You could do battle on this causeway with me and doubtless kill me very quickly. Then you could leave the castle to your friends and return to your own land the faster.'

Glandyth frowned, debating this with himself.

`Why should you sacrifice your life a little earlier than you need to?'

`I am tired of living as a cripple. I am tired of fearing you and your men.'

Glandyth was not convinced (не был уверен). Corum was trying to buy time with his talk and his suggestion (Корум пытался оттянуть/выиграть время своим разговором и предложением), but on the other hand it did not matter to Glandyth how much trouble the Pony Tribesmen would be forced (но, с другой стороны, Гландиту было неважно, сколько усилий потребуется приложить варварам на пони; trouble — беспокойство, волнение; усилие, хлопоты; tribesman — член племени, рода, сородич; to force — заставлять, вынуждать) to go to to take the castle after he had killed Corum (чтобы взять замок, после того как он убьет Корума; to go to — расходоваться, тратиться /на что-либо/).

Eventually he nodded, shouting back (в конце концов он кивнул, крича обратно = в ответ):

`Very well, Vadhagh, come down to the causeway (хорошо, вадаг, спускайся на дамбу). I will tell my men to stand off until we have had our fight (я прикажу моим людям держаться подальше, пока мы не /закончим/ бой; to stand off — держаться на расстоянии от). If you kill me, I will have my charioteers leave the battle to the others (если убьешь меня, мои колесницы оставят битву остальным = покинут поле боя, а остальные)…'

`I do not believe that part of your bargain (я не верю этой части твоей сделки = этим твоим словам),' Corum replied. `I am not interested in it, either (мне не интересна она также = все равно, что будет потом). I will come down (я спущусь).'

convinced [kqn`vInst] bargain [`bRgIn] either [`aIDq]

Glandyth was not convinced. Corum was trying to buy time with his talk and his suggestion, but on the other hand it did not matter to Glandyth how much trouble the Pony Tribesmen would be forced to go to to take the castle after he had killed Corum.

Eventually he nodded, shouting back:

`Very well, Vadhagh, come down to the causeway. I will tell my men to stand off until we have had our fight. If you kill me, I will have my charioteers leave the battle to the others…'

`I do not believe that part of your bargain,' Corum replied. `I am not interested in it, either. I will come down.'

Corum took his time descending the steps (Корум не спешил, спускаясь по лестнице/ступеням; to take time — требовать времени; дать себе достаточно времени, мешкать, копаться). He did not want to die at Glandyth's hand and he knew that if Glandyth did, by some luck, fall to him (он не хотел умирать от руки Гландита и знал, что если тот, волею судьбы, погибнет от его /руки/; luck — судьба, случай; удача; to fall — падать; пасть, сдаваться; гибнуть; to fall a victim to — пасть жертвой), the Earl of Krae's men would swiftly leap to their master's assistance (люди графа поспешно = сразу кинутся своему хозяину на помощь; to leap — прыгать; бросаться делать что-либо). All he hoped for was to gain a few hours for the defenders (все, на что он надеялся, — выиграть несколько часов для защитников /замка/; to gain time — выигрывать время).

Rhalina met him outside their apartments (Ралина встретила его снаружи их покоев = в коридоре).

`Where go you, Corum (куда ты идешь, Корум)?'

`I go to fight Glandyth and most probably to die (я иду сразиться с Гландитом и, скорее всего, умереть),' he said. `I shall die loving you, Rhalina (я умру, любя тебя, Ралина).'

Her face was a mask of horror (ее лицо было маской ужаса = на лице застыл ужас).

`Corum! No!'

descending [dI`sendIN] assistance [q`sIst(q)ns] die [daI]

Corum took his time descending the steps. He did not want to die at Glandyth's hand and he knew that if Glandyth did, by some luck, fall to him, the Earl of Krae's men would swiftly leap to their master's assistance. All he hoped for was to gain a few hours for the defenders.

Rhalina met him outside their apartments.

`Where go you, Corum?'

`I go to fight Glandyth and most probably to die,' he said. `I shall die loving you, Rhalina.'

Her face was a mask of horror.

`Corum! No!'

`It is necessary, if this castle is to have a chance of withstanding those warriors (это необходимо, если = чтобы у этого замка была возможность выдержать /натиск/ тех воинов; to withstand — устоять, выдержать; противостоять).'

`No, Corum! There may be a way to get help (возможно, /у нас/ есть способ получить помощь). My husband speaks of it in his treatise (мой муж говорит об этом в своем трактате). A last resort (последнее средство).'

`What help?'

`He is vague on that score (он смутно /пишет/ на этот счет; vague — неопределенный, нечеткий). It is something passed on to him by his forefathers (что-то, /что/ передано ему праотцами; to pass on to — передавать кому-либо, перекладывать на кого-либо). A summoning (заклятие). Sorcery, Corum (колдовство, Корум).'

Corum smiled sadly (Корум улыбнулся печально).

`There is no such thing as sorcery, Rhalina (не существует такой вещи, как колдовство, Ралина). What you call sorcery is a handful of half-learned scraps of Vadhagh wisdom (/то/, что ты называешь колдовством, — горстка полуизученных = недопонятых осколков вадагской мудрости; scrap — rклочок, кусочек, обрывок).'

necessary [`nesIs(q)rI] vague [veIg] sorcery [`sLs(q)rI] wisdom [`wIzdqm]

`It is necessary, if this castle is to have a chance of withstanding those warriors.'

`No, Corum! There may be a way to get help. My husband speaks of it in his treatise. A last resort.'

`What help?'

`He is vague on that score. It is something passed on to him by his forefathers. A summoning. Sorcery, Corum.'

Corum smiled sadly.

`There is no such thing as sorcery, Rhalina. What you call sorcery is a handful of half-learned scraps of Vadhagh wisdom.'

`This is not Vadhagh wisdom — it is something else (это не вадагская мудрость — это что-то еще). A Summoning.'

He made to move past her (он попытался пройти мимо нее; to make — делать; пытаться /сделать что-либо/). She held his arm (она держала = схватила его руку).

`Corum, let me try the Summoning (позволь мне испытать заклятие)!'

He pulled his arm away and, sword in hand, continued down the steps (он отдернул руку и, с мечом в руке, продолжил спускаться по лестнице).

`Very well, try what you will, Rhalina (хорошо, попробуй, что хочешь, Ралина). Even if you are right, you will need the time I can gain for you (даже если ты права, тебе понадобится время, /которое/ я могу выиграть для тебя).'

He heard her shout wordlessly and he heard her sob (он слышал, как она кричала безмолвно и всхлипывала/рыдала), and then he had reached the hall and was walking towards the great main gates of the castle (потом он достиг зала и направился к огромным главным воротам замка).

shout [Saut] wordlessly [`wq:dlIslI] castle [kRsl]

`This is not Vadhagh wisdom — it is something else. A Summoning.'

He made to move past her. She held his arm.

`Corum, let me try the Summoning!'

He pulled his arm away and, sword in hand, continued down the steps.

`Very well, try what you will, Rhalina. Even if you are right, you will need the time I can gain for you.'

He heard her shout wordlessly and he heard her sob, and then he had reached the hall and was walking towards the great main gates of the castle.

A startled warrior let him through and he stood at last upon the causeway (потрясенный воин пропустил его, и Корум встал, наконец, на дамбу; to startle — испугать; поразить, сильно удивить). At the other end, his chariot and horses led away, the body of the Brown Man kicked to one side, stood Earl Glandyth-a-Krae (на другой стороне, убрав колесницу и лошадей и отшвырнув тело мохнатого человека в сторону, стоял граф Гландит-а-Краэ; to lead away — уводить, отводить; to kick — пнуть; отшвырнуть ногой). And beside Glandyth-a-Krae, holding his war-axe for him (возле Гландита, держа боевой топор для него), was the gawky figure of the youth, Rodlik (находилась неловкая фигура юноши, Родлика).

Glandyth reached out and tousled his page's hair and bared his teeth in a wolfish grin (Гландит протянул руку и потрепал своего пажа по волосам, обнажил зубы в волчьей = хищной ухмылке; to tousle — взъерошивать, растрепывать). He took the axe from the youth's hand and began to advance along the causeway (он взял топор из руки юноши и начал двигаться вперед по дамбе).

Corum walked to meet him (Корум пошел навстречу ему).

chariot [`CxrIqt] gawky [`gLkI] tousled [`tauzld]

A startled warrior let him through and he stood at last upon the causeway. At the other end, his chariot and horses led away, the body of the Brown Man kicked to one side, stood Earl Glandyth-a-Krae. And beside Glandyth-a-Krae, holding his war-axe for him, was the gawky figure of the youth, Rodlik.

Glandyth reached out and tousled his page's hair and bared his teeth in a wolfish grin. He took the axe from the youth's hand and began to advance along the causeway.

Corum walked to meet him.

The sea slapped against the rocks of the causeway (море билось о скалы дамбы; to slap — громко, с силой хлопать; шлепать; глухо ударяться). Sometimes a seabird cried out (иногда морская птица кричала). There was no sound from the warriors of either side (не было = не доносилось ни звука от воинов каждой стороны = все хранили молчание). Both defenders and attackers watched tensely as the two approached each other and then, in the middle, stopped (и защитники, и атакующие наблюдали напряженно, как эти двое приблизились друг к другу, а потом, посередине /дамбы/, остановились). About ten feet separated them (около десяти футов разделяло их).

Corum saw that Glandyth had grown a little thinner (Корум увидел, что Гландит немного исхудал; to grow thinner — худеть). But the pale, grey eyes still contained that strange, unnatural glint (но бледные, серые глаза по-прежнему содержали тот странный, неестественный блеск = странно, неестественно блестели) and the face was just as red and unhealthy as the last time Corum had seen it (а лицо было таким же красным и нездоровым/болезненным, как в последний раз, /когда/ Корум видел его). He held his war-axe down in front of him, in his two hands, his helmeted head on one side (он держал свой боевой топор перед собой двумя руками, голову в шлеме /склонив/ набок).

`By the Dog (/клянусь/ Псом),' he said, `you have become hugely ugly, Vadhagh (ты стал очень безобразным; hugely — весьма, очень, исключительно).'

`We make a fine pair, then, Mabden (тогда мы — два сапога пара: «составляем прекрасную пару», мабден), for you have changed not at all (так как ты ничуть не изменился).'

Glandyth sneered (Гландит насмешливо улыбнулся).

unhealthy [An`helTI] hugely [`hjHGlI] pair [peq]

The sea slapped against the rocks of the causeway. Sometimes a seabird cried out. There was no sound from the warriors of either side. Both defenders and attackers watched tensely as the two approached each other and then, in the middle, stopped. About ten feet separated them.

Corum saw that Glandyth had grown a little thinner. But the pale, grey eyes still contained that strange, unnatural glint and the face was just as red and unhealthy as the last time Corum had seen it. He held his war-axe down in front of him, in his two hands, his helmeted head on one side.

`By the Dog,' he said, `you have become hugely ugly, Vadhagh.'

`We make a fine pair, then, Mabden, for you have changed not at all.'

Glandyth sneered.

`And you are hung all about with pretty shells, I see (а ты весь обвешан прелестными ракушками, я вижу), like some Sea God`s daughter going to be wed to her fishy husband (словно дочка морского бога = морская царевна, собирающаяся замуж за своего рыбьего мужа; to wed — жениться, выходить замуж). Well, you may become their nuptial feast when I throw your body into the sea (что ж, ты можешь стать их свадебным пиром, когда я сброшу твое тело в море).'

Corum wearied of these heavy insults (Коруму надоели эти неуклюжие оскорбления; to weary — утомлять, уставать от, надоедать; heavy — тяжелый, неуклюжий; тупой, скучный). He leapt forward and swung his great broadsword at Glandyth (он прыгнул вперед и ударил своим огромным палашом Гландита; to swing at — ударять по чему-либо, кому-либо; to swing — качать/ся/, колебать/ся/; размахивать) who brought his metal-shod axe haft up swiftly and blocked the blow, staggering a little (который поднял быстро окованную металлом рукоять топора вверх и блокировал удар, пошатнувшись слегка; to bring; to shoe — обувать; подковывать, оковывать). He kept his axe in his right hand and drew his long knife (он держал топор в правой руке, /а левой/ вытащил длинный нож), dropped to a crouch and aimed the axe at Corum's knees (резко нагнулся, целясь топором в колени Корума; to drop — падать, резко опускаться; crouch — припадание /к земле/, нагибание).

nuptial [`naps(q)l] wearied [`wIqrId] knife [naIf] crouch [krauC] knee [nJ]

`And you are hung all about with pretty shells, I see, like some Sea God`s daughter going to be wed to her fishy husband. Well, you may become their nuptial feast when I throw your body into the sea.'

Corum wearied of these heavy insults. He leapt forward and swung his great broadsword at Glandyth who brought his metal-shod axe haft up swiftly and blocked the blow, staggering a little. He kept his axe in his right hand and drew his long knife, dropped to a crouch and aimed the axe at Corum's knees.

Corum jumped high and the axe blade whistled under his feet (Корум подпрыгнул высоко, и лезвие топора просвистело под его ногами). He stabbed out at Glandyth and the blade scraped the Mabden's shoulder plate but did not harm him (он нанес удар Гландиту и лезвие /палаша/ задело наплечную пластину мабдена, но не нанесло вреда ему; to stab at — наносить удар /колющим оружием/, закалывать; to scrape — скоблить, скрести; задевать, касаться). None the less Glandyth cursed and tried the same trick again (тем не менее, Гландит выругался и попытался /проделать/ ту же уловку снова). Again Corum jumped and the axe missed him (и снова Корум подпрыгнул, и топор прошел мимо него). Glandyth sprang back and brought the axe down on the crabshell shield (Гландит отскочил назад и опустил топор на = с силой ударил по щиту из панциря краба) which creaked with the strain of the blow, but did not shatter (который треснуть под тяжестью удара, но не разбился вдребезги; to creak — скрипеть; треснуть; strain — напряжение, нагрузка), though Corum's arm was numb from wrist to shoulder (хотя рука Корума онемела от запястья до плеча; numb — онемелый, оцепенелый). He retaliated with an overarm blow which Glandyth blocked (он ответил верхним /рубящим/ ударом, который Гландит блокировал; overarm — верхний удар; с рукой, поднятой над головой).

Corum kicked out at Glandyth's legs, hoping to knock him off balance (Корум ударил Гландита по ногам, надеясь лишить его равновесия; to kick — ударять ногой, пинать; to knock — ударять/ся/, бить; off balance — потерявший равновесие, неустойчивый), but the Mabden ran backwards several paces before standing his ground again (но мабден отбежал назад на несколько шагов, прежде, чем снова встал в стойку; to stand one`s ground — стоять на своем, проявлять твердость).

shield [SJld] numb [nAm] retaliated [rI`txlIeIt] balance [`bxlqns]

Corum jumped high and the axe blade whistled under his feet. He stabbed out at Glandyth and the blade scraped the Mabden's shoulder plate but did not harm him. None the less Glandyth cursed and tried the same trick again. Again Corum jumped and the axe missed him. Glandyth sprang back and brought the axe down on the crabshell shield which creaked with the strain of the blow, but did not shatter, though Corum's arm was numb from wrist to shoulder. He retaliated with an overarm blow which Glandyth blocked.

Corum kicked out at Glandyth's legs, hoping to knock him off balance, but the Mabden ran backwards several paces before standing his ground again.

Corum advanced cautiously towards him (Корум осторожно приближался к нему).

Then Glandyth cried out (потом Гландит крикнул):

`I'm tired of this (мне надоело это). We have him now (теперь он наш). Archers — shoot (лучники — стреляйте)!'

And then Corum saw the charioteers who had moved quietly down to the forefront of the ranks (затем Корум увидел возничих, которые тихо двигались на переднюю линию = выдвигались вперед рядов /мабденов/) and were aiming their bows at him (и целились из луков в него). He raised his shield to protect himself against their arrows (он поднял щит, чтобы защититься от их стрел).

Glandyth was running back down the causeway (Гландит бежал назад по дамбе).

Corum had been betrayed (Корума предали; to betray — предавать, изменять; обманывать). There was still an hour before the tide came in (был по-прежнему еще один час, прежде чем наступит прилив). It seemed he was going to die for nothing (видимо, он умрет ни за что = смерть его будет напрасной; to be going to — собираться /сделать что-либо/; означает предположение или предсказание относительно будущего).

cautiously [`kLSqslI] arrow [`xrqu] betrayed [bI`treId]

Corum advanced cautiously towards him.

Then Glandyth cried out:

`I'm tired of this. We have him now. Archers — shoot!'

And then Corum saw the charioteers who had moved quietly down to the forefront of the ranks and were aiming their bows at him. He raised his shield to protect himself against their arrows.

Glandyth was running back down the causeway.

Corum had been betrayed. There was still an hour before the tide came in. It seemed he was going to die for nothing.

Now another shout, this time from the castle's battlements, and a wave of arrows swept down (но вот /раздался/ другой крик, на этот раз со стен замка, и волна стрел обрушилась вниз; to sweep down — падать камнем, устремляться вниз). Beldan's archers had shot first (лучники Белдана выстрелили первыми).

The Denledhyssi arrows rattled on Corum's shield and against his greaves (стрелы денледисси стучали по щиту Корума, отскакивали от ножных лат). He felt something bite into his leg just above the knee, where he had scant protection (он почувствовал, как что-то впилось в его ногу как раз выше колена, где почти не было защиты; scant — скудный, недостаточный). He looked down (он посмотрел вниз). It was an arrow. It had passed completely through his leg and now half of it stuck out behind his knee (она прошла полностью через его ногу и теперь половина ее торчала позади колена; to stick out). He tried to stumble backwards, but it was hard to run with the arrow in him (он попытался идти, спотыкаясь, назад /к замку/, но было трудно бежать со стрелой в нем = в ноге). To pull it out with his only hand would mean he would have to drop his sword (вытащить ее единственной рукой означало, что ему придется бросить свой меч). He glanced towards the shore (он быстро глянул на берег).

As he had known they would, the first of the horsemen were beginning to cross (как он и предполагал, первые из всадников начинали переправляться /на другой берег/).

greaves [grJvz] knee [nJ] sword [sLd] glanced [glRnst]

Now another shout, this time from the castle's battlements, and a wave of arrows swept down. Beldan's archers had shot first.

The Denledhyssi arrows rattled on Corum's shield and against his greaves. He felt something bite into his leg just above the knee, where he had scant protection. He looked down. It was an arrow. It had passed completely through his leg and now half of it stuck out behind his knee. He tried to stumble backwards, but it was hard to run with the arrow in him. To pull it out with his only hand would mean he would have to drop his sword. He glanced towards the shore.

As he had known they would, the first of the horsemen were beginning to cross.

He began to drag himself back along the causeway for a few more yards (он прошел, волоча ногу, назад по дамбе еще несколько ярдов; to drag oneself along — плестись, брести, еле тащиться) and then he knew he would never reach the gates in time (но затем понял, что никогда не доберется до ворот вовремя). Quickly he knelt on his good leg, put his sword on the ground (он быстро опустился на колено здоровой ноги, положил меч на землю), snapped off part of the arrow at the front (отломил часть стрелы, /торчавшую/ спереди) and drew the rest through his leg, flinging it to one side (и протянул остальную часть через ногу, бросил ее в сторону).

He picked up his sword again and prepared to stand his ground (он снова поднял меч и приготовился защищаться: «не сдавать позиций»).

The warriors in the brass war-masks were galloping along the causeway two abreast, their new swords in their hands (воины в латунных боевых масках мчались по дамбе в два ряда, /держа/ новые клинки в руках; two abreast — построение в две шеренги; abreast — рядом, на одной линии).

Corum struck at the first rider and his blow was a lucky one (Корум ударил первого всадника, и его удар был удачным), for it hurled the man from his saddle (так как он выбил наездника из седла; to hurl — бросать /с силой/, швырять). The other rider had tried to strike at Corum but had missed and overshot (другой всадник попытался ударить Корума, но промахнулся и пролетел мимо; to overshoot — не попасть в цель; проскочить цель).

yard [jRd] abreast [q`brest] brass [brRs]

He began to drag himself back along the causeway for a few more yards and then he knew he would never reach the gates in time. Quickly he knelt on his good leg, put his sword on the ground, snapped off part of the arrow at the front and drew the rest through his leg, flinging it to one side.

He picked up his sword again and prepared to stand his ground.

The warriors in the brass war-masks were galloping along the causeway two abreast, their new swords in their hands.

Corum struck at the first rider and his blow was a lucky one, for it hurled the man from his saddle. The other rider had tried to strike at Corum but had missed and overshot.

Corum swung himself up into the pony's primitive saddle (Корум поднял себя = запрыгнул в примитивное седло пони). For stirrups there were just two leather loops hanging from the girth strap (вместо стремян использовались просто две кожаные петли, свисавшие с подпруги). Painfully, Corum managed to get his feet into these and block the sword blow from the returning rider (болезненно = с большим трудом, Корум сумел вдеть ноги в них и блокировать удар мечом возвращающегося всадника). Another rider came up now and his sword clanged on Corum's shield (еще один наездник подоспел теперь, и его меч лязгнул о щит Корума; to come up — приезжать; возникать). The horses were snorting and trying to rear (кони фыркали и пытались встать на дыбы), but the causeway was so narrow there was little room for manoeuvre (но дамба была столь узкой, /что/ было недостаточно места для движений; manoeuvre — маневр, ход, шаг) and neither Corum nor the other two could use their swords effectively as they tried to control their half-panicked horses (ни Корум, ни другие двое не могли эффективно использовать свои мечи, так как они пытались сдержать полуиспуганных = встревоженных коней).

The rest of the masked riders were forced to rein in their beasts for fear of toppling off the causeway into the sea (остальные всадники в масках должны были осадить своих животных = лошадей из страха упасть с дамбы в море; to rein in — остановить/ся/, обуздать, осадить /лошадь/; to top — падать /головой вниз/, опрокидывать/ся/) and this gave Beldan's archers the opportunity they required (и это дало лучникам Белдана возможность, в которой они нуждались = сыграло на руку). Dark sheets of arrows sped from the battlements and into the ranks of the Pony Tribesmen (темные тучи стрел летели со стен /замка/ в ряды варваров из пленен на пони; sheet — лист, простыня; пелена, стена /дождя, снега, огня и т.д./; to speed — мчаться, проноситься). More ponies went down than men, but it added further to the confusion (погибло больше лошадей, чем людей, но это добавило беспорядка = усилило суматоху; to go down — опускаться; ухудшаться, умирать; further — дальнейший, дополнительный; confusion — беспорядок, замешательство).

manoeuvre [mq`nHvq] rein [reIn] required [rI`kwaIqd] confusion [kqn`fjHZ(q)n]

Corum swung himself up into the pony's primitive saddle. For stirrups there were just two leather loops hanging from the girth strap. Painfully, Corum managed to get his feet into these and block the sword blow from the returning rider. Another rider came up now and his sword clanged on Corum's shield. The horses were snorting and trying to rear, but the causeway was so narrow there was little room for manoeuvre and neither Corum nor the other two could use their swords effectively as they tried to control their half-panicked horses.

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